

The Research and Application of Liaoning Shuguang Automotive Group Wastewater Treatmenet Project Management

【作者】 张琳琳

【导师】 张升文;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 2003年,胡锦涛总书记提出科学发展观,可持续发展成为我国中长期发展的首要战略。为了全面落实科学发展观,加快构建社会主义和谐社会,实现全面建设小康社会的奋斗目标,环境保护被摆在了更加重要的战略位置上。我国的水资源情况是人均水资源较少且时空分布不均,水资源供需矛盾突出。辽宁曙光汽车集团股份有限公司(以下简称曙光汽车集团)是水资源污染物排放大户,污染高,能耗多的企业将失去竞争力,因此建设新的污水处理及回用系统成为公司在企业纵深化发展过程中迫在眉睫需要解决的瓶颈问题。曙光汽车集团废水处理工程采用曝气生物滤池技术(Biological Aerated Filter简称BAF),该技术具有基建投资小、占地面积小、承受负荷高、出水水质高、运行能耗低、运行费用小的特点,经过处理后的水质可以达到国家规定的中水回用标准,同时为企业降低了用水费用和排污费用。曙光汽车集团废水处理工程项目的实施过程采用项目管理理论和方法进行了行之有效的管理。本文作者作为项目组成员,跟踪并指导该项目的设计、准备、施工、试运行系统的全过程,首先对曙光汽车集团废水处理工程项目使用有效的项目组织管理形式,然后对该项目实施过程中的进度、成本、质量等相关核心问题进行了分析和研究,提出了基于项目管理理论的综合解决方案。由于该项目实施过程中,有效地运用了项目管理学中的理论方法和知识体系,最终达到了进度、成本、质量的统一。按照工程要求顺利地完成了整个废水处理工程,并提前两天完成,在质量保障、生产保障、经济效益和社会效益等方面,都实现了预期的效果。曙光汽车集团废水处理工程项目实施过程表明:将项目管理有关理论的研究成果应用于工程项目中,能够更好地指导工程项目实施,从而使企业在工程项目的实施过程中,能够得到良好的经济效益、社会效益以及环境效益,实现企业可持续发展、节约成本和提高企业竞争力的目的。这对于相同类型工程的项目管理具有一定的借鉴作用。

【Abstract】 In 2003, in the party congress general secretary Hu jintao puts forward the scientific concept of development, sustainable development become China’s long-term development of the primary strategic. In order to carry out the scientific development concept and accelerate the establishment of a socialist harmonious society and realizing the comprehensive construction affluent society’s goal, environmental protection is more important in the strategic position. China’s water resources situation is per capita water less time and space distribution is uneven, and the contradiction of supply and demand of water resources. Liaoning Shuguang Automotive Group Co. Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as SG Automotive Group) is water pollutants emitters, pollution and high energy consumption, more than firms will lose competitiveness, so the construction of a new sewage treatment and reuse system become the company in the enterprise in the process of the development of the deepening the immediate need to solve the problem of the bottleneck. SG Automotive Group wastewater treatment projects using Biological Aerated filters technology (Biological Aerated Filter "BAF), the technology has little investment in infrastructure, cover an area of an area small, bear a heavy load high, high water quality, running low energy consumption, low operating cost, the characteristics of small treated water quality can meet the state water reuse standard, and reduce the cost for the enterprise with water and sewage costs.SG Automotive Group wastewater treatment engineering project implementation process USES the project management theory and methods of effective management. In this paper the author as team members, tracking and guide the project design, preparation, construction, commissioning the whole process of the system, first of SG Automotive Group wastewater treatment engineering project use effective project management organization form, and then in the project progress in the implementation of, cost, quality and other related core problem analysis and study on the project management theory is proposed based on the comprehensive solutions. As the project implementation process, the effective use of project management theory and methods of the knowledge system, and finally achieved the schedule, cost, quality, and unity. According to the engineering requirements on the smooth completion of the wastewater treatment engineering, and in two days to finish, quality guarantee, the production security, economic benefits and social benefits, achieve the expected effect.SG Automotive Group wastewater treatment engineering project implementation process shows that the project management about the research results of the theory is applied in engineering project, better able to guide the engineering project implementation, so as to make the enterprise in the engineering project implementation process, can get good economic benefit and social benefit and environmental benefits, the realization enterprise sustainable development, save costs and enhance the competitiveness of enterprises purpose. The same type of engineering for project management has certain reference.

  • 【分类号】X703;F426.471
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】81

