

The Comparative Study of Shanghai World Expo Image Based on Constructivism Theory

【作者】 李薇

【导师】 胡曙中;

【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学 , 新闻学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 于2010年5月1日至10月31日期间,以“城市,让生活更美好”(Better City, Better Life)为主题的上海世博会在中国上海市举行,总投资达450亿人民币。不仅受到国内主流媒体的关注,同时西方媒体的关注。但在全民狂欢以及被关注的背后,我们不禁会思考以下问题,在西方媒体报道体系中,相较以往的世博会,关注度有何不同?报道角度有何不同?对于上海世博会,中国媒体如何呈现?西方媒体又是如何呈现?对以上问题的思考是对上海世博会媒介形象的探究过程,同时也是对国家形象研究的必要补充。正是基于对以上问题的思考,才形成了本文的研究问题,即上海世博形象是如何在中西方主流媒体的视野下建构的。在理论上,笔者借用建构主义对“身份认同”的核心概念,以及在身份认同过程中的两种建构方式,即“自我建构”与“他者建构”来探讨上海世博形象在中西方不同媒介视野中的建构过程。本文笔者将从中西方主流媒体的报道内容出发,运用定量与定性相结合的研究方法,将中西方主流媒体对上海世博会的报道内容做对比分析,并在分析过程中为了使上海世博形象饱满,而分别从宏观、中观以及微观三个维度逐一对比,层层深入,继而得出了“无论是中西方媒体,上海世博会都得到了足够的关注,但是在西方媒介视野下上存在一个世博背后问题与竞争并存的中国”的结论。并在总结中西方主流媒体所呈现的上海世博形象基础上,进一步探究得出形成形象异同的成因,以及在探讨形象建构过程中的有益建议,并以期最终能成为对上海世博会研究的有效实践和参考。

【Abstract】 Shanghai Expo with the theme“Better City, Better Life”was invested 45 billion RMB. From May 1st to October 31st, 2010, the six-month exposition drew attention only from the local media but the media abroad. Besides the limelight brought from the media, we have to think about issues like: compared with expos held by other countries, how much attention and what angles did the western media take? And with the topic Shanghai Expo, how did the local media report and how did the westerns? These questions lead to a new exploration process of Shanghai World Expo, which is also a necessary complement of National Image Study.The main study point, how the image of Shanghai World Expo constructed in the perspective of native and western mainstream media, comes out with the basic consideration of these questions. Theoretically, the author use the core concept“identity”of constructivism, and two classic identity construction ways–“self-construction”and“other construction”to support the whole analysis. Focusing on the story content, this paper applied the methodology of quantitative and qualitative methods. This thesis aims to conclude the Shanghai Expo image with the comparative study of local and western media’s stories from three main levels, and finally has the comparative conclusion of Shanghai Expo– both native and western media focus on this activity, but there has a trouble and challenge coexisted country beyond the Expo. After the analysis, the thesis discusses the reason for the difference in the further step with the wish this process could be a useful practice for the study of Shanghai Expo.

  • 【分类号】G206
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】201

