

An Experimental Research on English Reading Teaching of the First-Year Non-English Majors

【作者】 唐棠

【导师】 汪立荣;

【作者基本信息】 广州大学 , 课程与教学论, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 阅读是工作和日常生活中获取信息的一项重要手段,也是语言获得的重要途径之一,因而阅读理解是高校英语教学的目标之一。二十世纪六十年代国内外学者开始致力于阅读理解在理论和实践上的研究。近年来我国英语教学工作者为提高学生阅读理解水平,对图式理论的研究和探讨呈上升趋势,由此推动了图式理论在英语教学领域的实践研究。目前大学英语阅读教学主要采用语法翻译法,然而这种以讲解语法和词汇为重点的教学方法并没有使大学生的阅读理解能力得以显著提高。本文以高校大一非英语专业学生为研究对象,结合具体学习内容讲述如何在阅读前、阅读中和阅读后的课堂教学活动中应用图式理论,注重以激活和积累相关图式为中心展开教学,训练学生提高英语阅读水平。为求证应用图式理论的英语阅读教学法可提高学生的阅读能力并且比传统的语法翻译教学法更有效,本实验研究将随机的两个班级分为控制班和实验班,进行为期16周的教学实验。实验中使用的研究工具有测试和问卷调查。实验的过程如下:实验前1周在两个班级进行阅读测试的前测和问卷。第2-17周在控制班,教师使用语法词汇翻译法进行教学;在实验班则采纳应用图式理论的教学模式。实验后1周两个班级做阅读测试的后测,实验班完成问卷调查Ⅱ。所有的实验数据都如实收集和分析,采用SPSS(13.0 & 17.0)数据统计分析工具对两个班实验前后两次的阅读测试成绩进行比较分析,并使用EXCEL软件分析问卷调查的数据。本研究结果表明,实验班在实验前后差异显著,应用图式理论的教学有效提高了非英语专业学生的阅读理解水平和阅读测试成绩。使用分析实验班学生做实验后问卷的反馈从另一方面肯定了教学的效果。本实验研究有助于推广图式理论在高校英语阅读教学中的应用。阅读教学应侧重培养学生积累和激活语言和内容图式的能力;注重鼓励学生在交互式阅读过程中利用图式的策略提高阅读理解水平和测试成绩;教师应及时调整教学方法以满足学生需求和实现该阶段英语教育的目标。

【Abstract】 Reading is a significant approach of information and language acquisition and reading comprehension is one of the main purposes in teaching and learning at college. Since the 1960s scholars abroad and home began to dedicate to reading comprehension in theory and practice. In recent years in order to improve students’ reading comprehension, Chinese English-teaching professors’ research and discussion on schema theory is kept growing. Thus the experimental research on schema theory in English-teaching field has been promoted.At present the traditional Grammar Translation method is still prevailing in English reading class at college education. However, with the emphasis of grammar and language points, it fails to effectively improve college students’ reading comprehension. This study, targeting first-year non-English majors at college, explores application of schema theory in pre-reading, while-reading and post-reading class activities combined with specific units. The teaching focuses on the schemata accumulation and activation in context to facilitate reading comprehension.An experiment is designed in order to test whether the validity and availability of the schema-based model is more efficient than the traditional Grammar-translation method. Two classes are randomly designed as a control class and an experimental class trained for 16 weeks. The research instruments used in this study were questionnaires and language tests. Before the experiment, the two classes were given the pre-test and the questionnaireⅠ. From the 2nd to 17th week, the control class was taught traditional way characterized as teacher-centered, grammar-word translation base, while the experimental class is treated through applying schema theory to reading teaching. After the 16-week training, all participants were required to do posttest and the experiment class was given the questionnaireⅡ. All the data was carefully collected and analyzed.With the aid of SPSS (13.0 & 17.0) the results of pre and posttest are statistically analyzed, positive conclusions demonstrate that compared with traditional way, teaching applied schema theory has greatly assisted students in accumulating plentiful schemata, activating appropriate schemata to achieve better reading comprehension and better results of reading tests. The analysis of EXCEL software on the post-experiment questionnaire states positively the modified teaching model.This study has showed that implications of the experimental study for teaching are concluded such as lighting on building and activating linguistic and content schemata; employing appropriate schemata in interactive process to enhance comprehension and improve results of reading tests; timely adjustments on teaching method on the basis of need analysis of non-English majors at college so as to meet the needs of students and achieve the goal of college education.

【关键词】 图式理论阅读教学非英专业
【Key words】 Schema theoryEnglish readingnon-English majors
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 广州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 05期
  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【下载频次】54

