

A Research on Primary Mathematics Textbook Tendency of the Urbanization

【作者】 肖欢

【导师】 李长吉;

【作者基本信息】 浙江师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 小学数学教科书在小学阶段的学习中占有重要地位,是学生数学知识获取的主要途径,也是教师进行数学教学的主要依据。小学数学教科书出现城市化倾向严重影响了农村学生数学知识学习。本文主要以内容分析法对浙江版小学数学教科书城市化倾向进行分析,以问卷调查法、访谈法对黑龙江省五所农村小学进行·调查,了解小学数学教科书使用情况。小学数学教科书城市化倾向主要表现在:教科书插图城市化倾向、素材选取城市化倾向、教科书呈现城市知识文明倾向、教科书涉及的活动形式与农村学校现有条件不符四个方面。通过实证研究,了解农村师生眼中的小学数学教科书,描述农村小学教科书使用者对小学数学教科书城市化倾向的主观认定。研究发现,小学数学教科书城市化倾向的原因主要有以下六个方面:农村家庭教育水平不及城市、农村学前教育正规性欠缺、农村小学教学设备缺乏、教科书编制者城市中心主义倾向、农村小学数学教师师资匮乏、农村小学生成长环境不及城市。通过研究,结合弗赖登塔尔关于数学教育现实的思想剖析小学数学教科书的理想状态——联合学生生活实际,同时提出小学数学教科书中反映的农村文化要做到与时俱进。最后,在前人研究的基础之上,结合调查研究中农村师生的意见,提出小学数学教科书城市化倾向解决策略,主要从以下六个方面进行:加强农村学生家长教育、加强农村学前教育建设、加强农村学生学前数学知识储备、加大农村小学教育投资、调整现行小学数学教科书内容、改善农村小学师资、开展农村学校校本教研,促进农村学校数学校本课程研究。

【Abstract】 Primary school mathematics textbook plays an important role in primary schools learning, and its tendency of urbanization affects mathematics learning among rural students. This article mainly analyzes tendency of the urbanization in Zhejiang Edition primary school mathematics textbook with the content analysis, which is mainly based on questionnaire survey, interviewing methods, and having an investigation on five rural primary schools in Heilongjiang Province, finds out mathematics textbook service condition.Primary Mathematics textbook tendency of the urbanization are mainly in the following four sections:the tendency of the urbanization on textbook illustrations, the tendency of the urbanization on textbook’s material selection, the tendency of textbook presenting the city of knowledge civilization, the inconsistent about the activity forms of the textbook involved with city.. Get to know what the primary mathematics textbooks in the views of teachers and students in rural areas is and describe the rural textbook users on determination about primary school mathematics textbook urbanization tendency objectively through the empirical research,The reasons for the tendency of primary school mathematics textbooks are mainly on the following six aspects:The countryside home education level is inferior to urban, the lack of countryside preschool education normality, the lack of rural primary school teaching equipments, the city center tendency of textbook compiler, the lack of mathematics teachers in rural primary school, and the growth environment for rural students is worse than urban.Though research, combine with Hans Freudenthal thinking about realistic mathematics education, then analyzed the perfect status of primary school mathematics textbook----joining student actual life, while proposed the point of "do with the time" reflecting rural culture in primary school mathematics textbooks.Finally, based on previous studies, combined with research in the views of teachers and students in rural areas, proposed the solving strategies about the tendency of urbanization primary school mathematics textbooks, which mainly from the following six aspects:Strengthens the countryside student parents education, strengthen the countryside preschool education construction,increasing investments on primary education in rural areas, adjusting the current primary school mathematics textbook, improving rural primary school teachers, promoting rural-based curriculum of school mathematics.


