

The Research on the Plant Landscape in Tianjin Binhai New Area

【作者】 谭静

【导师】 颜玉娟;

【作者基本信息】 中南林业科技大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国城市化进程的逐步加快,滨海城市更是加速发展,同时对滨海城市园林景观的建设也越来越被重视。合理的营造滨海地区植物景观,能够建立城市的良好形象,也能为城市居民提供一个生态良好、环境优美、亲切宜人、富有地域文化特色的环境。因此,研究天津滨海新区植物景观,对于天津滨海新区植物景观的可持续发展和现代城市园林植物景观的营造具有重要意义。本研究主要以天津滨海新区为研究区域,对其中62个相对稳定的植物群落进行了调查。首先对植物群落的植物种类组成、盐生植物组成、观赏特性、生态结构等方面展开了调查分析。其次,应用层次分析法建立合理的评价体系,对调查群落中的14个典型植物群落,从植物景观生态价值、美学价值和社会效应三个方面进行综合评价,并在所评价的植物群落中选择3个典型群落进一步分析。再次,总结出天津滨海新区植物景观的优劣势并提出进一步的优化建议。最后,提出了营造天津滨海新区植物景观配置的构想,为进一步开展天津滨海新区植物景观建设提供基本思路。研究结果表明:1.本次调查的62个样地中共有木本植物49种,隶属于24科37属,其中裸子植物3科6属8种,被子植物21科31属41种。根据科的统计发现,以少种科和单种科相对集中,同时蔷薇科、豆科这两个世界性大科占有相对较大的比例。2.天津滨海新区植物种类较为丰富,但多数种类应用仍不广泛,无论乔木层还是灌木层,运用频率高的集中在少数几个物种上3.此次调查的天津滨海新区植物种类中,共有盐生植物45种,占植物总种数的67.16%。其中专性盐生植物共19种,兼性盐生植物共26种。4.天津滨海新区植物群落中以观花为主的植物共有31种,主要集中于灌木层;观果植物共有19种,主要集中于乔木和灌木层;观色叶植物应用种类达25种,以观秋色叶的植物为主。5.天津滨海新区植物群落垂直结构基本是由乔、灌、草相结合的复合群落。占总群落结构的54.84%。6.应用层次分析法建立了植物群落景观评价体系,确定了评价因子及其权重,从植物景观生态价值、美学价值和社会效应三个方而对天津滨海新区植物景观进行了评价。7.对天津滨海新区植物景观进行综合评价分析。结果表明,植物群落景观等级全部集中在Ⅲ级、Ⅳ级、Ⅴ级上,由此可见天津滨海新区在植物景观的构成及营造上还需进一步提升。8.总结天津滨海新区植物景观的优劣势,并提出优化道路绿地植物景观的途径:植物景观营造中需加强盐生植物的运用、模拟地带性植物群落、加强乡土植物开发以及丰富植物群落结构。9.分析影响天津滨海新区植物景观营造的各个因素,以及提出了营造天津滨海特色植物景观应该遵循的五大原则,最后对天津滨海新区特色植物景观配置进行构想,为进一步开展天津滨海新区植物景观建设提供基本思路。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of the urbanization process,coastal cities develop more quickly, and the the construction of landscape in coastal cities is paid more and more attention.Scientific and rational way to create a landscape of plants, can build a good image of the city, but also provide a sound ecological, beautiful, friendly and pleasant, the rich local cultural characteristics of the environment for the urban residents. Therefore, the study of Tianjin Binhai New Area plant landscape plays an important role on the sustainable development of Tianjin Binhai New Area plant landscape and plants landscape construction in modern urban.The object of research mainly concentrates on Tianjin Binhai New Area,and 62 relatively stable plant communities have been investigated and analyzed. Firstly, the paper surveys and analyzes plant composition, halophyte composition, ornamental characteristics, ecological structure of Tianjin Binhai New Area plant landscape. Secondly, To establish the reasonable evaluate system by AHP,and evaluate the palnt landscape of Tianjin Binhai New Area from three aspects:the the ecological value in plant landscape,the aesthetic value in plant landscape and the social effect in plant landscape.Thirdly,sum up the advantage and disadvantage to Tianjin Binhai New Area plant landscape,and than the suggestions to optimize the plant landscape are put forward.Finally, the paper create some ideas to the plant configuration of Tianjin Binhai New Area, in order to provide the basic ideas for the construction of Tianjin Binhai New Area plants landscape.The results show as follows:l.It totally have 67 species which belong to 24 families and 37 genera in 62 plots. The plants is concentrated on few and single families in sample plots. And Rosaceae, Leguminosae, which are world’s big families occupy a relatively large proportion.2. The plant species are abundant in the communities of Tianjin Binhai New Area, but most types of applications is still not widely. Whether arbor or shrub layer, the use of high frequency mainly concentrates on a few species.3. There are 45 species halophyte in the 62 plots,and take 67.16 percent in all species,including the 19 obligate halophyte and 26 facultative halophyte. 4. There are 31 mainly ornamental flower, which is focused on the shrub layer. There are 19 ornamental fruit plants, which is focused on the arbor layer and shrub layer. There are 25 kinds of colored foliage plants, and the most of colored foliage plants is autumn leaves plants.5. The structure of plant communities is multiple structure combined with arbor,shrub and herbaceous on the whole in communities,taking 54.84 percent in all types.6. To establish the reasonable evaluate system by AHP,and then confirm the evaluation factors and the weight ratio,in order to evaluate the palnt landscape of Tianjin Binhai New Area from three aspects:the the ecological value in plant landscape,the aesthetic value in plant landscape and the social effect in plant landscape.7.The result of comprehensive evaluation showed the communities is concentrated onⅢ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ-gradelandscape quality, therefore,Tianjin Binhai New Area in plant composition and the creation of the landscape need to be further improved.8.Sum up the advantage and disadvantage to Tianjin Binhai New Area plant landscape,and there are some suggestions to optimize the plant landscape including enriching the halophyte species;simulation of zonal communities;enriching the native plants and the plant community structure.9.To analysis the various factors and the principles of the design of Tianjin Binhai New Area Plant landscape.Finally, the paper create some ideas to the plant configuration of Tianjin Binhai New Area, in order to provide the basic ideas for the construction of Tianjin Binhai New Area plants landscape.


