

On the Terminating Stalemate of College Graduates’ Employment Agreements and Its Legal Remedies

【作者】 李昀昀

【导师】 王伦刚;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 经济法学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 与社会主义经济发展的脉络相适应,高校毕业生就业于二十世纪九十年代中期迈入了以市场为主导的“自主择业”阶段。市场化进程要求教育行政部门及其所代表的国家逐渐放手对毕业生流向的控制,改变其在毕业生就业中的主导地位。但高校毕业生仍然是国家可以也必须加以调控的稀缺资源,原国家教委1997年9月颁布的《普通高等学校毕业生就业工作暂行规定》及由其衍生的高校毕业生就业协议应运而生。斗转星移,高校毕业生就业日益市场化,很难想象,当初为了平衡国家、个人、社会三方利益、调动三方积极性而设计的就业协议却在实践中遭遇困境:现有法律法规对就业协议的性质、解除条件和程序以及解除后的法律责任并没有规定,无法继续履行的就业协议死而不僵,成为可能引发社会矛盾的隐患。理论界尚无直接的关于解决就业协议解除僵局的专题研究。现有研究更没有区分解约和违约,而草率地将大学生的解约等同于违约,而且侧重于对毕业生就业违约的规避,构建的是一种预防制度,难以对实践中大量已经存在的解约现象进行规制或者救济。有什么样的法律对策和相应的制度设计来应对就业协议的解除僵局?这正是本文研究的论题。本文遵循实证主义的研究路径,从现实存在的就业协议解除僵局出发,考察在现有制度框架内就业协议当事人和教育行政管理部门为突破僵局所进行的制度实践。差强人意的制度运行实效促使我们深入制度本身,探寻僵局之所以形成的原因。并最终提出重构就业协议解除制度的主张,展现笔者关于补全就业协议退出机制的构想。全文分为四个部分。导论主要是提出并界定问题。在走访和调查了解就业协议制度的运行状况过程中,高校毕业生遭遇的解约纠纷“闯入”视野。笔者从中选取具有代表性的现实案例,全景展示毕业生在解约纠纷中的困兽之斗,归纳演绎出了就业协议解除僵局这一不容忽视的存在。分析对就业协议解除僵局进行制度研究的重大实践价值和理论意义,主张发掘就业协议的社会契约特质,并借鉴劳动合同解除制度来构建就业协议解除制度以破除僵局。第二部分从毕业生、高校、用人单位、教育行政部门和理论研究者等五种不同视角展现了就业协议利害关系人在解除僵局中的制度实践。首先,分析用人单位单方解约和毕业生单方解约的不同情形,得出就业协议解除条款主要约束毕业生,用人单位违约成本低廉的结论。由此,处于被动和弱势的毕业生在解约的制度实践中呈现一种东奔西突、夹缝求生的慌乱和绝望;用人单位则占据道德高位,主观地评判着毕业生的解约行为并且伺机给予惩戒。本来应该处于超然地位的高校也因为在就业协议中定位不明、权责不清而无所适从,只得明哲保身,规避纠纷。其次,比较分析部分省市对高校毕业生就业政策和就业协议的改革举措。遗憾的是教育行政部门的制度改革只是坚决地将就业协议的三方主体变更为两方,不同程度地让高校远离了就业协议解除的纷争,却并没理清就业协议的性质,更无法打破毕业生们面临的解除僵局。最后,介绍了理论界更为彻底的改革呼声——废除就业协议。对此笔者回应:由于高校毕业生就业的特殊性,就业协议的改革应该循序渐进,摸着石头过河,而在改革的过程中,在构建起高校毕业生就业法律体系之前,直面就业协议合法存在的现实,认识就业协议的性质,解决有关就业协议不履行的争议才是当下亟待解决的问题。第三部分探讨就业协议解除僵局的制度成因。各方主体在现有制度框架内突破就业协议解除僵局的实践差强人意,让我们反思顽固的僵局肯定存在制度内的原因。首先,采用实证分析法对现实存在的就业协议法律规范和法律活动作经验性的表述和说明。通过图表形式简洁明快地展现就业协议的签订过程及在此过程中毕业生、高校、用人单位根据《暂行规定》和就业协议书而负有的职责、义务及违反职责、义务的责任。揭示现有制度内容的设置偏重国家就业政策的实现,而忽视了协议的合同本质,缺少合同成立、生效、履行、变更、解除的相关内容。内容决定功能,紧接着分析就业协议在国家宏观调控上的贡献,反衬其规范毕业生和用人单位就业过程中权利义务这一本质功能的缺失。其次,功能的错位,促使我们反思《暂行规定》及其统筹下的行政规范性文件对就业协议的制度设计存在的模糊和空白之处:管理粗放、解除制度缺位、性质模糊。尽管如此,就业协议的合同属性却无法否认,合同必须信守,除非有约定或者法定的事由发生。这就对协议双方尤其是高校毕业生有刚性约束,也正是解约僵局的症结所在:解约条件无法可依,毕业生背上“不诚信”的道德恶名;解约程序无法可循,用人单位将“解约”等同“违约”,拒绝与毕业生解约或出具解约函;在领取新的就业协议条件问题上无法可查,学校不提供新的就业协议,阻止学生签订新的就业协议;遭遇解约纠纷无法可用,就业协议解约纠纷不能或者得不到司法和行政救济。第四部分,针对就业协议解除僵局提出制度对策。直面就业协议合法存在的现实,考虑到就业协议的改革不可能一蹴而就,笔者主张立足于现有法律规范研究对策。对症下药,首先需要对就业协议的性质有明确的定位。通过比较分析国内关于就业协议法律性质的各种学说,借鉴国外特别是日本“采用内定”的相关法理,主张根据就业协议内容的不同进行分类分析:从主体资格、缔约目的、协议内容考察就业协议与劳动合同的兼容,论证将具备劳动合同必备条款的就业协议定性为劳动合同的法理正当性;从合同的要约承诺理论出发,主张将不具备劳动合同必备条款的就业协议作为劳动合同的预备协议纳入劳动合同签订前阶段进行考察,分析了通过劳动合同签订前阶段双方的权利义务对就业协议进行规制的可能性。就业协议所导致的一系列纠纷,更拨开了团体协议的浓雾,使劳动合同签订前阶段暴露在我们面前,让我们认识到对此阶段进行劳动法律规制的重大意义。性质明确后需要丰满其内容,补强其功能:第一,为了彰显就业协议的合同特质,使就业协议解除僵局的破解回归法律本位,需要构建其退出机制。于是根据协议内容的不同,分别构建相应的解除制度以破除僵局。在此过程中,理清就业协议解除实践中存在的某些问题。分析协议解除中当事人约定的违约金条款的效力,主张在就业协议中彻底摈弃违约金条款,而采取填补损失的方式,因为这样不光可以取得与违约金相同的效果,更能进一步实现和劳动合同的对接。通过介绍劳动合同这一特殊领域中存在的因客观情况发生重大变化、经济性裁员而引起的单方解除权及更为特殊的劳动者的无因预告解除权,进一步区分单方解除与违约,期望能够消除用人单位对毕业生偏颇的道德评判。第二,与政府职能转变相适应,高校的行政管理职能弱化,其角色应该定位为守夜人,功能应该注重“服务”和限于“必要的监督”。由于就业协议解除制度理论研究的空白和实践经验的缺乏,笔者遵循契约观念的演化路径,通过对一般民事合同解除制度和社会化契约(具体指劳动合同)解除制度的对比研究,主张倚重劳动合同解除制度来构建就业协议的解除制度。将不具备劳动合同必备条款的就业协议纳入劳动合同订立阶段进行考察,通过劳动合同签订前双方的权利义务对其规制具有相当的理论风险。不揣浅薄,吾宁将之作为一个大胆的假设,小心求证。

【Abstract】 In order to suit the socialist economic development, the employment of college graduates in the mid-twentieth century entered a market-led stage_ "choose their own jobs" stage. Market-oriented employment system requires educational administrative departments gradually let go of the control of the flow of college graduates, changing its dominant position in the employment of graduates. However, graduates still can and must be regulated by the state, because they are rare resources. The State Education Commission in September 1997 issued the "University Graduates Interim Regulations" and the employment agreement of college graduates came into being.As time goes by, the employment of college graduates becomes increasingly market-oriented. It is difficult to imagine, the old regulation which had to balance national, individual and social interests of three parties, the tripartite initiative designed to mobilize the employment agreement caused dislocation of the inherent difficulties in practice. Existing laws and regulations on the nature of the employment agreement, the lifting of the conditions and procedures, and does not provide for liability, causing confusion, unable to continue to perform the employment agreement, which may lead to social conflicts. There are still gaps in theory:the existing research does not discriminate terminating an agreement and breaking a contract, moreover it stresses in the circumvention of the graduates who break a contract. It has no idea to carry on the rules and regulations or the relief for the existed stalemate.What kind of legal measures or corresponding design can respond to the employment agreement to break free from the stalemate? This is the purpose and also the tasks of this thesis.This study follows the path of positivism. From the real existence of the employment agreement to lift the stalemate, starting to study in the employment agreements within the framework of the existing system and the educational administrative department of the parties to break the deadlock. The effectiveness of the old system is running poorly, causing us to explore the reasons why the impasse is formed. Reconstruction of the employment agreement and, ultimately, form a new system for the college graduates to show their ideas. The whole paper is divided into four parts.Introduction is mainly raising questions and definition of the problem.When interviewing and investigating the system to understand the operational status of the employment agreement, co the termination of disputes of college graduates came into my perspective. I selected a representative case from actual cases, termination disputes panoramic display of graduates in the bucket in the hedge, induction and deduction out of the employment agreement termination of the existence of the impasse that can not be ignored. Analyzing the employment agreement to lift a major impasse in the system to show the practical value and theoretical significance, stand to explore characteristics of the social contract of employment agreements, and try to build the labor contract system of employment agreements to get rid of the deadlock.Starting from the perspective of the college graduates, universities, employers, education and other administrative departments and theoretical researchers, the second part demonstrated five different perspectives interested in the lifting of the deadlock employment agreements in the practice. First, the author analyzes unilateral termination of employers and graduates of the unilateral termination in different situations, come to the conclusion that the employment agreement mainly constrains college graduates, the employers pay low cost. As a result, the graduates are at a passive and vulnerable situation in the denunciation of the practice of the system, to survive with despair; while the employers will occupy the moral high, subjectively judge the students’ behavior and wait for an opportunity to make the students surrender. Since their position in the employment agreement is unclear, their responsibilities are confused; the transcendent universities had to play it safe, to avoid disputes. Secondly, a comparative analysis of some provinces and cities on college graduates employment agreements shows that the reform of employment policy initiatives. Unfortunately, reform of education administration is determined to change the three sides into two sides, to some degrees, away from the employment agreement, away from disputes, but it did not clarify the nature of the employment agreement, It will not be able to break the deadlock. Finally, some radical theorists call for a thorough reform abolition of the employment agreement. The author of this thesis holds:because of the special nature of the employment of college graduates, the employment agreement of reform should be gradual and cautious, and in the process of reform, before the employment of college graduates is completely built we should face the reality of the legal existence of the employment agreement, try to understand the nature of the employment agreement, and think of ways to solve the problems.The third part is to investigate the employment agreement to reveal the causes of the deadlock. The practice of the main parties within the framework of the existing system in breaking the deadlock is unsatisfactory. This makes us think that the reasons of the stubborn deadlock must exist within the system. First, the author of this thesis makes use of empirical analysis, using real existence of the employment agreements of legal norms and legal activities for the empirical representation and description. Clearly set out in tabular form of graduates, universities, employers under the "Interim Provisions" and their duties, obligations in the employment agreement. The analysis reveals the contents of the existing system set biased towards the realization of national employment policies, but it ignored the essence of the contract agreement, lack of contract formation, validity, performance, modification, dissolution of the relevant contents. Content determines function. Followed by analysis of the employment agreement at the national macro-control on the contribution, contrasting the graduates and employers regulate the course of employment rights and obligations of the nature of its functions. Second, the function of the dislocation, prompt us to reflect on the "Interim Provisions" and co-ordinate administrative normative documents under the employment agreements of the system design of the existing ambiguity and gaps:extensive management, the absence of dissolution system, the nature of vague. Nevertheless, the employment agreement can not deny the contract property, the contract must be abided by, unless there is an agreement or statutory reasons occur. So it has rigid constraints to the agreement of two sides, especially college graduates. It is also the crux of the deadlock termination:termination condition has no legal basis, graduates got "bad faith" the moral stigma; not follow termination procedures, the employers take "termination" as" default ", refuse to surrender with the graduates or refuse the issue of termination letter; in terms of the agreement for the new issue of employment could not be found, the university does not provide new employment agreement, to prevent the students sign a new employment agreement; facing termination disputes there are no laws available. Termination of the employment agreement can not or will not get judicial and administrative remedies.The fourth part proposes some measures to lift the employment agreement stalemate. Facing the reality of legal existence of the employment agreement, taking into account the reform of the employment agreement can not be achieved immediately, the author advocates legal norms based on the existing countermeasures. Suit the remedy to the case. First, the nature of the employment agreement needs to have a clear positioning. By comparing the analysis of domestic employment agreement on the legal nature of the various theories, from abroad, especially in Japan "by default" the relevant legal principles, ideas under the employment agreement to classify the different analysis:from the main qualification, contracting purposes, the employment agreement study, compatible with the labor contract, labor contract argument will have the terms of the employment agreement, must be characterized as legal legitimacy of the labor contract. Contract offer and acceptance from the theory, advocates do not have the labor contract as the essential terms of the employment agreement included in the labor contract agreement preparation phase before the signing of labor contracts to inspect, analyze the possibility of the labor contract by mutual rights and obligations of the previous stage of the employment agreement. Led to a series of employment agreements, disputes, but also brushed aside the fog collective agreements, so that exposure of the labor contract before the stage in front of us, let us recognize that this stage of labor laws and regulation of major significance. After a clear need for full nature of its content, we can reinforce its function. First, in order to highlight the characteristics of the employment agreement contract, the employment agreement is law break the deadlock to lift standard, need to build the withdrawal mechanism. So according to the agreement of the different systems were constructed in order to get rid of the corresponding deadlock. Meanwhile, clarify the employment agreement to lift some of the problems that exist in practice. Through the introduction of labor contracts that exist in this particular area due to significant changes in objective circumstances, economic layoffs caused by the unilateral right of cancellation and a more specific right to terminate workers without due notice, to further differentiate unilaterally terminate and breach of contract, expected the elimination of the employer of the graduates biased moral judgments; of agreement the parties have agreed to lift the penalty in terms of the effectiveness of the employment agreement claim liquidated damages in the total rejection of the terms of the way taken to fill the loss, because it not only can obtain with the penalty The same effect, and further to achieve better docking and labor contracts. Second, with the transformation of government functions to adapt the administrative functions of the university weakening its role should be positioned as a night watchman, function should focus on "services "and limited to "the necessary supervision. "Due to the lack of gaps in the system theory and practical experience in employment terminating system, the author follows the path of the evolution of the concept of contract, through a comparative study of dissolution system, the lifting of the general civil contract system and the social contract (specifically referring to dissolution system of the labor contract), advocates relying heavily on labor contract to build the new system. Employment agreement will not have labor contracts, especially the terms of the employment agreements must include labor contract stages of investigation, the labor contract signed by both parties prior to the rights and obligations of its regulation has considerable theoretical risk. Do not surmise shallow, I rather to use as a bold hypothesis, careful verification.

  • 【分类号】D922.5;G647
  • 【下载频次】414

