

The Application of Lexical Approach to English Writing Teaching in Higher Vocational College

【作者】 王艳红

【导师】 蒋斌;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 语言学家Widdowson(1989)提出在外语教学中常出现两个极端,即:“或是过度强调语言结构能力的培养,或是过度强调语言的实际交际和使用”。词汇法(Lexical Approach)教学在结构法和交际法的两个极端之间找到了平衡点,既打破了传统的把词汇和语法割裂开来的教学理念,又继承了交际法强调的语言实际运用能力的优点,为英语教学提供了新的思路和视角。词汇法是以“构成语言的是语法化的词汇,而不是词汇化的语法”为理论基础,倡导以词块为核心进行教学。将词块作为英语写作的教学单位,符合认知的基本规律。词块是语法、语义和语境的结合体,形式固定且在真实交际中以高频率出现。词块的运用能提高语言处理效率,缓解写作压力,提高学生写作的流利性、地道性,且有利于培养篇章的组织能力,对写作能起到促进作用。高等职业教育培养应用型人才的培养目标决定了高职写作教学的特点:通过对知识的传授与能力的训练,达到培养应用型人才的目标。如何提高高职学生英语写作水平,完成知识向能力的转化,促进写作能力的提高就成了一个亟待解决的问题。本文从实证研究入手,采用对比分析的方法,将词汇法应用于高职英语写作教学中,通过写作测试成绩和访谈来验证词汇法在高职英语写作教学中的可行性。文章试图探讨以下几个问题:1.词汇法能否提高高职学生的英语写作成绩?2.词汇法能否提高高职学生的词块量水平? 3.学生作文中的词块量与作文成绩有何关联?本文选取淄博职业学院2010级非英语专业两个自然班的60名高职学生作为研究对象,把他们随机分成实验组和控制组。实验组采用以词块为主线的词汇法写作教学模式,教学实践主要由各种与词块相关的活动和练习构成,目的在于帮助学生建立词块概念,并培养他们有意识地使用词块以提高自己在写作中的语言运用能力。控制组采用以单个词汇为单位的传统写作教学模式。经过一学期的实验,笔者用SPSS13.0软件对实验组和控制组作文成绩及词块使用情况的前测和后测数据进行统计分析。此外,后测结束时,对实验组进行访谈以了解学生对词汇法的感想和建议。结果表明:在实验结束后,实验组学生的作文成绩和词块使用量均明显优于控制组,进步更为显著;实验组学生语言表达的流利性、准确性、地道性和篇章组织方面也明显好于控制组。访谈结果显示词汇法能提高学生学习英语的自信心和自主学习能力。学生对词汇法持肯定态度。由此可见,词汇法对于提高高职学生英语写作水平有积极促进作用。本文共有六个章节。第一章简要介绍了研究的背景、意义和全文构成。第二章是文献综述。主要阐述了词块、词汇法理论和词汇法在国内外的研究,同时对目前高职高专学生的英语写作现状进行了总结。第三章是实验设计。本章详细描述了本次实验的研究目的、对象、工具及步骤。第四章对实验结果进行了分析和讨论。第五章为教学启示。第六章阐述了本研究的主要发现,指出了本次实验的局限性,并对以后研究工作提出建议。

【Abstract】 Widdowson (1989) warns us that two extremes often appear in foreign language teaching: excessive emphasis on either structural models of competence, or communicative models of appropriate use. Lexical approach breaks the concept held by traditional grammar-centered approach that lexis and grammar are separated, and inherits the advantage of communicative approach which emphasizes the ability of practical application. Lexical approach seems to solve the dilemma that avoids the pitfalls and offers a new way for language teaching.Lexical approach, based on the theory that“language consists of grammaticalised lexis instead of lexicalised grammar”(Lewis, 1993), lay great emphasis on lexical chunks. Lexical chunks are a composite of grammatical rules, semantic meaning and pragmatic contexts. As a large linguistic unit it appears in real language output at high frequency and is more fixed in structures. The application of lexical chunks can improve the efficiency of language processing and contribute to accuracy and fluency and enhance organization ability in English writing.Responding to the objective of cultivating practical talents in higher vocational education, the goal of English writing teaching is to cultivate practical talents by imparting knowledge and ability training. How to improve students’English writing competence and complete the transformation from knowledge to ability? It has become an urgent problem to be solved. The empirical study in this thesis tries to verify the feasibility of the application of lexical approach to English writing teaching in higher vocational college according to the results of the students’writing scores and interview. The author attempts to explore the following problems:1. Is there any significant improvement in the composition scores of students in EG compared with those in CG after the application of lexical approach? 2. Do the students in the EG use more lexical chunks in the compositions than those in the CG after the implementation of the experiment? 3. What is the relationship between the number of lexical chunks and the quality of their English writing?The experiment involves 60 freshmen coming from two regular classes in Zibo Vocational Institute taught by the author, 30 students in each class. The two classes are designated randomly as one experimental group (EG) and one control group (CG). The experimental group is given the instructions based on lexical chunks,? teaching practice is mainly composed of various activities and exercises related to lexical chunks aiming at helping the students establish lexical concept and making them use lexical chunks consciously. The control group is taught by the traditional teaching method, students mainly learn discrete words by means of bilingual word lists and rote learning. During the experiment, writing scores and the number of lexical chunks in both pretest and posttest were put into computer for analysis by SPSS 13.0, besides, an interview was carried out in EG after the posttest in order to know the students’attitude towards lexical approach. The results indicate that lexical approach improves the writing proficiency of the students in EG effectively. The students in EG used more lexical chunks than students in CG. Students’writing fluency, accuracy, idiomatic and text organization in EG are significantly better than that of CG. The analysis of interview shows that students hold positive attitude towards lexical approach. They think that learning lexical chunks can reinforce their self-confidence and autonomous learning abilities in English writing.This thesis consists of six chapters. Chapter one serves as an introduction, mainly including background, significance and structure of the research. Chapter two is literature review. It is the theoretical foundation of the research. In this part, the author mainly states the theory of lexical chunks and lexical approach, and researches of lexical approach at home and abroad. Then the author summarizes the previous writing teaching in higher vocational college. Chapter three?is devoted to methodology, in which the research design and detailed instruction on lexical approach are introduced. Chapter four is about the statistical description and analysis of research results, and then pedagogical implications are elaborated in chapter five. Chapter six comes to the conclusion, including major findings and limitations of this study. Besides, some suggestions for further studies are given as well.


