

The Research and Implementation on Technology of Product Development Process Management in Manufacturing

【作者】 郭培辉

【导师】 陈晓春;

【作者基本信息】 北京化工大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 业务过程管理是目前制造企业提高产品开发效率、缩短产品开发周期的重要途径。本文在分析业务过程管理技术的研究现状、存在问题以及发展趋势的基础上,针对制造企业数字化产品开发的主要需求,对面向知识共享的过程建模和基于服务的跨系统过程集成技术进行了深入的研究。主要研究工作概括如下:1分析制造企业的核心业务过程,在分析结果的基础上提出了柔性的业务过程管理体系,此体系分为5个层次:理论层、业务流程层、企业集成层、应用层和数据层。2分析了过程管理的主要模型:组织模型、资源模型、数据模型、版本控制模型以及权限控制模型。3根据XPDL2.0的相关思想,给出了过程建模的形式化表示方法,并且给出了具体的设计类图,最后给出了基于BPM表达式的业务流程的验证方法。4研究了基于XML的知识表达方式,给出了基于知识共享的框架、知识的映射模型。并且研究了基于知识共享的流程建模技术,包括图元的设计、各个组件的设计和验证模块的设计开发。5研究了基于Web服务和插件的跨企业业务过程集成的关键技术,将集成平台分为三个层次:业务过程集成层、中心数据交换层和服务实现层,然后讨论了每个层次的具体设计。6给出了BPMS系统的总体结构图,基于.NET平台开发了BPMS的原型系统,此系统主要实现了组成BPM业务流程层的主要模型,并且设计开发了可视化流程编辑器以及模型验证工具等。

【Abstract】 Business process Management is an important way to improve the product development efficiency and shorten the product development cycle in the manufacturing enterprises. Based on the analyses of current research of the management of product development process, the existing problems and development trends, this dissertation makes a thorough study on theProcess modeling that it is based on knowledge sharing and the Process Integration. Main research works are as follows:1 First, this paper analysis the business process and gives the flexible management system. This management system contains five levels: theory layer, business process layer, business integration layer, application layer and data layer.2 Analysis of the main model for process management:organization model,resourcemodel, data model, version control model and access control model.3 According to the XPDL 2.0, this paper gives the formal representation of process modeling, the class diagram and the authentication method based on the BPM Expression. 4 The knowledge representation based on XML is given in this paper. Then this paper gives the framework based on knowledge sharing, mapping model of the knowledge and the extraction mechanism of knowledge. Finally, this paper studies the modeling process based on knowledge-sharing,includingpixel design, the various components of the design and verification module design and development.5 The paper studies the key technologies that are used in enterprise business process integration based on Web Service and plug-ins. The integration platform is divided the three levels:Business process integration layer,Center data exchange layer,service implementation layer. And then discuss the specific design of each level.6 This paper gives the system structure. BPMS is developed based on.NET platform. This system contains the most important model and develops the visual editor, verification tools.


