

Investigation and Analysis on the Hard Pavement Landscape of Changsha Martyrs Park

【作者】 肖娜

【导师】 陈月华; 覃事妮;

【作者基本信息】 中南林业科技大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济的快速发展,城市化进程的进一步加快,人们对公园绿地的需求越来越多,使用越来越频繁,对公园绿地的审美、实用要求也在不断提高。相关的调查研究也在进一步的增加,在针对植物景观进行探讨和研究的同时,人们也开始注重脚下的风景,如何营造良好的硬质铺地景观,让其在公园绿地中发挥更大的作用,满足人们的各种需求成为本文探讨的主要内容。作为园林景观设计中不可忽视的重要因子,对硬质铺地景观进行充分的研究开发既能使其充分满足市民的使用功能需求,又有利于改造景观的整体形象,甚至对整个城市良好生态系统的营建具有十分重要的现实意义。论文通过文献查询和相关资料收集,对硬质铺地景观的国内外研究现状进行了总结,实地调查了长沙市十几个主要公园绿地及长沙市的主要建材市场,并在此基础上,总结出了公园硬质铺地景观中常用的材料种类及其功能特点。烈士公园是长沙市建园最早、最受市民欢迎的公园,2009年获评“国家重点公园,为长沙市唯一一家获此殊荣的园林单位。鉴于烈士公园的优秀景观和特殊地位,论文全面调查了其主要园区的硬质铺地景观运用情况,并进行了相关因子的定量及定性分析,结合实地观察和现场咨询了解,对公园硬质铺地材料及景观进行了实地调查分析,对各项功能的满足情况进行了评述,总结了公园硬质铺地运用的优缺点,并对公园的硬质铺地建设提出了改进的意见和建议,以期为长沙市及其他地区的公园绿地硬质铺地的建设提供参考。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of economic, further speeding up of the urbanization process, people’s demand for green spaces increase, the use of it become more frequently, and the requirements for park green space’s function in aesthetic and practical also rise. Survey research related also increase,some people explore and study the landscape of plants, at the same time,some people pay more attention to the landscape under the feet.How to make good hard pavement landscape to meet the various needs of people and let it play a greater role in the park is the main contents of this paper.Through refering to the literature and collection of related data, This paper summarized the current situation of the hard pavement landscape at home and abroad; And summed up the commonly used types of hard pavement materials and the features of them in parks,and all of this are besed on survey and literature refering.Martyrs Park is the first park built in Changsha City, and also is the most popular park.It was honored as "National Park" in 2009, and was the only one honored garden unit in Changsha City. In consideration of the outstanding landscape and special status of Martyrs Park, this paper make a full survey of the hard paved landscape in the main parts of the park. After selection of measurement factor, field observations and on-site consultation,it gives a statistical analysis of the hard paved landscape in the park, reviews whether the functions were satisfied, summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of hard paved landscape in the park, and at last gives some comments and suggestions to the hard paved landscape building of the parks. It hopes that all of this will contribute to the construction of other parks’s hard pavement landscape.


