

【作者】 张现利

【导师】 邢佳佳;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 学科教学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 新一轮基础教育改革启动以来,乡土史教学研究成为“热点”之一。然而新课程改革近10年来,丰富的乡土资源是否进入中学的课程和教学视野,乡土史教学是否获得了相应“地位”和足够的重视仍然是需要深入探讨的问题。本文通过向有关教师和学生发放问卷和访谈等方式,进行较系统的调查,并从邹城初中乡土史教学的现状、初中学生乡土史知识水平等方面对调查结果展开深入分析,认为邹城初中乡土史教学整体来讲还比较薄弱,邹城市丰富的乡土史教学资源尚未得到应有的开发和利用。针对目前邹城初中乡土教学的现状及存在的问题,本文从新课程改革的理念和原则出发,认为要全面开展邹城乡土史教学并取得切实的成效,重点应做好以下几方面的工作:首先,转变观念,正确认识乡土史教学的地位。其次,各级部门互相配合,采取措施,营造全社会关注乡土史教学的环境和氛围。第三,采用科学合理的方法和途径对邹城的乡土史教学资源进行整合,使邹城丰富的乡土资源得到充分的开发和合理的利用。第四,加强乡土史教学的师资培训,提高教师的乡土史人文素质。第五,完善乡土史教学的评价体系。最后结合自己的乡土史教学实践,参考和借鉴各地进行乡土史教学的做法,设计一些乡土史教学的具体案例。

【Abstract】 Ever since the start of a new round of basic education revolution, local history teaching has aroused general interest among academic circles. To understand the current status of local history teaching in middle school education, the author conducted a systematic research through questionnaires and interviews with junior middle school teachers and students in Zoucheng City, Shandong Province. After a sound analysis of materials collected during the research, the author concludes that neither the local history teaching in junior middle schools in Zoucheng is prosperous nor the cognitive level of the students to local history is satisfactory. Since Zoucheng is a city with rich history and great humanities, it is really a pity to allow all the resources lie waste.To improve the present situation, the author puts forward several proposals based on the principle of new curriculum reform as following: first, get a clear understanding of the importance attached to local history teaching; second, related governmental and educational departments work together to brew an atmosphere in which local history teaching is greatly valued and respected; third, integrate local history resources of Zoucheng City in a scientific manner; fourth, strength the training of local history teachers; fifth, prompt the evaluation system of local history teaching.At the end, the author develops some local history teaching cases based on his teaching practice and references to methodologies in other places.

【关键词】 邹城乡土史教学调查思考
【Key words】 Zoucheng CityLocal History TeachingInvestigationThinking
  • 【分类号】G633.51
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】207

