

【作者】 邓璨

【导师】 何沙;

【作者基本信息】 西南石油大学 , 思想政治教育, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 情感教育的核心目的,是培养人调控自我情绪的能力,.由此来获得良好的情感品质。但是我国作为一个长期受到应试教育影响的国家,社会普遍关注的是学生的学习成绩,而忽略了对他们情感品质的培养。进入21世纪,世界的发展日新月异,党中央倡导人的全面发展,社会对人才的素质的要求也越来越高,大学生作为生力军,在对其进行思想政治教育的过程中,就必须强调情感教育的重要地位,对其进行全面的培养。因此,研究当今大学生的情感状态,把握实施情感教育的规律,具有十分重要的意义。本文首先从教育学、哲学、系统论以及心理学中关于情感教育的相关理论出发,经过分析,引出情感教育的内涵,进而通过对当今大学生情感教育的必要性与重要性的阐述来解释其意义。以教会大学生怎样正确处理好人与自然、人与社会、人与人以及人与自身的关系作为情感教育的内容。在当今高校中,大学生思想政治教育中的情感教育存在着许多问题,本文着重从思想政治教育者身上找形成这些问题的原因,指出思想政治教育过程中的不足之处,另一方面,从主客观两个方面,分析出现这些问题的原因,继而提出能够改善当今高校思想政治教育中情感教育现状的方式,主要从全面提高教师队伍的素质;注重情感教育的实施方式,做到与时俱进;创造良好的校园文化氛围;充分利用现代教育技术,提高教育质量几个方面进行论述。

【Abstract】 Emotional education is to cultivate the core purpose, the ability to control their own emotions man, thus to obtain the good emotion quality. But our country by exam-oriented education as a long-term influence countries, social attention in the child’s learning achievement is for them, and neglected the cultivation of emotional quality. Entering the 21st century, the development of the world is developing rapidly, and the all-round development of the party central committee advocate, the quality of society for talents of higher and higher demands, college students as a force in the ideological and political education in the process, must be stressed emotion education important positions, and carry on the comprehensive training. Therefore, the study of college students today, grasp the emotional state of law implementing emotional education, have very important sense. This paper from the education, philosophy, system theory and psychology education related about emotion in the theory of emotional education through analysis, leads the connotation of today’s college students, and then through the necessity and significance of the emotional education to explain the meaning of this. How to teach students correctly dealing with a good man and nature, man and society, man and others with their relationship and emotional education as the content. In today’s colleges and universities in the ideological and political education, there exist in many emotional problems, this article emphatically from the ideological and political educators body seek form the causes of the problems, and points out that the ideological and political education process deficiency, on the other hand, from two aspects, analysis the subjective and objective reasons of these problems arise, and then puts forward can improve the ideological and political education in current education status of emotion manner, mainly from improve teachers’ quality; Pay attention to the implementation of the emotional education mode, pace with times; To create a good campus cultural atmosphere;Make full use of modern education technology, improve education quality aspects were discussed.

【关键词】 大学生情感教育内容原因对策
【Key words】 college studentsemotion educationcontent causescountermeasures

