

【作者】 张浩

【导师】 高建国;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 改革开放以来,随着经济的飞速发展,我国对矿产资源的需求与日俱增,而目前我们国家各主要矿种的资源保证程度相当低,矿产资源的形势非常严峻,严重威胁着国家的经济安全和社会稳定。为了改变这种形势,我们必须依赖于科技进步,积极探索新的、更有效的现代成矿预测理论与高新技术有机结合的矿产资源预测体系,整体提升我国矿产资源勘查评价水平和科学预测能力,寻找和发现新的矿产资源品种和类型,增加矿产资源的储备,为我国经济安全、高效、持续发展提供资源保证。本论文结合《澜沧上允铜多金属矿勘查区综合信息成矿与靶区快速定位预测》项目的研究需要而选题。收集前人地质资料并对勘查区进行了为期数月的综合地质调研,获得了勘查区多源地学信息,并加于分析、总结,较为全面的认识了勘查区的成矿背景及控矿因素,初步建立了该区综合信息找矿模型;在此基础上,进一步系统研究了国内外成矿预测的先进理论与方法,鉴于该区地学信息仍不够全面、完善、精确,应用BP人工神经网络高度非线性映射的特性,建立了基于BP人工神经网络的勘查区综合信息成矿预测模型,预测结果稳定、良好。通过上述研究,主要获得以下成果和认识:1.地质信息:勘查区处于文东—富邦褶皱束东缘,区内主要由元古代澜沧群变质岩系构成,盖层为中生代地层,区内广泛分布于印支期和燕山晚期花岗岩,在区域变质作用和岩浆侵入作用过程中,伴随锡(钨)、铜、铅锌等成矿作用;区内断裂以北东(北北东)—南西(南南西)向为主,常被北西—南东向切割,局部切割关系相反且明显的反映了在花岗岩内、外接触带对锡(钨)、铜、铅(锌)、银等矿产起重要控制作用。其中邦威水平—那阮北北东—南南西断裂带是重要铜多金属的控矿断裂带;燕山晚期花岗岩体中的北西向断裂带对锡(钨)矿化具有明显的控制作用;2.遥感信息:勘查区内各方位的线性构造均有发育,其中NE向和NW向线性构造线性特征清晰,控制了该区地形地貌的发育,是相对较新的构造,二者也常常相伴出现,具有共轭的特点。环形构造反映断裂构造、岩体等的环带性,在邦威水库、邦威上寨、那阮、红毛岭等地均显示不同环形构造存在,且环内的线性构造发育,应是成矿的有利部位;3.地球物理信息:地球物理勘查后共获异常17个,其中,Ⅰ类异常(有找矿意义)1个、Ⅱ类异常(有一定找矿意义)为4个、Ⅲ类异常(性质不明)为4个、Ⅳ类异常(无找矿意义)为8个;所有的激电异常处于澜沧群惠民组(Pthm)地层上,靠近澜沧群惠民组(Pthm)地层与花岗岩接触带上,此接触带有一定的找矿前景;4.地球化学信息:采用地层地球化学和构造地球化学研究,确定了该区成矿元素地球化学背景和异常,圈定了有利异常区域,提出矿化异常的形成与后期构造密切相关,成矿元素具有明显的分带特征;岩体内部为高温度矿床、接触带附近为高—中温矿床,外部为中低温矿床,成矿元素水平分带现象较为明显;6.综合信息定位预测:论述了人工神经网络BP模型在成矿预测应用中的可行性与优越性,合理设计网络结构,建立了该区的综合信息成矿预测模型,从而量化了勘查区内所有预测样本的成矿有利度,绘制出成矿有利度等值线图,圈定了四个靶区。为以后的地质找矿工作奠定了良好的基础。

【Abstract】 Since the reforming and opening to the outside world, with the rapid development of economy, it is growing day by day in demanding for mineral resource in our country, but the resource guarantee degree of major kinds of mineral resource in our country is quite low, and the supply situation of mineral resource is very severe, so it has already severely threatened the economical security and the social stabilization of our country. To change this situation, we must depend on the improvement and advance of the progress in science and technology, and research actively and find out the new and more effective mineral resource prognosis system combining the modern metallogenic prognosis theories and high-tech, to advance whole the level of the mineral resource survey and resource estimation and the ability of scientific prognosis of our country, to search and find alternative mineral resource varieties, to increase the reserve of mineral resource, to provide the sufficient resource guarantee for the secure, highly effective and continual economical development of our country.The reserch based on a project named< The polymetallic deposits potential evaluation and exploration analysis of Pb and Zn in the region of Dian-Chuan-Qian>. After collecting and consulting so many data and information on target area for months, we obtained quite a lot multi-source geological information. We analyzed and concluded the information, and formed a comprehensive recognition of background and main factor that controls the mineralizing, and build an mineral-exploration model based on target overall data initially. We also further study the advanced mineralizing and exploring theories in domestic and abroad, and due to the insufficient and imprecise data, we use BP neural network to predict the mineralizing possibility, and results turned out to be stable and favorable. After our research, we could draw the conclusion follows:1.Geological information:The targeted Exploration area located at east fold and wendong-fubang, and the main formation consisted of metamorphic rock of LanCang group of Proterozoic, and cap-rock was Mesozoic strata, and wildly spreaded granite which framed in Indosinian and late Yanshanian period. During the process of regional metamorphism and invading of magma, as well as the minerallizing process of Sn (W),Cu and Zn. There is an main fault which direction was northeast to southwest, and cut by a sub-fault which was northeast to southeast, and regional Crosscutting relationship was opposite and take place within the granite rock, and exomorphiczone dominate the mineralizing of Sn (W),Cu and Zn. Besides, the bangwei horizontal-naruan northeast-southwest fault is an important zone to control the mineralizing of Cu. The nouthwest fault within the granite with was formed during the late Yanshanian period played an important role in mineralizing of Sn (W). 2.Remote sensing information:A linear structure were developed in the exploration area, among which NE and NW direction linear structure were so clearly, and dominate the development of topography in this area which was a new, and happened with each other which has a characteristic of conjugation. Ring tectonic structures reflected the fracturing activities, and the existence of ring tectonic structures were found in nawei reservior, weibang village, naruan and hongmao mountain. In such area, the linear tectonic structures were well-developed which is an Favorable positions for mineralizing.3. geophysical information:Geophysical exploration has gain 17 abnormal site. There is oneⅠ-abnormal which has exploration value, and fourⅡ-abnormal which has certain exploration value, and 4Ⅲ-abnormal which is unclear, as well as eightⅣ-abnormal which has no exploration value. All of the electric abnormal site located at huimin Group of langcang, and the region near the huimin groud which is above the granite formation has certain degree of exploration value.4. geochemical information:Adopted geochemical and tectonogeochemical research, we ensure the geochemical background and abnormal of mineralizing elements, and determined the valuable abnormal region and raised the correlation of post-mineralizing abnormal with later tectonic activities, and mineralizing elements has a great characteristic of distincted distribution. For high temperature rock bed within the rockmass, and high-medium temperature rock bed near the contact zones, also the medium-low temperature rock bed in outer rockmass, and Ore-forming elements horizontal distribution phenomenon is relatively obviously.6. Comprehensive information positioning prediction:We discussed the useful and advantage of BP neural network in mineralizing prediction, and reasonably designed network structure and built the mineralizing prediction model based on comprehensive information to quantificat the value of each Exploration area. We also mapped the contour map based on value of each area, and ascertain four targeted sites. Our research has laid an important ground for our mineralogy prospecting works.


