

University Sports Facilities in Xi’an Management of Status and Strategy’s Research

【作者】 陈世界

【导师】 王德炜;

【作者基本信息】 西安体育学院 , 体育人文社会学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国学校体育事业的快速发展和国家对学校教育投资力度的不断增大,学校体育场馆设施资源不断增加,根据第五次全国体育场地数据普查公报,“在我国现有体育场地(不含新疆生产建设兵团、解放军系统、武警系统和铁路系统)中,分布在校园的有549654个,占全国体育场地总数的67.7%”,由此可见学校体育场地已成为了社会体育场馆的主力军。而高校体育场馆设施是学校贯彻党的教育方针,进行体育教育,培养德、智、体、美、劳全面发展人才的重要基础,同时又是保证学校体育教学、课外体育活动、运动队训练和各项体育竞赛工作正常进行必不可少的物质保证,体育场馆设施的好坏是影响学生参加体育课外活动的重要因素,同时由于高校体育场馆设施具有数量、配置以及管理等方面的优势,利用节假日及学校闲暇时间对社会开放,既能有效的缓解当前社会体育场馆紧张的矛盾,又能弥补高校自身体育经费的不足,因此对高校体育场馆设施管理的研究具有十分重要的意义。西安作为陕西省省会,在全国区域经济布局上,具有承东启西、东联西进的区位优势,在西部大开发战略中具有重要的战略地位,同时也是我国高等院校聚集区,虽然高校体育场馆在西安地区教育系统当中所占比例并不是很大,但就其质量来说是教育系统当中比较好的,因此对西安地区高校体育场馆设施管理的研究具有举足轻重的意义。本研究抽取西安地区19所高校的体育场馆设施的配置、管理情况以及管理工作人员现状为研究对象,采用文献资料法、实地调查法、专家访谈法、数理统计法、逻辑分析法等研究方法对西安地区高校体育场馆设施管理现状进行分析。首先从体育场馆设施资源、场馆管理人员以及场馆设施管理的基本情况来反映西安地区高校体育场馆设施管理的现状。(1)西安地区高校体育场馆设施在配置方面基本可以满足学校体育教学工作的完成、保证运动队的训练和师生的课外活动。(2)体育场馆管理人员在年龄、学历、职称结构等方面有待进一步加强。在体育场馆设施管理人员中既懂建筑、管理又懂体育的人几乎没有,各高校场馆管理人员专业素质普遍不高,专业知识较缺乏。(3)体育设施管理情况较为滞后。大多学校的体育场馆设施都存在浪费、占用的情况,部分体育设施损坏没有及时修理,给体育锻炼参与者的人身安全造成了隐患。体育场馆设施的管理规章制度虽以书面形式明文列出,但实施的可行性、合理性、实用性等都有待改善,更重要的是体育场馆的管理规章制度的实施力度不够,缺少相应严格的监督机制。针对西安地区高校体育场馆设施管理现状及在管理过程当中存在的问题,最后提出的发展建议有:(1)对学校体育场馆必须进行科学的规划设计与布局;(2)应加强体育场馆管理人员的培训;(3)创建体育场馆设施可持续发展的管理机制;(4)加强体育场馆设施的人性化管理。本论文通过对西安地区高校体育场馆设施管理的调查研究,并在此基础上分析得出影响场馆设施管理当中存在的主要问题,针对如何提高高校体育场馆设施管理水平提出了自己的建议及对策,希望以此能够对西安地区高校体育场馆设施管理提供一份有价值的参考依据,为体育事业的发展贡献出自己的一份力量。

【Abstract】 With China’s rapid development of school sports and national investment in school education continues to increase, school sports facilities increased resources, according to the fifth national census bulletin sports data, "in our existing sports venues (excluding Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, the PLA system, the armed police and railway systems), distributed in the campus has 549,654, accounting for 67.7% of the total number of sports, "we can see the school sports stadium has become the main force in society. The university sports facilities in schools implementing the party’s education policy, for physical education, training moral, intellectual, physical, U.S., work an important foundation for comprehensive development of human resources, while ensuring the school physical education, extracurricular activities, sports teams, training and all kinds of sports were essential for working the material guarantee of quality sports facilities are of extra-curricular activities students participate in sports an important factor, and because the number of universities have sports facilities, configuration, and management advantages, the use of holiday and school leisure time on the open society, not only effectively ease the current tension in the contradiction between social sports venues, universities can make up their own lack of sports funding, and therefore the management of sports facilities of university research is of great significance.As the capital of Shaanxi Province in Xi’an, the layout of regional economy in the country, with east and west, the East west of the regional advantages, in the western development strategy has an important strategic position, but also the gathering area of China’s institutions of higher learning, although College Sports Facilities in Xian, the proportion of regional education systems are not great, but its quality is relatively good education system which, therefore, Xi’an University Management of sports facilities have a significant meaning.The study collected Xian 19 college stadiums configuration, management and management staff status quo as the research object, using literature data, field survey, expert interviews, mathematical statistics and logical analysis and other methods of Xian management of sports facilities in Universities to analyze the situation. First, from the sports venues and facilities resources, facility management personnel and management of venues and facilities to reflect the basic situation of university sports venues and facilities in Xian management status quo.(1) xian area in college sports venues allocation can satisfy the school sports teaching basic work done, guarantee the teachers training and sports activities. (2) sports venue management personnel in the age, education background, professional title structure needs further strengthened. In the sports facilities management personnel know both architecture, management and understand almost no sports, various universities venue management personnel generally is not high professional quality, professional knowledge lacks.(3) sports facilities management are lag. Most school sports facilities have waste, occupy, part of the sports facilities, not timely repair damaged the personal safety of the sports participants caused hidden trouble. Sports facilities management regulations in written form expressly lists though, but the feasibility and rationality, practicability etc. Are all remained to be improved; More important is the sports facility management rules and regulations, inadequate lack the implementation of strict supervision mechanism accordingly.Xian area in college sports facilities management status and the problems existing in the management in the process of development, and finally puts forward Suggestions are as follows:(1) to the school sports venues must conduct scientific planning, design and layout; (2) should strengthen sports venue management personnel training; (3) founded the sports facilities management mechanism of sustainable development; (4) strengthen the sports facilities of the humanized management.This paper on college sports venues in xian region facilities management research, and based on this analysis concluding the influence of venue facilities management, the main problems of college sports venues to improve for facilities management level puts forward his own Suggestions and countermeasures, in hopes of xian area to college sports facilities management provides a valuable reference for the development of the sport, contributes an own strength.

【关键词】 西安地区高校体育场馆设施管理
【Key words】 Xi’anuniversitiessports venues facilitiesmanagement

