

The Fixed Monitoring Station (Small Station) Coverage Area Research of Jilin Province

【作者】 孙洪智

【导师】 范亚芹; 富元群;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 电子与通信工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 无线电频谱资源是一种特殊的国家战略资源,各国政府对此都非常重视,投入了大量的人、财、物,以此不断加强无线电管理及组织机构建设,不断强化技术设施建设和法律法规建设,从而促进无线电管理工作更适应经济发展和全球信息化进程的加速深入推进。由于无线电资源是一种有限的自然资源,在同一时间、空间和同样的技术条件下,使用相同频率的无线电发射设备之间会相互干扰,通信过程会受到阻碍,因此科学、有效的管理无线电频谱资源,排除无线电干扰,维护正常的使用秩序是无线电管理机构的一项重要工作任务。我国是无线电设备的使用大国,国家在无线电管理方面高度重视,建立了纵向到底、横向到边的完备的无线电管理网络,各级无线电管理机构在排除无线电干扰、保证频谱资源合理充分使用等方面发挥着重要的作用。这些管理机构通过监测站发挥其职能作用,目前,全国各省地市建设有数百无线电固定监测站,其中绝大多数都是UHF/VHF超短波监测站。由于超短波频段的无线电电波传播受到地形、地物等作用影响较大,因此对超短波监测系统的覆盖区域分析就成为了当前各级无线电管理机构需要研究的重要课题。本文主要内容是研究固定监测站覆盖的范围。首先通过理论研究的方法对ITU-RP.1546模型、Okumura-Hata模型等传播模型进行研究并选择了适合于本地固定监测覆盖计算的传播模型,为监测覆盖区域的计算提供理论依据。再通过典型值计算的方法对不同类型无线电台的覆盖半径进行仿真计算,并在专用的监测数据分析软件以及地理信息数据的支持下对吉林省无线电监测站的覆盖进行了计算和评估。依据固定点测试的结果,可以认为在城市和郊区环境下Okumura-Hata模型(中小城市)和ITU-R P.1546模型(10m模型)仿真的结果和实测结果相近,误差中值小于6dB。应该引起注意的是,在不考虑建筑物的密度的影响下,Okumura-Hata中小城市模型和大城市模型计算结果基本相同。移动测试时,测量了多个点。依据测试得到的结果可看出在多数情形下,ITU-RP.1546模型(10m模型)和Okumura-Hata模型(中小城市模型)计算结果相差不多。在地形较复杂时,ITU-R P.1546模型更加精准。本文重点研究了收发天线对覆盖范围的影响。通过本次论文的研究,希望能为今后固定监测站或者小型站的选址工作和监测设备系统的覆盖的区域考察工作提供理论的依据,及数据的支持。

【Abstract】 Radio frequency spectrum resource is a kind of special national strategic resources,each country government takes this seriously very much, throw many person, money,content, in order to continuously enhance the radio management and organizationconstruction, continuously strengthen the technology infrastructure and laws and regulationsconstruction, so as to promote the radio management work more adapt to the economicdevelopment and the global informationization advancing.As radio resource is a kind of limited natural resources, at the same time, space and thesame technology condition, using the same frequency radio transmission device between willinterfere with each other, the communication process will be hindered, therefore thescientific, effective management of radio spectrum resources, interference is excluded, themaintenance of normal use of the order′s radio management one of the important tasks ofinstitutions.Our country is big country radio equipment used in radio management, national heightto take seriously, established the longitudinal, transverse to the edge of the end of a completeradio management network, the radio administrative departments at all levels in theexclusion of radio interference, to ensure full use of spectrum resources plays an importantrole. These management mechanism through a monitoring station play its role, at present, theprovinces and cities to build hundreds of fixed radio monitoring station, most of which areUHF / VHF ultrashort wave monitoring station. As a result of ultrashort wave radio wavepropagation affected by terrain, ground objects and other effects of ultrashort wavemonitoring system is large, so the coverage analysis becomes the current levels of radiomanagement institutions need to study the important issue.The main content of this paper is the study of fixed monitoring stations covered. Firstly,through theoretical research methods on the ITU-R P.1546 model, Okumura-Hata model andcommunication model research and select suitable for local fixed monitoring coveragecalculation of propagation model, for the monitoring of coverage area and providetheoretical basis for the calculation of. Through the typical value calculation methods fordifferent types of radio coverage radius was calculated, and the special monitoring dataanalysis software and geographic information data in support of the Jilin province radio stations covered were calculated and assessed.According to the fixed point test results, can be considered in city and suburbenvironment (Okumura-Hata model of small and medium-sized city) and ITU-R P.1546model (10m model) simulation results and measured results are similar, the error value isless than 6dB. Should pay attention to is, without considering the building density under theinfluence of small and medium-sized city, Okumura-Hata model and the calculation resultsof the model is basically the same as in big city.Mobile measurement in multiple points. ITU-R P.1546 model (10m model) andOkumura-Hata model (small and medium-sized city model calculation results are almost).The terrain is more complex, ITU-R P.1546 model is more precise.This paper focuses on the research of the influence of antenna coverage. Through thisresearch, for the future of fixed monitoring station or small station site selection andmonitoring equipment system covering the area inspects the job to provide a theoretical basis,and data support.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 05期
  • 【分类号】TN98
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】64

