

Research on the New Energy Vehicles Development Strategy of FV Firm

【作者】 任罡

【导师】 庞晓波;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 工商管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 汽车产业是带动国民经济的支柱产业,涉及到的前向和后续相关产业范围之广对促进国民经济发展起到的作用至关重要。进入本世纪以来,汽车使用量的爆发式增长,随之带来的是能源紧缺和环境污染问题的加剧。经济危机的爆发等因素加速了各国对新能源汽车相关技术的研发和新能源汽车的推广应用。另一方面,新能源汽车产业的不断发展,也带动了整个汽车产业发展方向的转型。目前,国家已经把发展新能源汽车作为战略性新兴产业之一。我国正处在汽车产业结构调整和发展的关键时期,面对金融危机和国际汽车市场的影响,新能源汽车产业的发展让中国汽车产业在自主创新方面看到了希望,我们既有机会在汽车产业革命中加快发展,借机缩短我国汽车行业的整体水平与国外汽车强国之间的差距,形成自己的技术特色和新的竞争优势,同时,新能源汽车又具有巨大的潜在市场需求。这对于国内车企如何在新的竞争格局下确定发展模式起到了重要的方向引导作用。我国是传统汽车工业大国,更是新兴的汽车消费大国,目前各种规模的汽车整车生产企业多达100余家,汽车保有量也已经跃居为世界第一。而且我国有着丰富的能源储备,人力成本和资金成本又相对不高,这为发展新能源汽车提供了许多有利条件。目前,作为国家战略性新兴产业,我国新能源汽车产业还处于刚刚起步阶段,电动汽车产业化规模的形成还受各类技术和其它方面的条件制约,因此在短时间内还难以形成经济规模,这同时也是摆在中国乃至全世界汽车行业面前的难题。本文在介绍新能源汽车发展历程和我国新能源汽车发展现状的基础上,对FV公司新能源汽车产业的发展面临的内外部环境和新能源汽车战略的制定、实施、控制进行了深入的分析,并在借鉴了美日欧新能源汽车发展经验的基础上分析了FV公司新能源汽车的发展战略,同时对FV公司新能源汽车研发体系的构建和产品结构的设计给出建议,以期有助于FV公司在新能源汽车产业的发展中能够快速起步与推进,力争达到该技术领域的先进水平。

【Abstract】 The automotive industry is a pillar industry which promotes the state economic development, so it is essential to promote the national economic development because it involves not only prior but also follow-up to the wide range of related industries. Since the beginning of this century, the amount of car use explosively grew followed by the problem of energy shortage and environmental pollution. The economic crisis and other factors accelerated the national car-related technologies for new energy research and development of new energy vehicles applications. At the same time, the new energy automotive industry continues to evolve, also contributed to the direction of the entire auto industry restructuring. Now our country has to implement the development of new energy vehicles as one of the strategic emerging industries. China is in the period of auto industry restructuring and the critical development, in the face of financial crisis and the international automobile markets, the development of new energy automobile industry in China makes us see the hope of independent innovation, we can not only in the automotive industry revolution opportunities accelerate development, but also take the advantage of the opportunity to reduce the gap between foreign auto power and the overall level of China’s auto industry and form our own technical characteristics and new competitive advantage, while the new energy vehicles has a very large potential market demand, which has played an important role in guiding the direction for the domestic car enterprises in the new competitive landscape development model.China’s automobile industry is a traditional great power, but also the emerging automotive consumer, the current automobile manufacturers of all sizes increased to 100, our car ownership has also been ranked as the world’s first. Our rich energy resources, labor costs and relatively low cost of capital, which offer many advantages for the development of new energy vehicles. Currently, as a national strategic emerging industries, China’s new energy automotive industry is still in its infancy stage, the scale of the formation of electric car industry is also affected by a variety of technical and restricted by other aspects of the conditions, so in a short time it is difficult to form industry scale, which is placed in front of China and the world auto industry problems. This paper introduces the new energy vehicle development process and the development status of China’s new energy vehicles, based on the above points, I put depth analysis on the internal and external environment and strategy formulation and implementation which the FV’s development of new energy automotive industry are facing, I also analyzed the FV’s new energy vehicle development strategy based on the experience learned from American and Europe countries ,while I also give my own advice on the designing of the new energy vehicle development system and product construction hoping that FV in the development of new energy in the automotive industry can be able to progress quickly, as soon as possible to match the field of advanced technology.

【关键词】 FV公司新能源汽车战略差异化
【Key words】 FV firmnew energy vehiclesstrategydifferentiation
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 05期
  • 【分类号】F426.471
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】412

