

The Transmission Paths and Modulation of Campus Nursery Rhythm

【作者】 张微

【导师】 傅建明;

【作者基本信息】 浙江师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 童谣是孩子们始于摇篮的教育,它通俗、健康、明快,是儿童成长过程中不可缺少的养料,具有任何动画、玩具都无可代替的体贴心灵的作用。同时它还承载着文化和道德观念,伴随着儿童健康地成长。孩子对世界的认识和了解,很多时候,就是从一些流传地简单易懂的童谣开始。童谣蕴含丰富的德育资源,通过传唱童谣进行学校道德教育能够起到润物细无声的效果。然而,目前流行的童谣一改往日的容颜,灰/黑色童谣正席卷校园,这了更好地发挥校园童谣的德育价值,必须从童谣的源头进行控制,因而有必要对童谣的传播路径进行研究。从已有的研究文献看,研究者们更多地关注童谣蕴涵的德育价值、如何有效地利用童谣进行道德教育,以及如何减少灰/黑色童谣对儿童世界观、人生观、价值观的不良影响。但对童谣的传播路径的研究则相对较少,而且大多就内容而论内容。因此,本研究试图从传播学的角度探讨校园童谣的传播问题,让绿色童谣有效地传播,并对灰/黑色童谣的传播进行控制。从传播学角度研究校园童谣为学校德育研究提供一个新视角。研究者首先运用文献法查阅大量的传播学的著作,明确传播学的一般原理。接着运用传播学原理分析校园童谣传播的概念以及特点。然后分析校园童谣的传播要素、路径与具体方式。最后分析影响校园童谣传播的因素,并据此提出相应的调控策略。研究发现,校园童谣的传播具有目的性和计划性、主动性和创造性、规定性与自由性、多元性与匿名性等特点。校园童谣的传播由人的要素、媒介要素以及环境要素构成,各自发挥着不同的作用;校园童谣的传播的通常渠道有两大类:一是人际传播渠道,二是大众传播渠道;具体的传播形式可分成三大类:口头传播(师生相传、生生相传、亲子相传)、文字传播(手写传播、印刷传播)、电子传播(广播电视传播、网络传播、手机简讯传播)。校园童谣传播主要受传播者、受众、传播媒介、传播环境四个因素影响,其中传播者是整个校园童谣传播活动的领头羊,对校园童谣的传播有着关乎存亡的影响;受众是产生传播效果的关键,校园童谣传播活动只有被学生所接受并产生一定的教育效果,传播过程才算完整;不同的传播媒介传播校园童谣会产生不同的影响,因此,要对各种媒介传播效果的优劣充分地解,以创造最佳的传播效果;传播环境贯穿于传播活动的始终,校园童谣的传播依赖于家庭、社区、媒介及整个社会大环境对德育与童谣的重视程度。据此,从这四个方面提出校园童谣的调控策略:校园童谣传播的传播者控制、校园童谣的传播渠道的控制、校园童谣传播的受众控制、校园童谣传播的环境控制、校园童谣传播的技术控制。

【Abstract】 As a kind of cradle education for children, nursery rhythm is popular, healthy and lively. It plays an indispensable part in children’s growing up, and has the function of showing consideration for children’s spirit, which cannot be replaced by any cartoon or toys. Meanwhile, it embodies the cultural and moral notions, accompanying children’s healthy growth. Oftentimes children’s understanding of the world starts from the simple nursery rhythms, for these rhythms contain abundant moral education resources. Singing these rhythms may silently exert subtle impacts upon children. Yet nursery rhythms at present have changed into grey of black ones and sweep into campus. A control over the source of nursery rhythm transmission is in want of in order for a better education. Hence, it is necessary to study the transmission path of the nursery rhythms.The previous studies focus on the moral values embodied by nursery rhythm, how to make full use of these rhythms to teach children, and on how to reduce the negative influences on children’s values made by grey or black rhythms. There are a few studies on the nursery rhythm transmission, but mainly talk the contents for contents. Based on such a situation, this thesis tries to discuss the nursery rhythm transmission from the communication studies’point of view, so as to make the green nursery rhythm transmit effectively and control over the grey or black ones.This thesis provides a new insight to study school moral education. First of all, it demonstrates the general principles of communication studies by way of literature review. Then, this thesis analyzes the conception and features of nursery rhythm by adopting the communication studies principles. In the following, it illustrates the transmission factors, transmission paths and transmission means of nursery rhythms. Finally, it analyzes the elements that influence the nursery rhythm transmission and provides the correspondent modulation strategies.The research finds that nursery rhythm transmission has the features of intention, plan, creativity, regulation, liberty, multi and anonymity and so on. Nursery transmission is made up of elements as people, media and environment, which playing different roles respectively. As for the transmission paths, there are usually two ways:one is the human transmission and the other is media transmission. While with regard to the specific transmission means, it can be categorized into three groups: oral transmission (including teacher-to-students, students-to-students, and parents-to-children), written form transmission (handwritten and printed ones included), and electric transmission (including broadcasting, TV, web and mobile phone messages)Nursery rhythm transmission is influenced mainly by four factors:the transmitter, receiver, medium and transmission environment. Of the four, transmitter plays a leading role and exerts greatest influences on its transmission. Receiver are the key to produce transmission effects, for only these rhythms can be accepted by students can this transmission be complete. Different transmission medium will exert different impacts. Therefore, it is necessary to have a full understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of various medium transmission effects, so as to create the best transmission way. The transmission environment, however, runs through the whole of rhythm transmission activity. The nursery rhythm transmission relies on the attention on moral education by family, community, media and the whole social environment. Based on this, this thesis puts forward the modulation strategies from the abovementioned aspects, that is, a control over the transmitter, the transmission paths, the receiver, the environment and the techniques.

【关键词】 校园童谣传播路径调控
【Key words】 Campus nursery rhythmTransmission pathsModulation

