

The Implied Option Pricing of the Floating Rate Mortgages

【作者】 吴华

【导师】 樊胜;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 数理金融学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 我国金融市场尚处于发育和形成之中,全国统一的金融市场还没有完全建立起来,没有形成利率市场化,利率是受央行管制的。统计数据显示,我国的贷款利率一年平均至少调整一次,当利率上升时,就会提高借款人的每月还款额,作为理性的还款人会根据自己的利益最大化,选择履约还是提前还款或违约,如果选择提前还款或违约就会给商业银行带来损失。近年来,一些商业银行为了规避损失的发生,相继制定了提前还款违约金制度。所以,无论是站在贷款人还是借款人角度,合理的抵押贷款定价显得非常重要。本文以期权定价理论为基础,探讨了我国住房抵押贷款隐含期权定价及参数的估计。文章共分为6章,大致可以分为三个部分。第一部分包含第一章,简述我国个人住房抵押贷款的发展现状及商业银行错误定价对社会造成的影响,并对近期关于个人住房抵押贷款隐含期权的相关研究文献进行了回顾与简要评价。第二部分包括第二章到第四章,是对住房抵押贷款隐含期权的定价,其主要特点是在浮动利率及美式期权条件下进行探讨的,得出了隐含期权的表达式。第三部分是第五章,主要是对期权的模型进行求解,并估计了模型中的各个参数。第六章是本文的结论、建议及进一步研究的方向。现有研究文献,要么着眼于固定利率贷款,要么限于在支付日进行提前还款或违约,而且现金流的贴现率被假定为在整个时间段是不变的。有鉴于此,本文在浮动贷款利率的基础上,对住房抵押贷款隐含的期权进行研究,且假设贷款利率服从跳跃过程;假设住房抵押贷款隐含的期权是美式期权;市场利率(贴现率)是随机变化的,且服从CIR模型;由于期权的表达式中含有随机项贷款利率,所以利用数学期望的方法得出隐含期权的价值。不可否认,本文的研究是探索性的,所得到的住房抵押贷款隐含期权的定价表达式及其中的参数估计是否更为合理都有待于今后进一步的检验和研究。

【Abstract】 China’s financial market is still in the process of development and formation; unified national financial market has not been fully established. Interest rate market has not formed, interest rate is controlled by the central bank. Statistical data show that the adjustment of loan rates at least once a year on average. When interest rates rise, it will increase the borrower’s monthly repayment, at this time, as a rational person would select compliance or prepayment or default based on their own maximized benefits. If borrower chooses prepayment or default, it will result in losses to commercial banks. Some commercial banks in order to avoid losses, have developed the system of prepayment penalty. Therefore, standing on the position of view of the lender and the borrower, reasonable pricing of mortgage is very important.This article discussed that option pricing and parameter estimation of housing mortgage loans. The paper can be divided into three parts. The first part is the first chapter, outlined the development status of housing mortgage loans and the impact on the commercial banks error pricing to the society. After review the recent related research literature on the mortgage of implied option, we discuss the issues of the literature. The second part including ChapterⅡto Chapter IV is the pricing of implied option to mortgage; Its main feature is base on the floating rate and American options to explore. The third part is the fifth chapter.It mainly solve the model, and estimate the parameter of the model. ChapterⅥis the conclusion, recommendations and further research.The existing research literatures, either based on the assume of fixed rate loan, or on determinant payment date to prepayment or default. And the discount rate of cash flow is a constant at defferent terms. The innovations of this paper are that base on a floating interest rate, assuming loan interest rate follow a jump process, underlying mortgage options are American options, market interest rate (discount rate) is a random variable as in the CIR model on the implied option mortgage study. Because expressions of options with random item, we use the method of mathematical expectation to solve implied option value.Undeniable, study of this article is tentative. Weather the result of implicit option pricing expressions and parameters estimation is more reasonable, needing further research.

【关键词】 住房抵押贷款期权定价浮动利率提前还款违约
【Key words】 MortgageOptionPricingFloating RatePrepaymentDefault
  • 【分类号】F832.4;F293.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】86

