

Study on Automatic Control System for Mixing Petroleum Fracturing Fluid

【作者】 刘朝阳

【导师】 韦琦; 李东滨;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨理工大学 , 信号与信息处理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 油井经过一段时间开采以后,常出现油层渗透性能降低,有油不出油的衰老现象,对此石油行业普遍采用压裂增产技术,它利用高排量和高压力将含有高浓度支撑剂的非牛顿高黏压裂液注入井下,在目的层造成裂缝并延伸裂缝;当压裂液破胶返排后,形成一条或多条具有高导流能力的支撑裂缝。这样就提高了油层的渗透性,可达到增产的目的。因此压裂液质量的好坏,将直接影响压裂施工作业的效果,也就直接影响石油的稳产与增产。为了满足生产需求,压裂液必须满足以下的要求:黏度高,便于携带支撑剂(如石英砂);在泵送过程中摩擦阻力低;防滤失性好;压后破胶和返排过程迅速;而且要经济可行,不伤害地层。论文依据对石油压裂液配液站参数的设计要求,主要目标是实现石油压裂液混配自动控制系统的设计。文中详细阐述了自动控制系统的设计思想,以及整个系统的硬件实现和软件设计。其中采用OMRON公司的Controller link网络完成了系统的组网通信,并对通信配置进行了详细的介绍。系统把智能控制中的模糊控制思想运用在清水和胶粉混配过程中,解决了石油压裂液混配过程中的混配控制困难的难点。所开发的系统将模糊控制与可编程逻辑控制器(Programable Logic Controller, PLC)相结合,克服了传统调节器超调量大的缺点,充分发挥了PLC控制灵活、编程方便、适应性强的优点,提高了对清水流速以及胶粉实时下粉精度的控制。并且对基于OMRON CS1G-H PLC模糊控制策略进行了工程实现,并给出了关键部分的控制逻辑。实验结果表明,该系统可完成石油压裂液配液站对自动控制的要求,可按照生产需要自动连续快速的配置不同浓度的压裂液,配液质量高,无“鱼眼”,橇出口粘度达到实验室最高粘度的80%以上,实用性强,具有一定的推广价值。

【Abstract】 After exploiting for a period of time, it has been seen that reservoir permeability is lower than previous. As a result there will be with oil but we can not get it. In this situation, we commonly adopt fracturing technique, which injects fracturing fluid into the mine with high displacement and pressure. The fracturing fluid is non-newtonian and viscous, it contains high concentrations of proppant. Then causing cracks and extension at the target zone. When the fracturing fluid gel breaking back, there will be one or more fractures with high conductivity. After increasing the permeability of reservoir, we can achieve the purpose of increasing production. Therefore good quality of fracturing fluid will improve fracturing operations directly, and will certainly affect the production of oil. Fracturing fluid must meet the following requirements: high viscosity, easy to carry proppant(eg: sand), low friction in the pumping process, good at preventing fluid loss, low friction in the pumping process, gel breaking back quickly, economically feasible and will not do harm to formation.This dissertation mainly studies on petroleum fracturing fluid automatic control system according to design parameters of dispensing Station, describes how to design automatic control system, the hardware implementation and software design of the system. We use controller link for networking, and describe communication configuration in detail. On solving powder mixed with water which is the difficulty of getting good quality fracturing fluid, we will use fuzzy control. At the same time, we combine the fuzzy control with PLC. It will overcome the shortcomings of traditional with a large overshoot, give full play to the PLC control of flexible、convenience and adaptable, improve the control of flow of water and powder accuracy .We implement fuzzy control strategy on OMRON CS1G-H PLC, and give a key part of the program.Experimental results show that the system can meet the requirement of the liquid station .In accordance with production needs, the system can quickly configure different concentrations of fracturing fluid with high quality and no "fish eye ".The viscosity of export is over 80% of the lab. It is practical and has some promotional value.

  • 【分类号】TE39;TP273
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】209
  • 攻读期成果

