

Studies on the Innovation System of Automobile Industry in China

【作者】 刘倩

【导师】 修国义;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨理工大学 , 产业经济学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 汽车产业作为我国的支柱性产业,它的兴衰决定着整个国民经济的发展。近年来我国汽车消费逐年增长,2010年一跃成为世界第一汽车消费国。在竞争激烈,同时汽车消费市场需求空前旺盛的当下,如何提高我国汽车产业技术创新能力,借助有利条件,占领国内国际汽车市场,实现其可持续发展,是当前我国汽车产业的核心目标和首要问题。本文首先从理论入手,分别研究了产业创新和产业创新系统理论,而后通过分析我国汽车产业技术创新模式的演变及我国汽车产业创新体系的现状,发现现阶段我国汽车产业技术创新能力与发达汽车国家相比差距仍然较大,汽车核心和高端技术掌握水平仍然有限。得出了提高我国汽车产业整体创新能力,实现汽车产业的可持续发展,需要建立汽车产业创新系统的必要性和紧迫性。本文在产业创新系统理论的基础上,结合我国汽车产业发展的阶段性特征和未来发展趋势,构建了我国汽车产业创新系统的结构模型。该系统模型由汽车产业技术开发系统、汽车产业政策环境保障系统以及汽车产业绩效监测与反馈系统三个子系统构成。同时对该系统的运行机制及各个子系统的主体构成、功能运行分别进行了分析和讨论,最后针对运行中的实际问题提出了一些可供参考的意见和建议。

【Abstract】 Automobile industry as our country’s backbone industry, it’s ups determines the entire national economy development. In recent years China automobile consumption increased year by year,and it jumps to be the first car shoppers in 2010.In the competitive market, while automobiles consumption demand is unprecedented exuberant, how to improve Chinese automobile industry technology innovation ability ,with the help of the favorable conditions and how to occupy domestic and international automobile market and how to realize the sustainable development are the core targets and primary problems of China’s automobile industry.First of all this paper studies the industry innovation and industrial innovation system theory and then analysis the current domestic automobile industry development situation. It discovers the present stage Chinese automobile industry technology innovation ability is still poor compared with developed car countries, the core and high-end technical mastery level is still limited. So if China’s automobile industry wants to improve overall innovation ability and realize the sustainable development , it is necessary and urgent to set up auto industry innovation systemIn the industrial innovation system theory basis and combined with the automotive industry development of gradual characteristic and the future development trends,this paper constructs the Chinese automobile industry innovation system structure model. The system model by automobile industry includings technology development system, auto industry policy environment protection system and automobile industry performance monitoring and feedback system . In this paper, the system of operation mechanism and the subject of each subsystem structure, function operation were analyzed, and finally this paper puts forward some reference opinions and suggestions according to the operation of the actual problems.


