

The Nursing Care Needs and Countermeasures of Retirees Hypertension Patients

【作者】 王妍

【导师】 杨淑娟;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 公共卫生, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济发展和人民生活水平的提高,以及医疗水平的进展,人口老龄化的趋势愈见加强,老年人成为了整个社会的重要的特殊群体,因此,他们的健康问题也成为了当今社会上健康教育所要解决的重要工作之一。在老年人群体中还有一部分离退休人员,他们曾经担任重要的领导工作,曾经是整个社会的中流砥柱,因此,他们的健康问题也是需要受到极大关注的。由于离退休人员的年龄增大,身体也产生了不容忽视的疾病,本文主要以干部病房离退休人员高血压患者的护理为例,对这部分人群的身体状况和现存护理问题进行了分析和研究,根据现存的问题制定相应的对策。本文首先从离退休人员高血压患者的现状入手,了解离退休人员在心理上、生理上以及需求上的特点,在对大量实际调查的事实和数据分析的基础上,归纳出了对干部病房离退休人员高血压患者的护理中存在的问题和原因,并根据这些问题提出了相应的对策和建议,希望能够通过这些对策和建议达到控制及预防疾病的效果。在防病治病的过程中,还要对患者的心理健康予以更大的关注,重视离退休人员的生命质量的全方位提高,从而做到全方位提高离退休人员的身体健康状况。本研究根据流行病原理,结合实际工作中的经验,运用文献分析法、问卷调查法、病例分析法等,其中问卷调查法参照《老年人护理需求》问卷,自行制作《离退休人员高血压患者护理需求》问卷,随机发放来某三甲医院干部病房就诊的离退休人员高血压患者和普通心血管科离退休高血压患者,进行对比分析。研究发现:1、离退休人员高血压患者不但存在老年高血压的一般特点,而由于其特殊的身份地位,又存在着特殊的心理特点,由于他们本身工作性质及待遇的不同,在离退休后可能会产生孤独感、失落感强的心理问题,所以离退休人员的心理状况也是不容忽视的重要护理的问题。2、离退休人员虽然文化程度较高,但对高血压的认知程度还存在着差距,自我护理能力较差。而患者及家属对相关知识的不了解也不利于患者病情的治疗和控制,以上原因可能会导致病情的加重。针对上述原因,该研究提出了相应的对策和建议:1、要提高离退休人员的身体健康状况,必须推进戒烟控酒活动,戒除不良嗜好,培养良好的饮食运动习惯;促使离退休人员养成良好的健康生活方式,加强身体素质。2、在重视生理健康的同时,也应当重视心理健康;全方位的提高离退休人员的生命质量,同时也应当加强对患者和家属的相关知识的教育;加强患者本身的保健意识,以及家属在应对突发状况时的急救措施及对患者的日常保健。3、建立健全全民的健康教育网,有效提高全民的保健意识。该研究在老龄化日益严重的状况下,对全面提高全民的身体素质具有一定现实意义。

【Abstract】 With the acceleration of aged tendency of population, the health problems of the elderly have become the prominent problems of health. Many retired personnels in our country have held once or are holding important leadership position. They are the mainstay of Chinese socialism construction, and they have contributed much to society. However, their health level has been declined as they grew older. This paper mainly in veteran patients with hypertension care to analysis and discuss their physical condition and care,and then according to the existing problems to develop appropriate countermeasures.The paper starts from the present situation of hypertensive patients.Some problems and causes in the health education for retirees are summarized based on the actual investigation of a large number of facts and data analysis as for their health status from the present health situation of retirees, and then the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions are proposed to develop their health education and physical education simultaneously. We not only attach importance to preventing and curing diseases, but also attach importance to mental health, and vigilance "sub-healthy" state. We should also pay attention to the health-conscious cultivation and all-around improvement of life quality for retired cadres, and therefore improve quality of health education for retirees, truly taking preventive measures done reality.The study in this work is based on epidemiological principles of social medicine, and combined with the nature of retirees. The methods used include literature review, questionnaire survey, expert interviews, discussions and field research and so on. The questionnaire survey method refers to "Care needs for the elderly". The questionnaire "high blood pressure care needs of retirees " is self-produced.The 200-copy of questionnaire are randomly distributed to the patients with high blood pressure and the general cardiology patients with hypertension of retirees from the top three hospital wards, and then they are analyzed relatively.The study shows:1. The health status of retirees shows some new characteristics which are different from those general ones.Because of their special status,there exists a special psychological characteristics,due to the nature of their work and their treatment is different in retirement may be loneliness after,a strong sense of loss,it is also a retired veteran of the psychological status of critical care can not be ignored.2. The suvey delivery that even the retirees accepted a higher education,there exists a gap on the awareness of hypertension.Poor self-care ability and patients and their families lack of knowledge is not conducive to treatment and control which may lead to increased disease.According to the reasons,the research offers some countermeasures andsuggestions.1. Improve the health level of retirees; give prominence to the activities to quit smoke and alcohol; get rid of bad habits; carry out health education to promote a healthy lifestyle for retirees to enhance their body.2. Not only focus on physical health education, but also should pay attention to mental health education. To improve all-round quality of life,meanwhile,to enhance the knowledge of patients and families education and strengthen the patient’s own health awareness.Which is important is that their famliles should be in response to unexpected situations when first aid measures and the patient’s daily care.3. To establish and improve the citizen health education network which can improve the awareness of citizens effective. On the condition of growing aging,it has some practical significance to improve the citizens’physique。

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 05期
  • 【分类号】R473.5
  • 【下载频次】263

