

The Correlation between US Dollar Exchange and Oil Price Volatility

【作者】 朱玉坤

【导师】 刘攀;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 金融学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 自从上世纪70年代的“石油危机”开始,石油价格作为影响经济的重要变量开始引起学术界的关注,关注的要点主要在石油价格波动的原因及其波动对宏观经济的影响两个方面,为了对石油价格波动的原因和机理进行分析,已经有许多学者从不同的角度出发建立了各种模型和理论,从而对油价未来的走势和波动做出预测,并进一步分析石油价格变化对物价稳定、经济增长和失业率等宏观经济指标的影响。本文的分析属于油价波动的原因和机理的范畴。众所周知,进入21世纪以来,国际石油价格又出现了新一轮的大幅波动,美国纽约商业交易所(NYMEX)的WTT原油期货价格从2000年1月份的27.01美元每桶,一路上涨至2008年6月份的134.02美元每桶;然而这次油价的大幅波动跟上世纪七八十年代的石油危机引起的油价上涨有所不同,上世纪石油价格的大幅上涨是跟一定的政治事件紧密联系在一起的,主要原因在于西方国家与主要产油国政治关系紧张,从而使人们担心石油供给不足,进而导致油价上涨;但是进入新世纪以来虽然出现了“911”和伊拉克战争等个别事件,但总体上以西方发达国家为主的石油消费国同主要产油国之间的政治关系基本稳定,但是同期石油价格却出现了大幅上涨,显然这次石油价格的波动跟之前的石油危机引起的价格上涨有着不同的影响因素和形成机理,因此有必要对这一经济现象进行详细的分析研究,以找出其中所蕴含的规律。石油作为目前世界上最重要的贸易商品,对一国经济有着其他商品难以比拟的重要影响,所以石油又被称为“工业血液”,正因为石油这种重要的特殊性,使得石油价格不能简单的从一般商品的供求均衡理论去讨论,它不仅随石油供求关系的变化而不断波动,还受到其他诸多不确定性因素的影响,如美元汇率、地缘政治突发事件、OPEC石油政策、石油库存和石油期货市场投机等因素都对油价走势有着重要的影响,特别是在当前均以美元计价和结算的石油交易计价体系下,美元汇率的走势对国际油价必然产生影响;进入新世纪以来,随着石油价格上涨,美元也一直走软,出现较大贬值,大量美元资产为保值而涌入国际石油市场,在推高国际油价的同时,也使得石油的商品属性越来越弱,政治经济和金融属性越来越强;这就使得供求关系对石油的中短期价格的影响越来越有限,而经济金融因素在决定石油中短期价格方面越来越起主导作用。一般认为,美元贬值将导致包括石油在内的以美元标价的大宗商品的价格上涨,但引起石油价格波动的因素非常多,既有商品供求因素,又有经济金融因素,对于进入21世纪以来这一轮石油价格的波动,美元汇率等金融属性因素到底是否是主要因素,其影响有多大等等这些问题还没有人系统梳理过,而这正是本文将要分析的;本文将通过2000年至2009年十年的实际数据,利用计量经济学中的YAR和VEC模型,对相关因素进行定量分析,进而从数量角度说明美元汇率和石油价格走势的相关关系和相关程度。在我国石油进口量越来越大、石油对外依存度越来越高的背景下,准确分析预测石油价格走势,对我国的能源安全和经济安全以及选择建立战略石油储备的时机等战略性问题意义重大,本文的分析希望能够从美元汇率的角度为分析预测石油价格提供参考。本文共分为五章,结构和主要内容如下:第一章,导论。主要介绍了选题背景、研究的目的和意义、文献综述;对整篇文章要研究的问题和研究问题的角度进行了概括性的说明,并总结了已有文献中对石油价格的研究方法,本章最后说明了本文的研究方法和思路。第二章,石油价格影响因素分析。石油作为全球最重要的大宗贸易商品,其价格变动机理复杂,影响因素众多,本章从供求因素、美元汇率、投机炒作与心理预期、地缘政治突发事件等角度大体梳理了对石油价格的影响因素;其中地缘政治突发事件是通过影响供求而间接影响石油价格的,和供求因素一起是石油的商品属性表现出的价格影响因素,而美元汇率和投机炒作与心理预期是金融资产的价格影响因素,这是石油金融属性表现出来的价格影响因素,随着石油金融属性的增强,这些因素对石油价格影响的基础性作用越来越明显。第三章,实证模型的构建。本部分主要介绍实证分析所用的计量模型,包括向量自回归模型VAR、向量误差修正模型VEC,以及相应的分析方法:脉冲响应函数和方差分解等。另外本部分最后还对数据和变量的选取进行了说明:本文具体选取的变量包括石油期货价格、美元名义有效汇率、美国石油商业库存、美国石油进口量、OPEC石油产量、PECD成员国石油消费量、美国非石油能源消费价格指数①以及中国石油进口量,数据都是月度数据,数据期间为2000年1月至2009年12月。首先,文章分析的是石油价格,石油价格分为现货价格和期货价格;根据期货市场的运作机理我们知道期货价格具有价格发现功能,在石油市场中期货价格对现货价格具有重要的影响,处于石油价格的基础和主导地位,因此本文选择具有国际代表性的纽约商品期货交易所WTI②石油期货价格作为研究对象,具体数据来源于美国能源情报署(EIA)网站。然后是美元名义有效汇率,这个是最主要的变量,众所周知,进入新世纪以来,原油供应虽然总体比较紧张,但实际供需基本上还能维持在平衡状态,供求关系没有发生实质性变化,同期也没有发生使主要产油国和主要石油消费国关系持续紧张的重大政治事件,但是石油价格却出现了大幅波动,同时由于美国自身的经济、社会等问题,小布什上台后放弃了克林顿时期的“强势美元”政策,美元持续走软,出现大幅贬值,所以美元汇率是新世纪石油价格的波动的一个重要影响因素。有效汇率是指某种加权平均汇率指数,一般以贸易比重为权数,它所反映的是一国货币汇率在国际贸易中的总体竞争力和总体波动幅度,这是因为,一国的产品出口到不同的国家可能会使用不同的汇率。另外,一国货币在对某种货币升值时也可能同时在对另一种货币贬值,即使该种货币同时对其他货币贬值(或升值),其幅度也不一定完全一致。因此,使用美元有效汇率作为代表美元币值走势的变量进行分析最为恰当,本文所使用的美元有效汇率数据来自国际清算银行(BIS)网站(http://www.bis.org/),使用的是名义有效汇率,因为以美元标价的石油期货价格同样也是名义价格,都没有考虑通货膨胀的因素,该名义有效汇率以2005年为基期,基期取值100。其他变量包括反映美国石油短期供求关系的美国石油商业库存、反映美国需求的美国石油进口量、反映石油供给的OPEC石油产量、反映石油需求OECD成员国石油消费量、反映美国其他能源需求进而反映美国经济繁荣程度的美国非石油能源消费价格指数以及代表中国等新兴经济体石油需求的中国石油进口量。其中美国石油商业库存、美国石油进口量、OPEC石油产量和OECD成员国石油消费量数据均来自美国能源情报署(EIA)网站(http://www.eia.doe.gov/);美国非石油能源消费价格指数数据来自美国商务部经济分析局网站(http://www.bea.gov/index.htm,以2005年为基期,基期取值100);中国石油进口量2006年8月至2009年12月的数据来自中国海关总署网站(http://www.customs.gov.cn/),2000年1月至2006年7月的数据由商务部网站(http://www.mofcom.gov.cn/)数据整理得出。第四章,实证结果及其解释。本章列示了利用第三章的方法和数据进行实证分析的结果,并根据模型的要求对实际数据进行了相关检验和处理。结果显示,进入21世纪以来的石油价格大幅波动的主要影响因素确实是美元汇率。接下来对这一结果进行了解释;本章最后从国家能源政策和个人石油期货投资的角度分别给出了政策建议。第五章,总结及后续研究方向。该部分作为本文的最后一部分,首先对文章进行了全面总结和梳理,然后指出了本文的不足和进一步研究的方向,希望能够为以后的参阅者提供进一步研究的思路和方向。第二章、第三章和第四章是本文的核心部分;另外,本文的创新之处主要有以下几点:第一、全面综合的分析了国际石油价格的影响因素,区分了影响因素中的商品属性因素和金融属性因素。第二、明确把美元汇率因素作为影响石油价格的一个重要因素,和其他因素放在一起,进行对比分析。第三、利用相关变量的实际数据,定量分析了各因素对石油价格的影响,并对结论进行了解释和说明。限于本人水平以及时间的局限性,文中难免会有错误和疏漏之处,欢迎各位老师提出意见,批评指正,本人将在今后的学习和工作中继续努力,以求完善。

【Abstract】 Since the "oil crisis" occurred in the 1970s, oil price affects the economy as an important variable, and have led to attention of academia for the causes of prices fluctuation and its impact on the macro-economics. Scholars have established variety models from different perspectives and try to explain the theory of the causes and mechanism of oil price fluctuations, and aim to predicting its trend in the future. Furthermore, they make an analysis of its influence on economic growth, inflation, unemployment and other affect on macro-economics. This paper’s analysis belong the causes and mechanism of oil price fluctuation.As well known, with entering in the 21st century, the international oil price has emerged a new round of sharp fluctuation. New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) WTI crude oil futures price rose from 27.01 dollars a barrel in January 2000 to 134.02 dollars per barrel in June 2008. However, the volatility of oil price is different from the oil price fluctuation during "oil crisis", which is related to certain political events, the main reason is the political tensions between Western countries and major oil producers, raising concerns about lack of oil supply and leading to the rising of oil price. However, in the new century, despite of the "911" events and the Iraq War, the political relations are basically stable between western developed countries, which are main oil consuming countries, and the major oil producers, but oil prices have rose apparently at the same period. Obviously, this round of oil price fluctuation has different factors and formation mechanism with the previous oil crisis. It is essential for us to analyze this economic phenomenon in order to find out regularities.Oil as the world’s most important trade commodities, has an important influence on every country’s economy, so oil is also known as "industrial blood". Because of the particular role of oil, its price cannot simply discussed with the general supply and demand balance theory of goods, it is not only fluctuate with changes of supply and demand, but also affected by many other uncertainties, such as the U.S. dollar exchange rate, geopolitical incidents, OPEC oil policy, oil stocks and oil futures market speculations. In particular, the price of oil is priced in U.S. dollars in international market, so the movements of U.S. dollar value will inevitably have an impact on oil prices. In the new century, with oil prices rising, the dollar has been weakening, and has a larger depreciation, so huge amounts of dollar assets influx in the international oil market to preserve and increase its value. These assets not only push up international oil price, but also making oil’s economy and financial property growing. Contrary, its goods property is less and less. This makes supply and demand have less impact on short-term oil price. In other words, the economic and financial factors play a decisive role in determining short-term oil price.Generally, dollar depreciation will lead to a dollar-denominated commodity’s price higher. However, the factors which lead to oil price fluctuation are variety; both supply and demand factors and economic and financial factors are included. Whether U.S. dollar exchange rate factor is the main contributing factor or not to the fluctuation of oil price in this round? And impact how much? These issues haven’t been systematically analyzed. This article will reference to the actual data from 2000 to 2009, using econometric models VAR and VEC to analyze relevant factors quantitatively. Then the correlation and its degree between oil price and U.S. dollar exchange rate are given from the quantitative point of view.Since china’s oil import is more and more, it is great significant to accurate analyze and forecast oil price movements for China’s energy security and economic security, and selecting the timing of the establishment of strategic oil reserves and other strategic issues, This analysis is hoped to make a reference to oil price forecast from the perspective of U.S. dollar exchange rate.The whole paper is divided into five chapters, the structure and main contents are as follows:ChapterⅠIntroduction. As well as literature review; this chapter also introduces the research background, purpose and significance of the study.ChapterⅡOil prices influence factors. Oil as the world’s most important Trade Goods, which has the complex mechanism of price changes and is affected by many factors, this chapter generally analyzed factors impact on oil price such as supply and demand, U.S. dollar exchange rate, speculation, psychological expectations, unexpected events,etc.ChapterⅢModeling. This section introduces the techniques used by empirical analysis, including vector autoregressive model VAR, vector error correction model VEC, and the corresponding methods of analysis:impulse response function and variance decomposition.ChapterⅣEmpirical results and their interpretation. This chapter shows the analysis results by use of empirical methods and data of Chapter III, and makes related examination and treatment of the data according to the model requirements.Chapter V Conclusions and directions for further research. This part as the last part of this article, firstly give a comprehensive summary of the article, then point out the disadvantage of the paper and further research directions, hoping to provide ideas and directions for further research.Chapter II, III and IV is the core of this article; in addition, the major innovations of this paper are the following:Firstly, the main factors which impact on international oil price are analyzed comprehensively, and distinguished as commercial property factors and financial property factors.Secondly, the paper clearly set U.S. dollar exchange rate as an important factor that affect oil price, and put together with other factors for comparative analysis.Thirdly, the paper uses actual data of relevant variables to analyze of the affect degree quantitatively and also explicated relevant conclusions.

【关键词】 石油价格美元汇率VAR模型VEC模型
【Key words】 Oil PriceUS Dollars Exchange RateVAR ModelVEC Model
  • 【分类号】F832.6;F416.22;F224
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】895
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