

A Study on Chinese Enterprises’ Investment in Zambia

【作者】 玄兆娟

【导师】 张小峰;

【作者基本信息】 浙江师范大学 , 世界史, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 自从古代以来,中国就与非洲这块神奇的大陆发生着千丝万缕的联系:从明代的郑和数次下西洋走访到东非国家,到二十世纪时摆脱殖民压迫而获得独立、解放从而建立起来的国家类似兄弟之间的互相支持与帮助,再到新世纪的连接双方发展的纽带——中非合作论坛的成立,最后到现如今连续几届论坛的成功举行,我国与非洲国家的联系正如火如荼的进行着。发展,作为世界的两大主题之一,越来越成为众国家关注的对象。我国与多数非洲各国都属于发展中国家。作为世界上人口最多的国家,我国是一个庞大的消费市场,而且伴随着对越来越先进事物的消化与吸收,越来越多的产能相对过剩技术趋于淘汰;而作为古老大地上的成员,非洲国家大多又是发展中国家,但蕴藏着丰富的自然资源,而且因其独立后发展的不一致而存在着巨大的工业发展潜力。正因为此,近年来,我国政府不断出台各种政策,鼓励各类大、中、小型企业走出国门,到非洲大陆上去寻找新的发展空间。本文即为顺应国家发展的大趋势而作的基础研究。论文共分四大部分:第一部分阐述论文研究的理论支持与意义,包括国内外学者关于跨国直接投资的理论综述、论文研究的理论与现实意义等;第二部分以历史发展为序,主要阐述了中非合作背景下的中赞经贸关系,包括中非交往的历史追溯与新中国成立后的中非交往的发展、中赞经贸关系的历史溯源与发展现状并阐述了中国企业进入赞比亚的演进过程;第三部分主要阐述中国企业投资赞比亚研究,包括企业投资赞比亚的机遇以及面临的挑战。在企业拥有的投资机遇部分重点论述了赞比亚国家的宏观和各行业的投资环境,在企业投资时可能面临的挑战方面分别从非洲国家的普遍现象和赞比亚国家的特殊情况两个层次加以阐述,而且,通过实地的调查采访,此部分还总结了当前我国在赞投资的企业在经营中存在的问题;第四部分是论文的结论部分,即为前面所述内容的升华,主要是针对我国企业投资赞比亚的面对的机遇和挑战,结合实地调查,本人提出了相应的投资策略选择,包括我国企业投资赞比亚的主体选择、产业选择、区位选择的主要依据和策略建议以及其他相关的建议措施。希望这些策略建议能够给欲前往赞比亚投资的企业以启示。

【Abstract】 Since ancient times, China and this wonderful continent of Africa have been inextricably linked: from Zheng He’s voyages to the East African countries in the Ming Dynasty, to mutual support and brotherly help between nations to gain independence from colonial oppress ion and to establish the nations in the twentieth century, to the establishment of the bond connecting the development of the two sides-China-Africa Cooperation Forum in the new century, and now finally to the successful holding of successive forums, the development of the link between China and African countries is in full swing.Development, as one of the world’s two major themes, has increasingly become a major concern of all the countries, and China and most African countries are all developing countries. As the world’s most populous country, China has a huge consumer market. Accompanied by increasing digestion and absorption of advanced things, more and more industrial technology tends to be phased out while as members of the ancient land, most African countries are also developing ones but they are rich in resources, and there is huge potential for industrial development because of inconsistent development after independence. For this reason, in recent years, China continuously introduced various policies to encourage large, medium and small-sized enterprises to go to Africa to seek new development space outside the country.This research is conducted in response to the trend of national development.The thesis is divided into four parts.The first part elaborates the theoretical support and significance, including domestic and international studies on FDI, and the theoretical and realistic meanings of the thesis; In the second part, in an order of the historical development, the author elaborates the economic and trade relations between China and Zambia in the context of China-Africa cooperation, including exchanges and development between China and Africa in the history and after New China was founded;The third part elaborates investment of Chinese enterprises in Zambia, including investment opportunities and challenges they are faced with in Zambia. About the opportunities, the author presents the investment climate of Zambia as a whole and in every field. As for the challenges, the author points out them on two levels which are Africa and Zambia separately. At the same time, through the field research and interviews, the author summarizes the current investment problems existing in some Chinese enterprises which are operating in Zambia;The fourth part is the conclusion part, which is the sublimation of the content described above. It brings forth the corresponding investment strategies according to the investment opportunities and challenges of Chinese enterprises in Zambia, combined with the author’s own field survey, including the bases and suggestions of investor options, location options, field options and some other proposed measures to make investment more available.

  • 【分类号】F279.2;F834.73
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】302
  • 攻读期成果

