

The Application of ESP Theory in Vocational Colleges Tourism English Teaching

【作者】 黄迎

【导师】 蒋斌;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,旅游业在中国产业结构中的地位日渐重要。伴随着旅游业的快速发展,旅游行业从业人员的素质成为了直接关系着旅游业的发展的重要因素。高等职业院校担负着培养旅游服务人才的重任,旅游英语作为高职院校旅游服务专业的一门主修课,教学质量的好坏决定着未来旅游服务人员素质的高低。作者作为一名旅游英语教师,尤其关注高职院校旅游英语教学的发展。本研究即是对目前高职院校旅游英语教学所做的一个探索性研究。旅游英语不同于学术型的普通英语教育,而是直接面向旅游行业各部门培养从业人员的就业教育。因此,突出应用性和实用性应是高职旅游英语教学的特色。然而,长期以来旅游高职英语教学从教材选择、教学环节到教学方法基本上沿袭了大学通用英语的教学模式,这种模式严重影响了旅游英语教学的效果。而专门用途英语模式,作为一种根据学生交际需要为学习目的而确定教学内容和方法的教学途径,符合高职教育的培养目标,符合旅游行业对具有良好专业交际能力的涉外人才的客观需要。因此将专门用途英语模式应用于高职旅游英语教学,能使其建立在科学理论基础上,让学生在有限的时间内最大限度的获取胜任将来工作所需的英语应用能力。为提高我国高职院校旅游英语教学的质量,作者分析了专门用途英语的相关理论及从中受到的启发,并由此对这一系列的理论在旅游英语教学中的应用作了探讨。本文尝试从实证研究的角度验证将专门用途英语教学模式应用于高职旅游英语教学的可行性、优势以及可操作性。教学试验涉及两个班,一个是实验班,一个是对照班,分别采用不同的教学方法,实验班采用专门用途英语教学法,对照班则采用传统的通用英语教学法。此外,还运用问卷调查以及访谈等手段配合实证研究,通过对实验班和控制班的比较,可以看出,实验班的成绩相对控制班而言有更明显的提高。同时利用调查问卷、访谈的结果对调查进行了补充说明。根据调查结果作者提出了改进旅游教学的建议。最后,作者指出因时间和空间的限制,本次调查仍存在不足之处,并在对调查结果的梳理分析过程中得到了对今后教学工作的启示。

【Abstract】 In recent years, tourism industry has played an important role in Chinese economy. With its rapid development, the quality of tourism employees has become a significant concern. Vocational colleges have been shouldering the mission for training the highly-qualified tourism employees. Tourism English is one of the main courses for the students who major in Tourism Service. Since the quality of Tourism English teaching is closely related to the quality of tourism employees to some degree, how to improve Tourism English teaching has become a key issue for the teachers who are working at it. As a Tourism English teacher, the author is especially concerned with application of ESP (English for Special Purposes) theories to Tourism English teaching in vocational colleges.Tourism English teaching in vocational colleges is different from general higher education because it is vocation-oriented and its objective is to cultivate practical talents working in tourism industry, such as tour guides and hotel staff. Thus, application and practicality are the distinguishing features of Tourism English teaching. However, Tourism English teaching in vocational colleges has followed the teaching model of three-year undergraduate education for a long time. This EGP (English for General Purposes) approach leads to unsatisfactory teaching effects. ESP, as an approach to language teaching that the contents and methods courses are determined by functional and practical English requirements of the learner, can help learners acquire the specific abilities within the limited time. ESP is not only in accordance with the training goal of Tourism English teaching in vocational colleges, but also can meet the social needs for practical talents of Tourism English. Therefore it is reasonable and feasible to apply ESP approach into Tourism English teaching in vocational colleges.To improve the teaching quality of the Tourism English teaching, the author analyzes the implications obtained from the ESP related theories, and then displays the applications of them in Tourism English teaching. This thesis tries to discuss the feasibility, advantages and operability of applying ESP Approach to Tourism English teaching supported by a quasi-empirical research. Two classes involve in the experiment with one as the experimental class, and the other being the control class. ESP Approach is adopted in the experimental class while EGP Approach is adopted in the control class. In addition, a survey with questionnaire and an interview are introduced to help the empirical research. Through the comparison between the two classes, we can see that students of the experimental class have more evident improvement than those of the control class. This thesis got the conclusion mainly from the comparison of the two classes in students’marks and their performances in the post-test. The improvement is more evident seen from marks. Seen from the language ability, vocational competence of students’versions, students in experimental class did better than those in control class too. Based on the results of the research, some effective suggestions for improving Tourism English teaching and meet students’needs are proposed.At the end of the thesis, the limitations of the current study due to the limited space and time were pointed out, and inspiration for further teaching was also suggested.


