

A Study on the Current Development of Sichuan Agricultural Insurance

【作者】 陈莎

【导师】 王凯;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 保险学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 农业、农村、农民问题历来是党和国家关注的重大经济社会问题,农业是我国国民经济的基础性产业,同时也是弱质产业,农业的健康发展需要农业保险为其保驾护航。从1982年农业保险恢复开办至今,我国就从未停止对农业保险发展的探索,但其严重滞后于农业经济的发展水平,在一定程度上未能真正起到风险补偿、稳定农村经济的作用。四川是一个农业大省,也是自然灾害频发的省份,频繁的自然灾害严重阻碍了农村经济的发展,给广大农民生活带来了巨大的困难。2004年中央一号文件首次提出“建立政策性农业保险制度,选择部分产品和地区进行试点”,四川成为首批农业保险试点省份,农业保险试点工作在成都、眉山、内江等地开展起来,到2007年农业保险试点工作在全省各地铺开。经过多年的实践,四川农业保险发展取得了一定的成效,但农业保险有效需求与供给不足的现象依旧存在,四川农业保险发展还存在着诸多的问题。本文研究的主要内容:导言主要是研究的背景与问题的提出、国内外研究动态、研究内容,研究方法以及可能的创新和不足等。第二章,四川农业保险发展状况,主要是对四川农业生产状况和四川农业保险发展概况的介绍。在四川农业生产状况方面,介绍了四川的自然环境,农业生产过程中农业生产产值占GDP的比重在逐年下降、农业生产结构单一、农业生产区域性的特点以及简单介绍了四川自然灾害的特点,由于四川地形复杂,导致自然灾害种类繁多、各区域灾害差异显著、次生灾害严重等等;在四川农业保险发展状况方面,回顾了四川农业保险发展历史,阐述了四川农业保险发展现状以及现阶段市场运行地成效,详细地分析了现阶段四川农业保险市场出现的问题。第三章,影响四川农业保险发展因素分析,结合实地调查的数据,重点分析了农民在有效需求方面、保险公司在供给方面、政府在宏观政策方面对四川农业保险发展的影响。第四章,推动四川农业保险发展的相关政策建议,针对上述问题分别从扩大农业保险需求和增加农业保险供给两方面提出政策建议。主要研究结论:第一,四川农业保险从1982年恢复开办至今,取得了一定的成效,保险险种、覆盖范围较最开始有了扩展,但有效需求与有效供给不足、缺乏法律保障、查勘定损理赔的问题依旧存在。第二,农户风险规避手段多、保险意识不强、收入水平低、对保险公司缺乏信任是影响农民有效需求的原因;商业保险公司方面,农业保险经营“三高”的特点影响保险公司的经营积极性、缺乏农业保险数据与专业人才、在巨灾风险面前保险公司偿付能力低影响有效供给;政府方面,存在着农业保险缺少法律保障、农业保险的政策性性质与商业保险公司的盈利目的相冲突、农业保险补贴品种范围不宽、补贴形式单一等现象。主要措施建议:本文针对四川农业保险发展的问题和影响因素分析,从扩大农业保险有效需求与增加农业保险有效供给两个方面提出相关的政策建议。在扩大农业保险有效需求方面,主要的政策建议有:(1)政府与保险公司合作,进行农业保险宣传,增加农户的农业保险意识。(2)应该结合各个地区的特点发展特色农业,努力提高农户的收入。在增加农业保险有效供给方面,主要是从政府与保险公司角度来分析考虑的。在政府方面:制定地方性的农业保险条例来规范农业保险市场的发展,并且制定中长期计划分阶段的推动农业保险的发展;对于经济发达地区与不发达地区保险补贴可以区别对待,在保险公司最开始从事农业保险业务时,可以补贴较多的经营管理费用,当业务逐步进入正轨之后,可以慢慢地减少补贴量;为了应对农业巨灾风险,可以建立多层次的风险分担机制。在保险公司方面:一方面利用社会网络优势,充分发挥农村金融机构的作用进行保险销售、保费收取和赔款发放工作;另一方面要加强对农业保险专业人才的培养,努力提高保险服务质量;结合当地农业发展特色来设计险种;在确定保费费率时可以结合当地的经济状况,避免出现“一刀切”的现象。

【Abstract】 The problems of the agriculture, the countryside and the farmer have always been a major concern of the Party and the country’s economic and social issues. Agriculture is a basic industry of national economy, but also a weak industry, it requires the development of agricultural insurance to protect agricultural productions. The agricultural insurance has resumed the launch since 1982, our country has never stopped exploring the agricultural insurance, but its development lagged far behind the level of economic development, it hasn’t been able to a certain extent the true compensation for risk, the stable rural economy function. Sichuan is not only a big agricultural province, but also a natural disaster-prone provinces, frequent natural disasters hindered the development of rural economy, so the vast number of farmers has brought great difficulties in life. Since 2004, Sichuan’s agricultural insurance has made some achievements, but there are still many problems, such as lack of effective demand and effective supply.The main context:The first introductory section, mainly the background and issues,domestic and international research trends, research content, research methods and lack of innovation. The second chapter describes the situation of agricultural production in Sichuan and the characteristics of agricultural production, and the types of natural disasters. Reviewing the history of the development of agricultural insurance in Sichuan, introduced the development of agricultural insurance, analyzed the current agricultural insurance market in Sichuan problems. The third chapter, combining the on-the-spot investigation data, the author has analyzed the impact factors of the development of Sichuan agricultural insurance. The fourth chapter from the expansion agricultural insurance demand, increasing the agricultural insurance supplies aspect to put forward the policy proposal.The main conclusions:Firstly, the development of Sichuan agricultural insurance has achieved certain results since 1982, but there are still many problems, such as lack of effective demand, effective supply and legal protection, and so on. Secondly, About the farmers, the cause of lack of effective demand are due to there are so many risk aversion means, insurance awareness is not strong, low income levels. Insurance companies, high operating costs, positive externalities and moral hazard, adverse selection will affect the supply of agricultural insurance company. The government aspect, there is lack of legal protection of agricultural insurance, agricultural insurance subsidy is not wide range of varieties, subsidies and other forms of a single phenomenon.Finally, according to above analysis, the author put forward the policy proposal. Such as, raising the farmer’s income, increasing the awareness of agricultural insurance; The Insurance company increasing the agricultural insurance propaganda, improving the service quality; The government aspect, developing the local agricultural insurance regulations, and establish the multi-level risk-sharing mechanisms

【关键词】 农业保险四川农户保险公司政府
【Key words】 Agricultural insuranceSichuanfarmerinsurance companygovernment
  • 【分类号】F842.6
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】408

