

Disigning the Freight Transport Products under the Separation of Railway Passenger and Freight Line

【作者】 黄志鹏

【导师】 牛惠民;

【作者基本信息】 兰州交通大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 长期以来,我国大部分铁路线路运输能力紧张,已不能满足日益增长的客货运输需求。在一些主要繁忙干线上“客货争能”现象较为突出,特别是在春运期间,主要干线不得不“弃货保客”,使得原本就十分紧张的货物运输能力大大下降。为了缓解铁路与国民经济发展不协调的现实,近年来铁路进行了跨越式发展,铁路营运里程不断增加、路网结构更加完善、设施设备条件大力改善,特别是随着“四纵四横”客运专线网的规划与建设,使得铁路实现客货分线运输成为发展趋势。本文以客货分线运输为背景,对客货分线运输条件下货运产品的开发及布局问题进行研究。在“客货混跑”的运行组织形式下,受线路能力及客运产品的影响,货运产品结构相对单一。从货运产品的运行速度上,一般为低于80km/h的低速列车;从货运产品形式上,一般为技术直达、直通、区段、摘挂和小运转列车为主。在“客货分线”条件下,货物运输能力大大提高,货运产品的形式可以多样化,无论从速度、载重以及运距等功能要素上均可开发出多样化的货运产品以适应多样化的运输需求。文章从以下几个方面进行了相关研究。首先,从铁路货物运输需求的研究出发,结合我国铁路运输的特点,将运输需求划分为基础层、中间层和高端层,再按照各层运输需求的特点划分运输需求种类,并为不同运输需求层的需求种类赋予满足度系数。其次,提出了铁路货运产品开发应从产品功能创新、形式创新、结构创新和布局创新四个方面进行设计的策略,并针对产品功能创新分析出适合我国铁路运输的10种产品功能组合。再次,从不同运行速度货运产品的组合和满足不同层次运输需求的货运产品组合进行分析研究,最终得到了一定线路条件下的货运产品备选集。最后,建立了某路网区域内各起讫点间货运产品开行布局的混合整数规划模型。本文通过对客货分线条件下货运产品的开发与布局研究后认为:货运需求的层次结构决定了与之适应的货运产品的公共性强度,以及货运产品的结构和布局形式。无论从形式上还是功能上,货运产品的多样化是必然趋势,对多样化的货运产品进行优化布局具有重要意义。

【Abstract】 For a long time, railway carrying capacity is limited on the most railway lines in China. The railway’s traffic capacity has not been meet ever-increasing passenger and cargo transport demands. The competitive phenomenon of traffic capacity is universal between passenger and cargo transportation on some busy lines. The demands of passenger transport around the Chinese lunar new year is big, so the railway department have to drop some cargo traffic demands to meet increasing passenger demands in this time. The situation of cargo transport capacity shortage will more aggravated. In recent years, the railway department drew a wonderful blueprint of great-leap-forward development to relieve the situation which the velocity of railway construction and national economy development is out of step, and carried out some improved steps, such as increasing the railway operation mileage, optimizing the railway network structure, improving the condition of railway facility instrument, planning and constructing the "four’vertical’and four’horizontal’passenger special line network". Above steps make the separation of passenger and freight traffic a reality.This paper is set in separation of passenger and freight traffic, and study on railway freight transport product development and layout. In the past, the railway operation mode is mixed freight and passenger traffic, so the structure of railway freight transport product is single relatively. The speed of freight transport product is lower, usually, is under 80km/h. the type of freight transport product is through train, transit train, section train, goods collecting train and exchange train. The freight transportation will improve by a large margin after separation of passenger and freight traffic, so the freight transport product will be various in forms on speed, load and haul distance to’enrich the system of freight transport product.The paper study on the some aspect as follows:first of all, the paper study the freight transport demands under the characteristics of China railway, and divide freight transport demands into basal layer, intermediate layer and high-end layer, then divide freight transport demands of every layer into different kinds demand. Secondly, the paper indicated four kinds strategy when develop railway freight product as follows:function innovation, formal innovation, structure innovation and layout innovation, and analyses the ten product function combined. Thirdly, the paper analyses the situation of product combined on two and three speed level, and the date-base of the relation between demand layer and product category. At last, build the model of mixed integer programming to deal with the problem of product layout.The paper considers the freight transport demands layer decide to the public strength, the structure and layout of freight transport product. Diversification of freight transport product is inexorable trend, so the study on layout of freight transport product has important meaning.


