

【作者】 董超群

【导师】 梁政;

【作者基本信息】 西南石油大学 , 车辆工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 我国大部分油田已进入开采的中后期,生产井数增大,但是油气当量依旧徘徊不前。目前我国原油进口依存度将超过50%。然而,我国的油气资源也很丰富,老油气田仍有开发潜力,传统的压井作业不利于油气资源的持续发展,这就要用一种新的作业方式来对待井下作业,尽量设法保持地层压力,保护地下油气资源,提高开采产收率。能够很好的满足这一要求的不压井作业工艺技术应运而生。游动卡瓦是不压井作业提升下降系统的关键部件,其卡瓦的好坏不仅直接影响着不压井作业技术,减少事故,而且大大提高工作效率,降低成本。国外不压井作业技术和设备都较为成熟,在美国、加拿大不压井作业利用率达到80%以上,我国不压井作业技术起步较晚,设备简陋,可靠性差,此技术在我国油田上较少利用。鉴于此,笔者开展了对不压井作业设备的关键零部件游动卡瓦的设计和研究,对游动卡瓦进行了详细的设计和计算,并对其进行优化分析,具体内容如下:(1)对不压井作业技术进行了详细的介绍说明,了解了不压井作业工作原理及应用领域,简单的介绍了下进行不压井作业的设备和装置类型,并预测不压井作业未来的发展。(2)在国内外调研的基础上,对油田用气动卡瓦进行结构分析,对适合我国油田具体情况的液压游动卡瓦进行结构设计和分析。(3)对不压井作业技术工艺过程进行分析,设计计算了管柱在作业过程中承受的静载,管柱受力分析,及管柱平衡点的位置,方便对作业过程中可能出现的几种危险情况进行设计,评价和控制。(4)对游动卡瓦的关键部位进行详细计算分析,确定几何模型和力学模型,对卡瓦体、卡瓦座、卡瓦牙形状、齿间距等做了详细的设计计算,并确定最佳取值范围。(5)建立了几何模型,利用ANSYS进行结构分析,得到游动卡瓦牙的最优参数组合,对卡瓦牙参数进行优化并最终得到卡瓦牙的优化设计。游动卡瓦的失效形式是卡瓦牙的磨损和断裂,其中卡瓦牙磨损破坏占到绝大多数,所以对卡瓦牙进行优化对不压井作业技术来说具有重要意义,为不压井作业能够尽快在我国推广使用做了铺垫,也为不压井作业设备的改进和升级提供了一定的理论基础。

【Abstract】 Most of the Oil fields in China has entered into the late exploitation, increasing the number of producing wells,but the Oil equivalent remains stagnant.The crude Oil import dependency will present more than 50% in our county.However, China is also rich in oil and gas resources,there the old Oil and Gas is still under the potential development,the traditional snubbing oil and gas resources is not conducive to sustainable development,which need to use a new underground work practices to deal with them,try to maintain the reservoir pressure,to protect the underground oil and gas resources,to increase exploitation of production yield.It comes into being that the snubbing technology which can meet the requirements well.Swimming Slip is the key components of the snubbing rise and down system,its quality is direct impact not only on snubbing technology, reducing accidents,but also greatly improving its efficiency and reducing costs.The technology and equipment of snubbing in foreign are relatively mature,the utilization rate is more than 80% in the United States and Canada. Snubbing technology starts late in our county, because of the poorly equipment and reliability, the technology is less used in our country oil fields.In view of this, the author carried out to design on the snubbing of key parts of equipment,to design and calculation on swimming slips,and to optimize and analysis. The details are as follows:(1) To make a detailed description on snubbing technology, and to show the working principle and applications of snubbing, to make a brief introduction on equipment and device type, and to predict the future development of snubbing.(2)Based on the research at home and abroad, with the slips on the field of structural analysis, for the specific circumstances of the hydraulic oil swimming slip structural to design and analysis.(3)To analysis the technical process of snubbing, to design and calculate the column which work in under the static,to analysis the column in stress and column position of equilibrium,so,it is convenient to design evaluation and control the process of operation in several risk conduct possibly(4)To make a detailed calculation to the key parts of the swimming slips, the author has determined the geometric and the mechanical model, and made a detailed design and calculations on the body slips, slip seat, slip tooth shape and the tooth spacing, finally determined the best value range.(5)Geometrical model was established,by using the ANSYS to analysis the geometrical model structural,and I have got the optimal swimming teeth slip parameters,eventually the author have got the optimal design of Slips teeth by optimizing the parameters of the slip teeth.The forms of failure in traveling slips is the teeth wear and fracture, the slip teeth wear and damage accounted for the vast majority, so it is a great significance to optimize the slip teeth to the technique snubbing, which to pave a way to promote the use of snubbing as soon as can be done, it is also to provide a theoretical basis for the improvement and upgrading of the snubbing technology


