

On Rural Construction Land Right Transfer

【作者】 袁向荣

【导师】 裴亚洲;

【作者基本信息】 北京化工大学 , 民商法学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 农村土地流转领域分为三大块:农地流转、建设用地流转和未利用地流转。相对来说,对农村建设用地权属流转的研究系全新领域。农村建设用地权属流转研究可从经济学和法学两个层面进行。法学层面的农村建设用地流转研究又可细分为行政法、经济法和民商法三个方面,本文着重农村建设用地权属流转的民商法研究。农村建设用地,是指由集体所有的,用于非农业目的的土地,包括宅基地、乡镇企业用地、公共设施用地、公益事业用地。农村建设用地权属流转是指法定主体依法对集体建设用地以一定方式处分,使其主体发生变化。农村建设用地需要其所有权属性的完全回归。土地需要在动态流转中才能充分实现其价值,农村建设用地也不例外。当前我国对国有建设用地和农村建设用地区别对待,国有土地的流转已较为规范有序,而对农村建设用地的流转现行法律则基本禁止,从而使农村建设用地的财产价值无法得以充分体现。现行农村建设用地法律层面的唯一流转形式就是征地,国家征收土地的唯一途径有着相当多的弊端,急需要再引进其他流转形式,允许农村建设用地合法流转则成为必然。允许农村建设用地流转使农村建设用地的物权属性得以充分体现,有利于增加农民的收入、充分保护广大农民的利益,有利于增加土地供给、遏制不断攀升的房价,有利于消除现行土地流转制度下既得利益阶层的垄断利益、实现社会公平。同时,允许农村土地合法流转也是统筹城乡发展,建设社会主义新农村的需要。早已在某些地方兴起的农村建设用地流转试点也印证了农村建设用地权属流转的需要,并积累了丰富的经验。实现农村建设用地权属流转,要消除现行法律尤其是民商法层面的障碍:修改土地管理法、农村土地承包法、房地产管理法、物权法的相关规定;要允许农村建设用地采取出让、转让、出租、抵押等合法流转形式进行流转;农村建设用地自由流转为主,国家征地为辅;城镇建设用地增加与农村建设用地减少挂钩,开展农村建设用地整理,占补平衡;有条件的小产权房合法化。

【Abstract】 The field of rural land transfer can be devided into three segments: farming land transfer, construction land transfer and no-used land transfer. Relatively speaking, the study of rural construction land right transfer is a new terrain. The study of rural construction land right transfer can be processed through two lays as economics and law.To the law lay, the study of rural construction land right transfer includes three parts as administrative law, economic law and civil and commercial law. This essay emphasizes the civil and commercial law research about the transfer of rural construction land rights.The rural construction land refers the collectivity owned land used for non-agricultural intention and includes house sites, land for rural enterprises, public facilities, land for public welfare undertakings.Rural construction land rights transfer refers legal bodies dispose the collective construction land through certain legitimate ways and then the rights owner changed. The rural construction land call for the complete regression of its ownerships attribute.The value of the land may be completely carried out only in the course of dynamic transfer and the rural construction land confirms the truth. Nowadays the national construction lands and the rural construction lands are treated discriminatoyily, this phenomenon is showed in the truth that the national construction lands transfer is legal and standard while the rural construction land transfer is prohibited by the law. As a result, the proper value of the rural construction lands can’t be manifested entirely. The land levies being the only legitimate means of rural construction lands rights transfer have so many shortcoming, accordingly,other transfer means such as rural construction land rights transferring freely should be introduced. Empowering the transfer of the rural construction land rights shows the reality of the rural construction land as well as benefits the farmers’income increasing and protects the farmers welfare fully. At the same time, This policy is good for increasing the construction land supply and controlling the ever-increasing price of commercial houses. Of course, the molopoly benefits of the vested interest owners can be eliminated and the social justice is achieved. Finally, Allowing the free transfer of rural construction land rights is a must for unifying the development of city and rural and forming the socialism new rural. By the way, certain experimental cases was already existed in some area also confirms the must of the transfer of rural construction land rights.To realize the transfer of rural construction land rights, we should get rid of obstacles of law especially the civil and commercial law: modifying the corresponding items about The Law of Land Administration, The Rural Land Renting Law, The Law of Urban Real Estate Administration and The Reality Law; Allow the legal transfer of rural construction land by means of remise, demise, lease, mortagage and so on; Adopting the policy that the free transfer of rural construction land rights gives priority to the land levies; The increasing of city construction land matches the decreasing of the rural construction land under the condition of the processing of rural construction lands; conditional legitimation of the little property house.

  • 【分类号】D922.3;F301
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】216

