

The Way of Knowledge: the Formation of the Innovative Culture of University

【作者】 张海玲

【导师】 李承先;

【作者基本信息】 浙江师范大学 , 高等教育学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 创新文化是与一种创新活动相关的文化形态。它以创新实践活动为核心,逐渐形成创新价值观、创新行为方式和创新思维以及创新制度,是在创新实践过程中积淀而成的文化。大学历来是培养人才、传承并创造新知识的重要场所。创新文化作为大学文化的核心内容和本质特征,对培养创新型人才、开展科研创新和引领社会等起着重要的作用。因此,我国高等院校尤其是高水平研究型大学,作为国家创新体系的重要组成部分,应重视并促进引领社会文化发展的创新文化建设,不断提高自主创新能力,提升综合国力。建设大学创新文化,首先应做到“文化自觉”,即明白大学创新文化的来历、形成过程、所具有的特色及其发展的趋向。但是,当前我们对大学创新文化的认识和理解大多停留在背景意义的层面,对什么是创新文化,创新文化的重要性以及创新文化的特征有了一定的认识。这种认识比较表面和片面,常常将大学创新文化单纯地理解为大学创新环境,以致在建设大学创新文化的过程中陷入误区。超脱背景意义的层面,从生成论的角度研究大学创新文化的来历及其形成过程,触及大学创新文化的根源和内核,可以使我们理性地认识我国的大学创新文化,更有助于推进和深化我国大学创新文化的建设。因此,研究大学创新文化的形成问题,是当今高等教育领域值得研究的课题。本文从生成论的视角,探讨大学创新文化的形成问题,以具体创新活动的考察为逻辑起点,探究大学创新文化的缘起和渐趋形成过程,分析大学创新文化形成的特点,并对当前大学创新文化的建设进行反思,最后提出了对大学创新文化建设的启示。首先,通过对创新、文化以及创新与文化关系的研究入手,对创新文化的涵义进行了界定,提出本文大学创新文化的涵义;其次,分析牛顿的具体创新过程、创新个体文化的缘起和形成以及创新文化的逐渐形成,探讨大学创新文化的缘起;再次,探讨了创新文化入主大学后,大学创新文化的逐渐形成,经历了包括大学创新思想的生成、大学创新习俗的养成、大学集体无意识创新的沉淀以及大学创新制度的形成四个阶段;最后,根据大学创新文化的形成,分析了大学创新文化形成的特点,并提出了大学创新制度须有创新价值、习俗和集体无意识的滋养、充分发挥学术共同体和校长的作用以及大学创新文化的建设需要持久不断的践行四个方面的启示。

【Abstract】 The innovative culture is a cultural form which is related to a kind of creative activities. It is accumulated in the process of practice in innovation which core is innovation practice activity, gradually forming innovation value, innovation behavior and innovative thinking and innovation system. University is an important places training talents, inheriting and creating new knowledge. The innovative culture is the core content and nature of university culture, cultivating creative talents, conducting scientific research innovation and leading society plays an important role. Therefore, universities especially high level research university in China as an important constituent of national innovation system, should pay attention to and promote the development of innovation to lead the social cultural construction, improve the ability of independent innovation, enhance national comprehensive strength.Building the innovative culture of university, firstly we should do "cultural consciousness", i.e., understand the origin of the innovative culture of university, the formation process, the characteristic and its development trend. However, now our recognition still stay in the significance background of level about what is the innovative culture of university.We have a certain understanding.about the importance of culture and the characteristic of innovative culture. This kind of understanding is surface and one-sided, often simply understanding the innovative culture of university as the university innovation environment, so that in the process of building the innovative culture of university come into error. Beyond the background significance of levels, I am exploring the origin of the innovative culture of university and its forming process from the perspective of produce, touching the source and kernel of the innovative culture of university, so that we can make an rational understanding about the innovative culture of university, and help us to improve and deepen the construction of the innovative culture of university. Therefore, I am studying the formation of the innovative culture of university,which is a valuable research field in modern higher education.I discussed the formation of the innovative culture of university from the generative theory perspective in this paper, and explored the origin of the innovative culture of university and the gradually forming process, analysized the forming characteristic of the innovative culture of university, and reflected the construction of the innovative culture of university, and finally putted forward some enlightenments about the innovative culture of university, with specific innovation activities as a logical starting point. First, I come up with the meaning of the innovative culture of university through defining the its meaning, from studying innovation,culture and their releation; Then, I analyze the origin of the forming of the innovative culture of university in the article, from studying Newton’s the concrete innovation process,the origin of individual innovation culture and gradually the forming of the innovative culture.Again, I explor, after innovation culture capturing university, the forming of the innovative culture of university, which experiences four stages, including the generation of the university innovation thought, the forming of the university innovation customs, the precipitation of the collective unconscious innovation of the university, and the forming of the innovation institution of university; Finally, according to the formation of the innovative culture of university, I analyze the characteristics of the innovative culture of university, and put forward four aspects enlightenment about the continuous of the innovative culture of university, including the innovation institution of university needing the supporting of the generation of the university innovation thought, the forming of the university innovation customs, the precipitation of the collective unconscious innovation of university, full play to the role of academic community and principals and construct the innovative culture of university lasting


