

The Education of Peasants Subjective Consciousness in the Villagers Self-Government

【作者】 李新

【导师】 赵振霞;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨师范大学 , 科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 我国是一个农业大国,农民占我国总人口的大多数,村民自治是我国基层民主政治建设的重要组成部分,广大农民的主体意识和政治参与水平的高低直接影响着村民自治的发展和我国政治民主化进程,规定并影响着中国政治的发展。农民主体意识的培养是推动村民自治更好发展的内在要求,是推进我国民主政治建设的需要,对于维护我国政治稳定、促进我国政治发展意义重大。目前,广大农民参与村民自治虽然有一定的积极性,但总体来看,其参与的广度和深度都很不足,在村民自治中的主体作用还没有充分发挥出来。这些问题的存在都与村民自治中农民主体意识较弱有关。农民是村民自治的主体,村民自治的运行自然离不开农民的参与。只有提高农民的主体意识,提高农民参政的积极性和主动性,充分发挥农民在村民自治中的主体作用,才会大大促进村民自治的良好运行,实现村民自治又好又快地发展。基于此,本文以村民自治为背景,以提高农民主体意识为核心,对当代中国农民参与村民自治主体意识方面的现状进行了调查、研究,深入探讨了村民自治中制约农民主体意识的主要因素,并相应地提出了提高农民主体意识的对策措施。全文分为五个部分:第一部分:农民主体意识培育概述,主要阐述了村民自治的含义、方式,村民自治中农民主体意识的含义以及农民主体意识的确立在村民自治中的重要意义。第二部分:分析了农民主体地位意识缺失的表现、原因,提出要加强文化教育,加强民主法治教育,进一步完善相关的法律制度,强化农民的现代意识等对策措施;第三部分:分析了农民主体能力意识缺失的表现、原因,提出要淡化政府“代理人”的角色,进一步深化农村改革,实行产业化经营等对策措施;第四部分:分析了农民主体价值意识缺失的表现、原因,提出要加强政府引导,积极发展农村经济,农民积极努力,勤劳致富等对策措施;第五部分:分析了农民主体创新意识缺失的表现、原因,提出农民要积极进行自我改造和自我提升,发挥主人翁作用,不断完善村民自治制度等对策措施。

【Abstract】 China is a large agricultural country, farmers are the majority of China’s total population, and the construction of villager autonomy is an important part of the grassroots democracy. The farmers’subjective consciousness and level of political participation affects the development of villager autonomy, the process of political democracy, and the development of Chinese politics directly. The culture of subjective consciousness is the inherent requirements on promotion of villager autonomy and promotion of our democratic political construction. The culture of subjective consciousness will make a great significance on maintenance of political stability and the promotion of political development. Currently, the farmers who take part in villager autonomy make some positive effects, but overall, the range and quality of their participation are insufficient, the main role in villager autonomy has not been fully realized. These problems are relating to the weakness of farmers’ subjective consciousness. Farmers are the subject of villager’ autonomy, the villager autonomy can not running without the farmers’ participation. Only by improving the consciousness of farmers’ subjective consciousness and improving the enthusiasm and initiative on political participation, take full use of the activity about peasants’ main role in villager autonomy, which will promote the operation of villager autonomy greatly and achieve a rapidly development on villager autonomy. Basing on this phenomenon, this article takes the villager autonomy as the background, takes the subjective consciousness development as central idea, takes some investigation and research at promotion on awareness of farmers as the main role in villager autonomy, discusses the constraints on farmers’ subjective consciousness in villager autonomy, and accordingly takes some proposes to improve the farmers’ subjective consciousness’.There are five parts in the whole paper:the first part is an introduction to peasant subjective consciousness s cultivation, mainly elaborates the meaning and way of the villagers self-government, the meaning of peasant subjective consciousness in the villagers self-government and the important significance of the establishment of the peasant subjective consciousness in the villagers self-government. The second part analyses the expression and reason of the lacking of peasant subjective position consciousness, raising some measures:strengthens their cultural education and democracy and legality education, the laws concerned should be made further perfected, peasants modern consciousness should be strengthened too; The third part analyses the expression and reason of the lacking of peasant subjective ability consciousness, raising such measures:desalinates the role of the government deputy, the reform in the country should be further deepened, the industrial management should be practiced; The fourth part analyses the expression and reason of the lacking of peasant subjective value consciousness, raising such measures:the government should enhance its leading ship, actively developing the economy in the country, letting peasants get rich by working hard; The fifth part analyses the expression and reason of the lacking of peasant subjective making innovations consciousness, raising such measures: peasants should actively self-remold and self-advance, making the most of the role of the masters, and continuously consummating the regulation of the villager s self-government.


