

The Research on Poetry of the Southern Anhui Province in the Northern Song Dynasty

【作者】 朱少山

【导师】 余恕诚;

【作者基本信息】 安徽师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 北宋是我国封建时代地域文化全面发展的重要时期,皖南即是其时长江中下游较为典型的地域文化系统之一。宣州、歙州、池州、太平州和广德军所辖范围与现代意义上的“皖南”大体一致。从行政区划、自然地理和经济面貌来看,北宋时期的皖南能够构成一个相对独立完整的文化地理区域。随着地域格局的逐步奠定、社会经济的不断发展和自然生态价值的渐次挖掘,皖南的文化也迎来了大发展的历史机遇,涌现出了许多不同层次的本土诗人,创作了大量的文学作品特别是诗歌。本文试图在北宋大文化背景下去探讨皖南诗坛的总体状况,冥搜钩沉,掇摭裒辑,并就本地区的某些诗学现象和每一时期的代表诗人及其作品展开个案分析,以期努力呈现北宋皖南本土诗歌的发展史纲。并在此基础上,笔者进一步挖掘北宋皖南籍诗人在创作路数上的相通之处,着力追寻皖南文人笔下的皖南山水风貌和人文景观,以及他们诗歌创作的主题趋向,从而初步建构诗学传承中的皖南诗坛,把握北宋皖南诗人的创作成就和历史贡献。

【Abstract】 The Northern Song Dynasty is an important period when regional cultures developed in all-round way in feudal era and the southern Anhui Province became one of the typical regional culture systems in the middle and lower reaches of Yangtse River. Today’s the southern Anhui Province is almost equivalent to the areas including Xuanzhou, Shezhou, Chizhou, Taipingzhou and places under the control of Guangde Army. The southern Anhui Province in the Northern Song Dynasty can constitute a relatively independent and intact cultural and geographic region in terms of administrative division, natural geography and finance. With the gradual formation of regional structure, the unceasing development of social economy and the progressive discovery of natural ecology value, cultures in the southern Anhui Province also got big historical development opportunities so that many different levels of poets emerged who created substantial literary works especially poetry. This paper tries to discuss the general situation of poetic circles in the southern Anhui Province against the cultural background of the Northern Song Dynasty. It strives to collect some literary materials and analyses some local poetic phenomena and typical poets in each period and their works so as to present the historical development outline of local poetry of southern Anhui Province in the Northern Song Dynasty. On this basis, the author will further discover the similarities of writing methods of poets from the southern Anhui Province in the Northern Song Dynasty and focus on finding nature and human landscape in the southern Anhui Province described by local poets and the thematic trend of their poetic creation so as to deconstruct and construct poetic circles inheriting poetics in the southern Anhui Province and grasp achievements and historical contributions of poets from the southern Anhui Province in the Northern Song Dynasty

【关键词】 北宋皖南诗歌
【Key words】 The Northern Song Dynastythe Southern Anhui ProvincePoetry

