

The Research of the Vegetation Species and Phytophagous Food of the Tragopan Caboti Habitat in Wu Yan Ling Protected Areas.

【作者】 郑方东

【导师】 李根有; 包其敏;

【作者基本信息】 浙江农林大学 , 农业推广, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 黄腹角雉(Tragopan caboti)为我国特有珍稀鸟类,国家一级重点保护野生动物,被列入世界鸟类红皮书。目前分布区很狭窄,仅分布于浙江西南部、湖南、江西、福建、广东北部和广西东北部等部分林区,估计数量约为4000只。本文以乌岩岭自然保护区为研究地点,对区内黄腹角雉栖息地的群落结构、植被类型进行调查分析;同时对区内黄腹角雉全年的植食性食物进行调查统计,查找规律。结果表明:1、该区黄腹角雉野外种群数量约为400只,最适栖息地植被类型为常绿阔叶林、常绿落叶阔叶混交林、针阔叶混交林3种。黄腹角雉栖息地一般选择乔木层郁闭度为60—85%,灌木层盖度为40—60%,草本盖度为15—30%,在区内这种栖息环境,黄腹角雉分布活动比例占80%以上。构成黄腹角雉栖息地的植被乔木层主要树种为壳斗科、樟科、杉科植物,灌木层以山茶科、蔷薇科、杜鹃花科等种类为主,草本层植物以蕨类、禾本科为主。黄腹角雉栖息地维管束植物调查共有498种,其中裸子植物有5科10种;被子植物有67科431种,蕨类植物有20科57种,构成保护区地带性植被的科属多为亚热带区系成分。2、黄腹角雉觅食主要以地面觅食为主,植食性食物统计有38科,131种,占栖息地植物种类的26.3%,占乌岩岭自然保护区维管束植物种数的6.1%。黄腹角雉随季节不同所取食的植物种类及取食部位存在差异:春季主要取食植物的嫩叶、花以及地面上植物的种子;夏季除植物的嫩叶、花外,转入以多种浆果为主食;秋季儿乎以植物果实为食;冬季主要取食掉落地面的果实、种子以及植物的叶片、根茎等。3、为防止栖息地片段化,必须采取科学更新的方法将人工针叶林、毛竹林向针阔混交林改造,改良栖息地环境,促进黄腹角雉野外种群恢复发展。

【Abstract】 The Tragopan caboti is one of rare bird endemic to China, being one of the state-protected first class wild animals, which has been listed as world birds species. Currently the Tragopan caboti’s distribution area is very narrow, only distributed in part of the forests, such as southwest of Zhejiang, Hunan, Jiangxi, Fujian, northern of Guangdong, northeastern of Guangxi. It is estimated that the population of the Tragopan caboti is about 4000. Taking Wu Yan Ling protected areas as research sites, the paper will investigate and analysis the community structure and the species of vegetation in the area where the Tragopan caboti habitat, and survey the phytophagous food which the Tragopan caboti eat in the area a year, and find the law in it. The results indicated that:1. The population of the Tragopan caboti in the area is nearly 400. egetations in reserve are mainly divided in to 8 species, thereinto evergreen broad-leaf forest, evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved forest, mixed coniferous and broad-leaved forest are 3 optimal habitat vegetation species for the Tragopan caboti. The Tragopan caboti usually habitat a place where the cover degree of tree layer is 60—85%, shrub layer is 40—60%, herbaceous is 15—30%. In such environment of habitat the ratio of The Tragopan caboti’s distribution activities is 80% above. The main species of tree which constitute of vegetation tree layer of the Tragopan caboti’s habitat are Fagaceae, Lauraceae, Taxodiaceae, the Shrub layer’s species mainly include Theaceae, Rosaceae, Ericaceae et, while the Herbaceous layer’s species mainly include ferns, grass-based. There are 498 species of the vascular bundle plant in the Tragopan caboti’s habitat in the survey, including 10 species,5 families of gymnosperms,431 species,67 families of angiosperm,57 species,20 families of ferns, the families which constitute the zonal vegetation in the reserve are mostly composed of sub-tropical flora.2. Tragopan caboti mainly through ground find their food, the statistics of the phytophagous food are 38 families,131 species, accounting for 26.3% of the species of the habitat’s plant,6.1% of the species of the vascular bundle plant in the Rock Ridge Nature Reserve. The types of the plants and their parts eaten by Tragopan caboti change with seasons:Tragopan caboti mainly eat the leaves, flowers and seeds of the plants in spring; in addition to the leaves, flowers of the plants, Tragopan caboti mainly eat berries in summer; Tragopan caboti only eat the fruits of the plants in autumn; Tragopan caboti mainly eat the fruits and seeds of the plants which fell to the ground and eat the leaves and roots of the plants etc.3. In order to avoid the fragment of the habitat, we must adopt more scientific method to transform the artificial coniferous forests.the bamboo to the mixed stand of conifer and broad-leaved trees, to improve the habitat environment, to promote the recovery and development of the Tragopan caboti’s wild population.


