

【作者】 张雯

【导师】 留钕铜;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 音乐学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 德彪西作为一位承前启后的作曲家,在音乐历史中具有极其重要的地位,其音乐作品不断地被后人拿来研究和演绎,德彪西也被称为“印象主义音乐的创始人”,音乐作品被称为“印象主义音乐”。德彪西一生都与音乐为伴却一直在摆脱传统音乐的桎梏,他学习传统音乐却不受传统音乐思想束缚,他交友广泛,在接触并认识到新兴的印象派绘画和象征主义诗歌后,吸收两种不同流派的作品风格和创作手法的精华和特色,结合自身独特的音乐思维和创作技法,不断地尝试新颖有特色的创作,代表作不断涌现,探索发展形成了具有独创性的“印”“象”音乐。在德彪西的音乐创作中,“印象派绘画”和“象征主义诗歌”的影响是重大的,这从其钢琴前奏曲集的乐曲中就能感受的到。不管在主题题材的选择,旋律节奏、调式调性、和声曲式等创作技法,还是德彪西的美学观点和钢琴作品的演奏诠释等方面,仔细分析和研究后都能明显的感受到这两种风格的影响和体现。“印”的乐曲像“印象派绘画”追求画作中光线色彩一样重在寻求音乐的色彩、音乐所描绘的事物瞬间印象以及飘忽不定的创作技法和演奏中朦胧、飘渺的音响效果;而“象”的乐曲则像“象征主义诗歌”晦涩的暗示一样追求音乐中神秘梦幻的氛围,不直抒胸臆,而用隐晦和象征的技法来传达思想和内容。在《钢琴前奏曲第一集》不同作品中表现出的不同风格也论证了德彪西创作的是具有“印”和“象”的音乐,体现了其受两大风格特色的影响之重,在研究和演奏这部作品集时要有充分的认知,用不同的学习方法和弹奏技术来演绎不同风格的乐曲。本文第一章和第二章主要介绍德彪西的生平、作品,对德彪西及其音乐传统认识的纠正以及对“印”“象”的阐述。第三章详细分析了“印”和“象”对德彪西钢琴前奏曲在音乐素材上的影响和具体体现。第四章则重点论述了“印”和“象”对德彪西钢琴前奏曲在演奏上的影响和具体体现。

【Abstract】 Debussy,as an outstanding composer, holds an extremely important position in musical history. And his works have been used to study and deduce. Meanwhile, he was called as the founder of impressionism music, and his works were called as impressionism music. Debussy spent his whole life around music, but always rejected the traditional rules. He studied traditional music but was not bound by the limits of traditional ideas. Debussy was fond of making friends in all fields. From his circle of associates and friends, he came in contact and became to absorb in the two new and different schools of impressionism painting and impressionism poetry. This experience helped him to develop his own unique style of music that came to be known as“impressionism”and“symbolism”music.Impressionism painting and symbolism poems had an important impact on Debussy’s music composition, which can be shown in his works. And these influences could be felt after accurate analysis and study. Impressionism aims to emphasize the color of music,immediate impression described in music itself , obscure skills of music composition and the dim and misty sound effects in playing music; but the symbolism aims to represent the mystery atmosphere of music, and convey the thoughts and contents by the obscure and symbolic means. Some of his works proved that his works were full of both impressionism and symbolism also represented these two styles impact on him. Hence, we must pay attention to that when playing his works, and try to play the different styles of music in different methods and playing skills.Debussy’s life ,works and illustration of the two styles——impressionism and symbolism are mainly introduced in Chapter 1 and Chapter 2. In Chapter 3, I try to introduce the two styles’impact and embodiment on music materials. In Chapter 4, it illustrates the two styles’impact and embodiment on playing.


