

The Effects of Self-correction on EFL Writing Teaching in Vocational Colleges: An Empirical Research

【作者】 魏晓燕

【导师】 胡艳玲;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 写作是高职学生未来职业需要的一项重要技能之一,是否掌握基本的写作技能和具备一定实际写作能力关系到今后的就业和实际工作。目前存在的一个令人担忧的现象是,即使经过长时间的英语学习,很多学生仍然写不出一个完整、得体且意义清晰的英语段落。所以,培养和发展高职学生的英语写作技能对于广大的中国英语教师而言是一项非常有难度的课题。而英语写作教学也是各大高职院校最难的课程之一。目前大学采取的依然是传统的英语写作教学模式;这种模式忽视了学生的主体地位,教师成了活动的主体,教师的讲授代替了学生的活动。因而,对于英语写作教学的研究应该得到进一步的加强从而改变目前写作教学的现状,更好地指导写作教学和学习。那么,探索一种行之有效的高职英语写作教学法就显得尤为必要。本文旨在研究自我纠错对高职英语写作的影响。本文讨论了两个问题:(1)自我纠错是否有助于提高高职学生的英语写作能力? (2)就自我纠错和教师修改两种改错方法而言,哪一种方法对修改高职学生的英语写作更加有效?本研究根据信息加工理论、错误分析、以学习者为中心、自主学习的学习理论以及写作教学的相关理论,以前人的研究成果为基础,对120名日照职业技术学院学生的英语写作教学进行自我纠错的实证性研究。该实证研究以2009年3月至6月在日照职业技术学院艺术学院进行的一项为期16周的实验研究为根据。研究受试者为2008级服装设计专业的两个平行班,其中随机抽选一个班为实验班,另一个班则为控制班。两班共有123名学生,每班抽取60名学生参与实验,排除那些缺乏基础写作能力的学生。在实验期间要求两班学生每周写一篇英语短文。实验班的学生训练运用自我纠错自己修改英语作文,控制班的学生作文继续采用教师评阅的方法进行修改。实验班和控制班的学生都参加三次英语写作测试(前测、中测和后测),并在实验结束时填写有关作文修改方法的问卷调查。实验结果表明:(1)自我纠错有助于提高高职学生的英语写作能力。自我纠错不仅能帮助高职学生在英语写作中取得明显的进步,而且能有助于学生提高英语写作水平。(2)在自我纠错的过程中,学生对英语写作和英语学习的目的更加明确,学习英语的态度更加积极,对自己的语言输出更加负责。所以,在修改高职学生英语写作中的词汇和语法方面的错误时,自我纠错比教师修改的效果更好一些。本研究结果对英语写作教学有一定的现实指导意义。在高职英语写作教学中,应充分发挥自我纠错的积极作用来提高学生的英语写作能力。但是鉴于种种原因与局限性,本研究还存在需要改进的地方;研究的结果是尝试性的,还需要更多的研究来进一步探讨。

【Abstract】 Writing is one of the important skills needed in students’future jobs. There is a worrying phenomenon that most students do not have the ability to write a complete and appropriate English passage after having learned English for quite a long time. Accordingly, cultivating and developing vocational college students’English writing ability becomes a rather demanding task for Chinese English teachers. However, writing in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) class in China is supposed to be the most difficult course for English learners in vocational colleges. At present, most vocational colleges adopt the traditional English writing teaching approaches. Such approaches neglect the students as the center and the teacher replaces them in the teaching activities. Therefore, the research on English writing and writing instruction should be strengthened to better guide the English writing learning and teaching. Furthermore, it is of vital necessity for us to probe a practical and effective writing approach.The purpose of the study is to prove that self-correction is an effective writing approach in vocational college students’English writing. It will address two questions: (1) Is self-correction effective in improving vocational college students’writing ability? (2) Which is more effective in improving vocational college students’English writings, self-correction or teacher correction?The study is based on the theory of information processing, the theory of error analysis, the theory of student-centered learning and the theory of learner autonomy. According to the research review and related theories, it is believed that it is probable and feasible to incorporate self-correction approach in English writing courses, and so an empirical research was conducted on 120 freshmen in Rizhao Polytechnic College.This research was undertaken in Art Institute of Rizhao Polytechnic College within 16 weeks from March to June, 2009. The subjects were the freshmen of the year 2008 from two classes of the same level, majoring in Dress Design in Art Institute. One class was chosen randomly to serve as the Experimental Class, and the other was the Control Class. The total number of the two classes is 123. The author selected only 60 of each class as subjects, excluding those students who show a complete lack of elementary writing ability. At the beginning of the research, the students in both classes were required to write a short English essay. Then the Experimental Class was trained to adopt self-correction while the Control Class continued to apply teacher correction. The students both in EC and in CC took three tests (pretest, mid-test, posttest) on English writing during the whole research process and at the end of the experiment all the subjects were asked to fill out a questionnaire on How do you like to revise your English writings? The results of the experiment reveal that: (1) Self-correction is effective in improving vocational college students’writing ability. Self-correction can help vocational college students not only make a significant achievement in their English writing but also enhance their English writing performance. (2) Self-correction is effective in changing vocational college students’awareness of writing and English learning. By using self-correction, students come to have a more clear aim in their English learning and writing and they are more active in their learning process and more responsible for their English writing. In a word, self-correction was more effective than teacher correction in correcting some grammatical and lexical errors in vocational colleges students’English writings.According to the findings of this study, pedagogical implications have been discussed. The positive role of self-correction should be paid attention to in the teaching of English writing in vocational colleges in order that students’English writing ability can be improved. Of course, due to various limitations, the findings of the present study should be considered tentative and interpreted with caution. Further studies are needed to get a clearer picture about this topic.


