

Studies on Ecological Benefits Evaluation and Structure of Plant Communities of the Urban Green Space in Lin’an City

【作者】 金竹秀

【导师】 蒋文伟;

【作者基本信息】 浙江农林大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本文采用典型抽样调查法,对临安市城区的37个绿地植物群落进行调查研究发现,城区绿地人工植物群落中应用的植物有53科90属123种,裸子植物7科11属13种,被子植物46科79属110种。按群落优势种的性状可将37个植物群落分为4种类型:常绿落叶针阔混交型12个、落叶阔叶型1个、常绿阔叶型8个、常绿落叶阔叶混交型16个。乔木层物种最丰富,乔木层的丰富度指数是灌木层的1.6倍,是草本层的5.2倍。乔、灌、草三层的物种平均丰富度为4.1,Margalef指数为0.927,Simpson指数为0.613,Shannon-Wienner指数为1.372,Pielou均匀度指数为0.790。物种丰富度与Margalef指数呈极显著正相关(P﹤0.01),与Shannon-Wienner指数呈显著正相关(P﹤0.05),Simpson指数与Shannon-Wienner指数呈极显著正相关(P﹤0.01),与Pielou均匀度指数呈显著正相关(P﹤0.05)。城区绿地的平均叶面积指数为2.21,林冠平均空隙度为30.7%。叶面积指数LAI与林冠空隙度呈显著性负相关(P﹤0.05),与物种丰富度,Margalef指数,Simpson指数,Shannon-Wienner指数都呈显著正相关(P﹤0.05)。夏冬两季城区生态效益研究结果:城区绿地的生态效益不如城郊绿地,两者存在较大差距。城区绿地与城郊绿地日平均温度在两季相差1-2℃,其中公共设施绿地的降温增湿效果最好。城区绿地的PM10浓度、CO2浓度、噪声指数在两季都要高于郊区。从负离子浓度方面来评价空气质量,发现城区绿地空气质量保持在清洁水平,总体状态良好,但是冬季道路绿地空气质量一般,街旁绿地保持在“允许值”范围内。城区绿地空气质量按可吸入颗粒物等级标准划分,两季都处于二级标准,空气质量良好。从总体生态效益来看,常绿落叶阔叶混交型群落效果较好,而且常绿树与落叶树、阔叶树或针叶树之间混交林的生态效益要比单一一种配置好。乔灌草搭配生态效益比乔草搭配好,而草坪的生态效益最低。空气负离子浓度与相对湿度呈极显著正相关(P﹤0.01)、与气温呈极显著负相关(P﹤0.01),与PM10浓度呈显著性正相关(P﹤0.05)。六种绿地间的负离子、正离子及噪声大小具有极显著差异(P﹤0.01),二氧化碳、PM10、光照、湿度具有显著性差异(P﹤0.05),但是温度不存在显著差异。

【Abstract】 In this paper, the typical sampling survey was used, the results were found by researching and studying 37 plant communities of urban green space in Lin’an City: Among the applicated plants of the artificial plant commnunities in the urban green space, there were 123 species, 90 genus and 53 families of plants, of which were Gymnosperm 13 species, 11 genus and 7 families, Angiosperms 110 species, 79 genus and 46 families. The 37 plant communities of green space in Lin’an City can be divided into the following 4 samples of plant community: Evergreen and deciduous conifer mixed type holding 12 samples of plant community, deciduous broad-leaved type holding 1 sample of plant community, evergreen broad-leaved type holding 8 samples of plant community, Evergreen and deciduous mixed type holding 16 samples of plant community. The most abundant species was arbor layer, the richness index of arbor layer was 1.6 times the shrub layer and 5.2 times the herb layer. The average species richness of the tree, shrub and herb in the 37 plots was 4.1, Margalef average index was 0.927, Simpson average index was 0.613, Shannon-Wienner average index was 1.372 and Pielou evenness average index was 0.790. The results: A significant positive correlation between species richness and the Margalef index (P﹤0.01), a significant positive correlation between species richness and Shannon-Wienner index (P﹤0.05), and a significant positive correlation between Simpson index and Shannon-Wienner index (P﹤0.01), a significant positive correlation between Simpson index and Pielou evenness index (P﹤0.05).The average leaf area index of green space in Lin’an City was 2.21. the average gap fraction was 30.7%. There was a significant negative correlation between the leaf area index and the average gap fraction (P﹤0.05), a significant positive correlation between leaf area index and species richness, Margalef index, Simpson index, Shannon-Wienner index (P﹤0.05).The results of the ecological benefit researches in Lin’an City: the ecological benefit of urban green space was not well as suburban green space and a large gap was existed. The difference of the daily average temperature of urban green space and suburban green space between summer and winter was 1-2℃. The effect of reducing the temperature and increasing humidity of public facilities green space was best. The dust concentration, carbon dioxide concentration and noise figure in urban green space were higher than the suburbs. When air quality was evaluated by aero-anion concentration, in winter the air of urban green space was maintained in a clean standard and the overall condition was well, but air quality of road green space was general, roadside green space maintained in the allowed range. The air quality of urban green space was in the second standard in summer and winter when it was evaluated by respirable particulate matter levels, the air quality was well. The Evergreen and deciduous mixed type was thought to be best in the capacity of reducing the temperature and increasing humidity, fixing carbon and releasing oxygen, reducing dust and noise, and the ecological benefit is better when the plant communities was composed by the mixed evergreen and deciduous trees, or mixed broadleaf and conifer trees than the pure evergreen tree or deciduous trees. The ecological benefits of the plant communities containing the trees, shrubs and grass is better than the plant communities only containing shrubs and grass. The ecological benefit of lawn was worse. A significant positive correlation (P﹤0.01) between the aero-anion concentration and the relative humidity, a significant negative correlation (P﹤0.01) between the aero-anion concentration and air temperature, a significant positive correlation (P﹤0.05) between the aero-anion concentration and dust; In six green space, a significant difference (P﹤0.01) between aero-anion concentration and noise, a significant difference (P﹤0.05) among carbondioxide, dust, light intensity and relative humidity, but no significant difference in air temperature.


