

Xi’an Fitness Club Fitness Trainer Development SWOT Analysis

【作者】 刘莉媛

【导师】 匡小红;

【作者基本信息】 西安体育学院 , 体育教育训练学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 如今,随着人们对自身健康状况以及外在形象的重视程度加深,更多的人希望自己能在健身的过程中,得到专职教练为自己量身打造的“健身指导”,少点盲目,少走些弯路。聘请健身私人练成为了一种新消费理念和新生活方式,因此,私人教练逐渐在中国以及西安普及。但是目前,西安健身市场上私人教练素质水平参差不齐,制约了行业的发展。对私人教练进行全面的调查研究,规范行业发展,更好的建设私人教练队伍。本文以西安市健身俱乐部私人教练为研究对象。运用文献资料法、专家访谈法、问卷调查法、数理统计法、SWOT分析法等研究方法,对西安市健身俱乐部私人教练各方面的现状进行调查,分析其优势、劣势以及面临的机遇和威胁,在此基础上得出SWOT矩阵并提出发展对策,为更好、更规范的建设西安市健身俱乐部私人教练队伍提供参考。本研究得出如下结论:1、西安市私人教练的SWOT分析:1)优势:私人教练队伍年龄年轻化;具有良好的从业动机;薪酬中等偏高;良好的专业背景;具备更扎实的专项基础知识、专项知识、专项能力;具备良好的心理素质;2)劣势:私人教练男女性别比例失调;缺乏比赛经验;从业年限短,经验不足;资格培训认证市场混乱;缺乏硕士学历人才;教练跳槽频率高,流动性较大;营销、外语、计算机、法律等辅助知识储备不足;科研经费短缺,科研能力、创新能力较低;3)机遇:中国出台了相应的私人教练培训体制;后奥运时期政府支持以及新一期《全民健身计划纲要》的颁布;全民对健身的深层次理解、全民健身规模的迅速发展;人均收入大大提高,消费健身理念的提高,群众购买体育用品和健身消费成为时尚;4)威胁:俱乐部之间竞争的激烈;会员要求的提高。2、西安市私人教练队伍发展的对策:1)完善健身俱乐部管理体制,提供良好的发展平台;2)抓住发展机遇,形成俱乐部与高校协作培养模式;3)规范培训市场,全面推广、执行中国“私人教练”资格认证;4)形成强强联手,共同发展的新局面。

【Abstract】 Now, as people to oneself health condition and the external image importance to deepen, and more people are hoping to fitness, in the process of full-time coach for his get custom-made2 "fitness guidance", a bit less blind, little take some detour. Employ fitness private practice in order to a new consumption idea and a new way of life, therefore, private coach gradually in China and xian popularity. But at present, xian fitness market private coach quality level uneven, restricted the development of the industry. Private coach for the investigation of the development of the industry, regulate, better construction private coach team.Taking xian fitness club personal trainer for research object. By using the methods of documentation, expert interview, questionnaire and mathematical statistics, the SWOT analysis and other methods, to xian fitness club private coach various aspects of the status of the investigation, analyzes its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of that, based on the SWOT matrix and puts forward some development countermeasures, for better and more normative construction xian fitness club private coach team to provide thereference.Conclusion:this study1, xian private coach SWOT analysis:1) advantage:private coach team age young; Good working motivation; Salary medium high; Good professional background; Have the more solid special foundation knowledge, special knowledge and special ability; Good psychological quality; 2) disadvantage:private coach gender imbalance; Lack of competition experience; From fixed number of year short, lack of experience; Qualification authentication confusion of market; training Lack of master degree personnel; Coach job-hopping higher frequencies, liquidity bigger; Marketing, foreign language, computer, law and other auxiliary knowledge reserve shortage; Research fund shortage, scientific research ability, innovation ability inferior; 3) opportunity: China issued a corresponding personal trainer training system; The Olympic period after the government support and new issue "national fitness program of the promulgation of the; The deep understanding of fitness referendum, the rapid development of nationwide fitness scale; Income per capita consumption greatly improved, and improve fitness philosophy, the crowd to buy sports and fitness consumption become fashion; 4) threat:the fierce competition between the club; Membership requirements of the improved. 2, xian private coach team development strategy of matrix idea:1) develop advantages; 2) avoid disadvantages.3, xian private coach team development strategy conception Suggestions:1) perfect fitness club management system, provide a good development platform; 2) seize opportunities for development, form the club and university cooperation training mode; 3) standard training market, comprehensive promotion, implementation of China’s "personal trainer" qualification authentication; 4) formation win-win team and common development of the new situation.

【关键词】 西安市健身俱乐部私人教练SWOT分析
【Key words】 xi’anFitness clubprivate coachSWOT analysis

