

Theme Study of Brave New World in the Vision of Ecocriticism

【作者】 耿超

【导师】 王莉娅;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 阿道斯·赫胥黎是20世纪英国著名的小说家、小品文作家、社会评论家、剧作家、诗人、神秘主义者。他一生创作了五十多部各种类型的作品,这些作品涉及到政治、哲学、文学、音乐、美术、建筑、宗教、科学技术等各个方面,为后人的文学研究提供了丰富的素材。本文以阿道斯·赫胥黎的小说《美丽新世界》为文本主线,以主体研究为切入角度,以生态批评主义为理论依据,分析阐述该作品所反映的深刻主题以及现实意义。第一部分简介赫胥黎及其文学成就,《美丽新世界》的故事梗概以及本文的研究重点。通过呈现赫胥黎作品及其思想的国内外研究状况,得出结论,将生态主义批评理论与《美丽新世界》相结合,从全新的角度解读文本的主题意义,也将是一个新的研究方向。第二部分为理论基础部分。首先介绍生态批评主义的起源,然后阐述生态批评的两大领域,即自然生态与精神生态,最后点名生态主义的批评原则,运用该理论来解读赫胥黎的小说,从而展示赫胥黎小说的艺术价值。第三部分为生态批评思想在《美丽新世界》中的体现。《美丽新世界》中存在两个社会,一个是以自然为主导的现实社会——保留地;另一个是科技控制下的未来社会——世界国。本章节中分别选取来自两个世界的代表人物,并对其性格特征的分析。在世界国中,科技是一切的主导,世界国居民的情感甚至通过药丸来控制,没有自己真实的喜怒哀乐,这正体现生态批评对人类征服自然、控制自然的思想的批判,并指出由于人类无穷的欲望最终会导致精神真空化、行为无能化、生活风格的齐一化、存在的疏离化及心灵的拜物化。而与其相对应的自然社会保留地,则是生态批评思想对自然生态的召唤,警醒人们要摆脱科技欲望的束缚,使心灵回归,注重环境,关怀自然。第四部分阐述中所折射出的主题。运用科技控制社会的发展,导致社会已然变为消费社会,并且毫无幸福感可言,感情以不复存在。第五部分主要阐述《美丽新世界》的现实意义,这一对文本解读的“外部研究”有助于我们更深入准确地认识赫胥黎小说的主题以及其现实价值。最后,概括本文得出结论。

【Abstract】 Aldous Huxley is a famous novelist, essay writer, social critic, play writer, poet and mysterist in the 20th England society. He created more than fifty works of different kinds, whose themes include politics, philosophy, literature, music, art, architecture and science and technology. His works provide a great many materials for the literature study.Based on Huxley’s novel Brave New World and by cutting into the theme study as the main view, this thesis analyzes and explains the deep theme and the realistic significance on the theoretical basis of ecocriticism.In Chapter One, I briefly introduce Huxley and his great achievements, the summary of the novel and the focus of my thesis. First, the thesis will present the research situation on Huxley and his thoughts, and then it will analyze the text on the theoretical basis of ecociticism.Chapter Two is the theory foundation which provides huge support for the analysis of the text. This chapter includes the origin of ecocriticism and then states the two fields of ecocriticism—natural ecology and spiritual ecology. What’s more, in this chapter, the principles of ecocriticism are pointed out accurately.In Chapter Three, I mainly analyze the ecocriticism thoughts reflected in Brave New World. Two worlds exist in Brave New World:one is the realistic society Reservation dominated by nature while the other one is World State, a future society under the control of technology. World State is a morbid society in which everything is resigned to technology, including man’s feelings. Ecocriticm is the critique to the abuse of technology. But the Reservation is the reflection of summons to nature embodied in the thoughts of ecocriticism.In Chapter Four, I state the themes embodied in the novel. Under the contro of technology, society will become a consumer society. In such a society, people have no feelings of happiness and they have no ability of love or sadness.Chapter Five expounds the realistic significance of Brave New World. This "external study" which complements the above-mentioned literature—The "internal research", will help us understand the true themes and the full value of Huxley’s novelsThe final part summarizes and concludes this thesis.

【关键词】 赫胥黎生态批评自然科技现实意义
【Key words】 HuxleyEcocriticismNatureTechnologyRealistic Significance

