

Based on Cognitive Psychology Emotional Design Web

【作者】 钮玉

【导师】 袁涛;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 设计艺术学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 当今时代,互联网快速发展,未能关注情感化设计的网页已经不能满足浏览者的新需要,浏览这样的网络页面,不能使用户感到亲切和便捷,反而有被疏远、冷漠的感觉。众多浏览者恰恰由于网页的繁琐、难以理解而不能适应。用户惧怕面对冰冷的页面,以致失去了体验信息时代带来的愉悦及便捷的机会,情感化不足的设计使得网络变成令人恐惧的科技怪胎。所以在异常激烈的市场竞争之下,网页类产品只具备强有力的功能以及技术是难于令人满意的。针对这些问题,本研究提出以认知心理学为支撑的情感化设计应作为当今网络时代网页设计的重点。而今我们的网页设计应该从重视技术转向重视用户情感设计,进行深入研究才能使这些问题得到解决,让用户可以从网络页面中体会到一个便捷简易且温馨、快乐、时尚、与众不同的信息世界。一个网页设计能否成功,除了其具有设计美感的版面布局,美丽的色彩,华丽的动画效果之外,还必须具有易用度以及用户的可接受程度,即我们常说的情感化设计。作为寻求理想化及艺术化生活模式的一个恒久的设计意境,网页的情感化设计是与认知审美以及情感价值相符合的。从某种意义而言,设计艺术不断完善以及提升过程即人类认知、情感与思想不断发展的过程,两者是共同进步的。所以,网页的情感化设计成为网页设计的根本要求,并且也是网页艺术创作中必须尽早处理的问题。当前我国的网页设计在情感化方面的研究还有待提高,所以必须对此进行研究。本研究经文献著作等资料及案例的分析,对网页设计的发展,以及国内外网页设计现状进行调查研究,通过情感化的三种层次水平的分析,基于认知心理学理论阐述了通过利用适宜的知觉需要进行网页设计,强调在设计中掌握用户的注意加工容量以及选择性,合理运用设计来对记忆的弱点进行补充,对创建具有强大情绪感染力的网页提出合适方法以及注意要点等。提出了情感化网页设计的五个原则,即定位准确、技术合理、可用性强、统一形象和突出个性。情感化是网页设计的核心要素,情感化设计符合网络用户的情感需求,是网页艺术性的高级表现形式,是高科技网页设计中的情感补充。而认知心理学是提高当下网页设计水平的高效途径。在建构浏览者便于使用且令他们喜爱的情感化网络站点中,对认知心理学的学习和研究是非常重要的。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of the network, the last page user interface design has also been unable to meet the new demand. How to effectively improve the interface design has become the emotional need to solve today’s era of the critical issues website. But in reality there are too many ignore the feelings of the web interface design, the use of such interface, not only can not make people feel warm and convenient, but have been alienated, indifferent, or even the feeling of being fooled. Many people precisely because the web interface of the complex, obscure and can not adapt, not because these people can not face the indifference of the page to bring the information age to enjoy the pleasure and convenience, not emotion of the page to make people fear the network as technology monster. Our web design should be from the "technology first" design the user to attach importance to the development of emotional design, to study in order to solve these problems, so that people feel from the web interface in an easy to use and full of warmth, joy, art world of information and personalized.The success of web interface design, not only because of its beautiful layout, harmonious colors, brilliant animation of the decision, but more is determined by its ease of use and acceptability of the people, that is we call emotional design. Web interface design is our emotional idealistic, artistic design life of an eternal realm, is consistent with our human aesthetic, cognitive and emotional value. A certain level, the design process of continuous development and upgrading is a person’s understanding, feelings and ideas of continuous improvement process. Therefore, the emotional web interface design web design is an essential requirement, but also the art website which should shake face an urgent need to solve the problem.China’s current network interface design in the emotional status of research also is not optimistic, so the need for research. In this paper, the literature and case studies, development of web design, web design and status of international research, through the emotional level of the three levels of analysis, and cognitive psychology point of view expounded by the perceived need to design a reasonable application web interface, pay attention to grasp the user’s attention in the design of the processing capacity and selectivity, the use of memory to make up for weaknesses in the design, designed in the emotional appeal of the network interface of the methods and precautions.This conclusion is, emotional design is the essence of web design requirements, because emotional designed to meet the emotional needs of network users, is the most advanced web interface artistic form of expression, is the emotional high-tech web design supplement. And cognitive psychology is to improve the level of the current era of web interface design effective means, it can promote constructivist learning and research users easy to use and emotional by their favorite Web sites.


