

A Slow Cortical Potential Study of Potential Study of Emotional Autobiographical Memory Retrieval

【作者】 王雅丽

【导师】 秦金亮;

【作者基本信息】 浙江师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 情绪性自传记忆的研究一直是自传记忆研究中最有生命力,也是最有挑战的研究领域。在情绪性自传记忆的提取加工研究中一直存在两种争论,一是Conway等人以物体,地点与情绪作为线索词提取自传记忆并同步记录EEG,通过慢电位分析,证明了情绪性自传记忆的提取过程是生成提取;一是Fink等人以听觉呈现句子,通过让被试回想经历事件与想象事件的PET研究证明情绪性自传记忆的提取是直接提取。本文正是在此基础上,以自传记忆提取的认知神经科学的视角,进一步探究情绪性自传记忆提取神经机制的时间特性及情绪效应。32名大学生(14名男生,18名女生)被试参加实验,实验中通过对积极和消极情绪各25个线索词来提取情绪性自传记忆,同步记录提取进程中的EEG。提取实验结束后,对提取到的情绪性自传记忆的回忆内容作出评价。本实验提出如下假设:(1)在脑电活动水平检验情绪对记忆提取的作用是促进还是抑制,即:情绪性自传记忆的提取是生成提取还是直接提取?(2)不同效价的线索诱发自传记忆在提取和保持阶段是否有偏侧化效应,即积极情绪性自传记忆与消极情绪性自传记忆是否有左右半球优势?(3)情绪性自传记忆提取是否存在性别差异?本实验研究结果表明:1、情绪性自传记忆的提取时生成提取,但是也可能有直接提取的参与。情绪性自传记忆的提取与保持阶段的脑电反映出从左半球(额叶和中央)到右半球(顶叶和后颞)。左侧额叶的活动反应了中央调控系统对与记忆模板提取的脑区活动,是工作自我的活动脑区;右侧后颞和顶叶是自传知识库的表征脑区。自传记忆移除阶段,慢电位的负向漂移达到最大值,反映了随着时间的推移,情绪性自传记忆的各个层次的自传知识库在持续地激活。2、自传记忆提取中情绪效价没有显著的差异,积极情绪性自传记忆和消极情绪性自传记忆的提取分享共同的脑区。但是个体对积极情绪事件的回忆要快于消极事件,积极自传记忆在记忆保持阶段表现为更大的负波,且在右半球的活动中,积极情绪自传记忆比消极情绪自传记忆负波更大。积极情绪自传记忆事件的生动性更高,个人重要性更强,回想起的频率也更高,距离现在更近,且这种差异显著。但是消极情绪自传记忆事件回忆时,情绪体验强度要高于积极情绪事件,差异显著。3、女性比男性更容易回忆情绪性自传记忆:情绪性自传记忆提取中女性的提取速度要显著快于比男性;自传记忆提取阶段性别差异显著;保持阶段,性别差异不显著。

【Abstract】 Emotional autobiographical memory (AM) was the most dynamic and most challenging area of AM research. There were two arguments in emotional AM retrieval process. First, Conway et who used objects, places and emotional cues to evoke AM and analyzed the synchronize records of EEG changes in slow cortical potentials proved that AM was generative retrieve. Another PET research by Fink et who used sentences to evoke participants’ real events and imagined events showed that emotional AM was direct retrieve.In this case, my study was further research on the neural mechanisms of time course and emotional effects as an emotional AM formed in people’s mind in the perspective of the cognitive neuroscience.32(14male, 18famele) healthy college students were assigned to recall their AMs according to 50 emotional cues: 25 positive emotional cues and 25 negative ones. EEG changes in slow cortical potentials recorded at the scalp were tracked while participants retrieved positive and negative emotional autobiographical memories and then held them in mind. After the memory retrieval phase, participants were asked to recall the memories and evaluate each of them. The study was to answer the following questions:(1) The role of emotion on memory retrieval was to promote or inhibit; or whether emotional AM retrieve processing was directed retrieve or generate retrieve; (2) Weather lateralization effect caused by different event’s emotion valence: a positive emotional AM for the left hemisphere activation, negative AM for the right hemispheric dominance activity; (3)Was there gender difference in emotional AM retrieve processing? The results were as follows:1. The electrophysiological evidence of the study showed that emotional AM retrieval was generative retrieval, but there may be also include direct retrieval. Date from average amplitude of EEG in the SCP showed the following results: a. During the AM retrieve phase, negative slow wave was observed in left frontal and central. This pattern reflects the operation of the working self on the autobiographical knowledge base as a specific memory was generated within the SMS; b. During the AM hold-in-mind phase, negative slow wave was observed in right parietal and posterior temporal, AM knowledge base reflected at the right side. c. During the memory removed form mind, the amplitude of negative slow wave were going to maximum, and then the negative wave reduced to baseline. This reflected each levels of AM knowledge was emerging following the retrieve processing.2. Both positive emotional AM and negative emotional AM shared the same region. Date from average amplitude of EEG in the SCP showed that emotion valence had no significant difference. But people recalled positive emotional AM faster than negative emotional AM, positive AM appeared more negative wave than negative AM when held a memory in mind, and the positive cues were more negative than negative cues in right side. Date from the behavioral analysis showed that positive emotional AM participants recalled were rated more important, more vivid, more recent, and more frequently rehearsed than negative AM. But the negative AM were more emotionally intense than positive, both the difference were significant. These reflected that negative AM was harder to recollect.3. In this study, Female was easier to recall emotional AM. gender differences was significant at the emotional AM retrieve RT. Female was faster than male when they retrieved emotional AM, and the difference was significant; but not in holding phase.


