

Our Country Civilian Airport Project Financing Research

【作者】 李政

【导师】 陈修权; 李国杰;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 项目管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 项目融资起源于20世纪50年代,并于20世纪70年代末80年代初在国际上兴起,是一种不同于传统的企业融资(亦称为公司融资)的新的融资方式。它具有筹资功能强、有效解决大型项目筹资、融资模式灵活多样、减轻政府财政负担的特点,因而被广泛应用。其中的BOT融资方式,被越来越多的发达国家和发展中国家在进行基础设施建设项目融资中采用。我国白20世纪80年代中后期开始运用项目融资方式引进外资以来,在深圳沙角B电厂、上海黄浦江延安东路隧道复线工程、广州至深圳高速公路、三亚凤凰机场等基础建设项目上得到了运用,并已取得初步成效。然而,在民用机场建设方面,成功运用项目融资的方式解决我国民用机场建设投资大,回收期长等诸多实际问题的案例可谓凤毛麟角。要实现民航基础设施建设的跨越式发展,还需要进一步加强对项目融资模式审批政策的研究和项目融资模式具体法律问题的研究,采取措施降低外汇风险,进一步规范收益担保机制,提高发起人的信誉度,加强项目融资专门人才的培养,为我国充分利用项目融资方式有效的引进外资创造良好的条件和环境,从而提高我国的民用机场建设速度。本文通过对我国民用机场融资现状以及存在问题的介绍与分析,提出拓宽融资渠道和采用科学的融资方法的必要性,继而通过对项目融资模式概念和项目融资模式与传统融资模式对比的优越性,特别是BOT模式和ABS模式的含义、模式比较,以及项目融资结构、项目融资在我国的发展和项目融资的风险、担保的阐述,提出我国运用BOT模式进行民用机场建设的必要性和可行性,并针对民用机场项目融资存在的问题,提出解决问题的对策,进而通过对民用机场项目融资的实例分析,模拟了在我国采用BOT模式实现民用机场建设的实效性,为我国在大力发展民航基础设施建设过程中解决融资问题提供思路。希望本文的论述能有助于我国民用航空事业的发展,为我国早日实现民航强国的战略目标做出微薄的贡献。

【Abstract】 Project financing originated in the 1950’s, in the 1970’s and 80’s in the intern-ational on the emergence, is a different from the traditional enterprise financing (als-o called the financing) new financing ways. It has the financing function effectively solve large-scale projects strong, flexible financing, financing mode, ease the gover-nment financial burden characteristics, and has been widely used. One of the BOT financing way, by many developed countries and developing countries more and mo-re use, building infrastructure project financing.Since the 1980s in China begin using middle way of project financing since the introduction of foreign capital in shenzhen, ShaJiao B power plant, Shanghai huan-gpu river yanan road tunnel multiple tracks, guangzhou and shenzhen highway, sanya phoenix airport construction projects are already using, some preliminary results. H-owever, in the civil airport construction, successful use of project financing approac-h to solving the civil airport construction investment in China, long recovery many practical problems is rare actual cases. To realize the civil aviation infrastructure con-struction of leapfrog development and also need to further enhance the project finan-cing pattern approval policy research, project financing model of concrete legal issues, take measures to reduce foreign exchange risk, further regulating the income gu-arantee mechanism and improve the credibility of promoters of project financing, str-engthen the cultivation of talents in our country and make full use of project financi-ng way of introducing the foreign capital effectively create favorable conditions and environment in China, so as to improve the civil airport construction speed.Based on the current situation of China’s civil airport financing and analysis of pr-oblems,proposed to broaden the financing channels and the use of scientific methods of financing need,and then through the concept of project financing and project financing m-odel contrasts with the traditional financing advantages, especially BOT model and AB-S mode of meaning, patterncomparison, and project financing structure, project financ-ing in China’s development and project financing risk, the elaboration of security, Chin-a pr-oposed the use of BOT model for construction of civil airports in the necessity and fea-sibility, and for civil airport project financing problems,propose solutions to this p-roblem, and then through the civilian airport project finance case studies, simulation of t-he BOT model in our country to achieve the effectiveness of the construction of civil airports, civil aviation of China’s great efforts to develop infrastructure in the process of building provide ideas to solve the financing problem.I hope this discussion can help the development of China’s civil aviation industr-y, air power for the early realization of China’sstrategic goal to make a modest contribut-ion.

【关键词】 民用机场项目融资BOT可行性
【Key words】 Civil airportsProject financingBOTFeasibility
  • 【分类号】F562
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】323

