

Extension of Chinese Contemporary Ceramics in Landscape

【作者】 刘文婷

【导师】 何征;

【作者基本信息】 浙江农林大学 , 设计艺术学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 随着我国经济的迅速发展,城市化进程的加快,促进了大规模的城市建设,城市景观环境设计的重要性也日益提高,经济发展使得人民生活水平的提高,人们不再一味的追求物质生活,更强调精神文化的提高,因此中国的景观公共艺术作品有了严峻的挑战。工业革命以来公共艺术作品中金属、玻璃材质充斥着各个场所,人们渴望追求内心的温暖与平静。陶瓷材料这个承载着浓厚文化底蕴的材料恰如其分的介入到环境景观设计中,使景观公共艺术作品有更广阔的发展空间。中国有着浓厚的陶瓷文化历史,陶瓷作为一种泥与火的艺术有浓厚的文化韵味和民族艺术精髓。在环境公共景观中运用陶瓷材料可以增添公共艺术作品的艺术魅力和文化内涵。近几年,在中国一些广场、绿地、公园等陆续出现了陶瓷材质运用到公共景观环境的案例,因此被称为环境陶艺,它是陶艺、建筑与环境艺术的一种融合,21世纪追求和谐社会、人与环境的和谐发展,环境陶艺的出现满足现代人的审美需求。根据调查研究中国环境陶艺在景德镇发展的尤为迅速,这与景德镇这个千年陶瓷古镇的历史文化背景、自然地理条件、工艺水平以及政府的支持是分不开的,景德镇具有天时、地利、人和的发展优势。本文从“文思”、“物语”两个方面研究中国的环境陶艺,“文思”,论述陶艺的文化和人文精神、陶艺文化的回归,以及环境陶艺在景德镇地区的发展优势,而现代陶艺家又在追求新的“文思”、新的创新;“物语”,论述环境陶艺工艺的创造,环境陶艺的几种形态构成形式和表现形式,文章最后对中国环境陶艺的一种展望,艺术家通过不断地创新“文思”,实践“物语”拓展了环境陶艺的发展空间,环境陶艺不仅在景德镇以后在佛山、上海、成都等地也会陆续的发展起来,环境陶艺将会更好的适应环境的要求。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of China economy, faster and faster urbanization has promoted large-scale city construction, and more and more attention has been paid to the design of city scenery environment. With rising living level beneficial from economy development, people are not only seeking for material abundance, but also more spiritual culture, which is a big challenge to Chinese public scenery artworks. Metal and glass have flooded every place since the Industry Revolution, so people are wishing warmth and tranquil for their heart. Ceramics material has come to the scenery environment design in good time with its rich cultural deposits, and gives a wider development space for the public scenery artworks. China has a long history of ceramics culture. As an art of mud and fire, ceramics has intense culture glamour and nation essence. It can add art glamour and cultural connotation to the public artworks by utilizing ceramics material in the public scenery environment.These years, there are more and more cases of ceramics used in the public scenery environment, for example in the plazas, greenbelts and gardens in China. Therefore, as a combination of ceramics, construction and environment arts, this is called environmental ceramics. In 21st century, people are pursuing a harmonious society and harmonious development between people and environment, so the appearance of environmental ceramics satisfied the aesthetic requirement of modern people. According to investigation, the Chinese environmental ceramics develops especially rapidly in Jingdezhen, and this is inseparable from its history and culture background, nature and geography condition, technological level and the government’s support. As a Millennium eldest town of ceramics, JDZ has the advantage of right time, right place and right people. This dissertation discusses Chinese environmental ceramics from two sides“literary thoughts”and“stories”.“Literary thoughts”talks about the culture and humanism of ceramics, the return of ceramics culture and the advantage for JDZ in developing environmental ceramics. Besides, the modern ceramists are chasing new“literary thoughts”and innovation.“stories”talks about the creation of environmental ceramic works, the constructions and representations of its different forms. In the last, the dissertation discusses the prospect of Chinese environment ceramics, which is the expansion of environment ceramics due to the artists’innovation of“literary thoughts”and practice of“stories”. Environment ceramics will not only develop gradually in Foshan, Shanhai and Chengdu, but also adapt better to environment.

【关键词】 环境景观陶艺设计
【Key words】 environmentsceneryceramicsdesign

