

Curriculum Design for Business English Students Based on Needs Analysis Theory

【作者】 李娟

【导师】 贾磊;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 商务英语是专门用途英语的一个重要分支,在中国已走过了近六十年的发展历程。经过有关专家和学者的努力,一套旨在以培养具有扎实的基本功、掌握国际商务知识和技能的复合型英语人才的商务英语教学目标已经建立起来。2009年,为了指导和规范中国商务英语专业的教学,教育部颁布了《高等学校商务英语专业本科教学要求》(试行)(以下简称《教学要求》),对商务英语的人才培养目标、专业知识与能力构成、课程设置、教学分级要求和教学原则与方法等方面进行了规定和说明。然而,现行的各所开设商务英语专业或方向的高等院校的课程设置能够满足快速发展的社会需求吗?需求分析是目前广泛使用的一种用于检验课程设计有效性和相关性的工具。通过需求分析,课程设置可以更好地反映并满足学习者、用人单位、相关教师和专家等有关各方的需求。本研究在需求分析理论指导下,通过定性、定量两种方法,分别确定并分析了商务英语在校生、毕业生、用人单位和商务英语教师对于商务英语教学的需求,旨在对山东交通学院现行的商务英语课程设置进行评价和修订。为了达到这一目标,作者对62名商务英语在校生,52名商务英语毕业生和41名商务英语教师进行了结构式问卷调查,对10个商务英语毕业生的用人单位进行了访谈。调查结果显示,在四组被调查者中,绝大多数人认为现行《教学要求》中规定的四个专业知识与能力的构成模块的课时比例是合理的。毕业生和在校生的问卷结果显示,在这四个模块中,商务知识和技能是最为欠缺的模块。毕业生和在校生认为实习和课堂情景模拟实训是有效提高商务知识和技能的方法。此外,他们喜欢使用英文原版教材,并认为商务英语课程应当大部分使用英语讲授,难点可用汉语讲解。毕业生的问卷表明,电子邮件写作是使用最多的交际技能,从事销售和采购的毕业生比从事翻译和助理工作的毕业生使用英语的频率高。此外,作者还就商务知识和技能的学习和英语语言学习的关系问题对山东交通学院外语系2006级、2007级商务英语方向和文学方向的学生进行了纵向追踪研究。在实验中,以英语专业四级、八级考试作为测试的工具。独立样本t检验结果显示,商务英语方向和文学方向学生在学习商务英语一年半后,在英语语言水平的提高方面没有明显差异,从而验证了作者在实验之初提出的假设:商务英语的学习不会影响学习者英语语言水平的提高。?虽然上述结果是基于对一所学校的研究,难免有其局限性,作者希望该研究能够为相关商务英语院校的商务英语教学、评价和课程设置提供借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 As one of the most important branches of ESP (English for Specific Purposes), Business English has nearly sixty years’history in China. After years of research, a battery of objectives of Business English teaching have pinned down by scholars and educators, aiming to equip students with a solid foundation of application-oriented knowledge and skills in both English and business. Such goals have been endorsed by the Ministry of Education, which was highlighted in 2009 in the release of“National Curriculum for BA Program in Business English”(hereafter called National Curriculum), a curriculum design guideline for all colleges and universities in China. However, one important question remains to be addressed: Does the exiting curriculum design framework meet the demand of this fast-changing society?Needs analysis is a widely used tool to study the validity and relevancy of all curriculum design activities. It assures a flexible curriculum responsive to the needs of various stakeholders of education.Thus, under the guidance of needs analysis theory, this research attempts to evaluate the validity of existing Business English curriculum of Shandong Jiaotong University (hereafter called SDJTU) by identifying and analyzing the needs of Business English undergraduates, graduates as well as their employers and Business English teachers. Both quantitative and qualitative methods are used. In this study, 62 undergraduates, 52 graduates and 41 Business English teachers were interviewed with structured questionnaires designed specifically for each group. Additionally, 10 in-depth interviews were conducted with the employers. Results indicate that most of participants of the four groups believe the allocation of teaching hours to each module in the current National Curriculum is appropriately designed. Both undergraduates and graduates prefer textbooks in English written by foreign scholars and like their Business English classes taught in English but with some explanations in Chinese for the incomprehensible texts. For graduates, email writing is the most frequent among all business activities; those who are in the positions of sourcing and sales have more opportunities to use English in their working settings than translators and assistants.In addition, a four-year longitude study on the improvement of English proficiency was conducted among Business English students and traditional English majors. TEM-4 and TEM-8 were used to benchmark the change of English proficiency. Results of independent samples t-test indicate that students of Business English and traditional English majors show no significant differences in their improvement of English proficiency, thus confirming the hypothesis of this research that teaching business knowledge and skills in English does not affect language learning.These results, though gained from the case study on one university, may shed light on the evaluation and improvement of the Business English curriculum design of other universities of same academic level.

【关键词】 需求分析商务英语课程设计
【Key words】 Needs analysisBusiness EnglishCurriculum design

