

Acceleration of Microwave Pyrolysis Process of Oily Sludge

【作者】 庞小肖

【导师】 屈一新; 雍兴跃;

【作者基本信息】 北京化工大学 , 化学工程与技术, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 含聚油泥是油田二次采油过程中产生的含有大量有机物和重金属等有毒有害物质的危险固体废弃物。开展油泥资源化、无害化和减量化处理研究,回收油泥中的油资源,对解决我国能源短缺和环境污染问题具有重要意义。本文以回收油资源作为预期目标,采用微波技术研究了含聚油泥热处理过程及产物特征。采用油泥微波热处理后得到的固体残渣作为微波吸收剂,对微波热处理过程的强化技术进行了研究,研究微波吸收剂的加入对含聚油泥微波热处理过程特征及产物产出规律特征的影响,得出了吸收剂的最佳添加量。分析了油泥热处理过程中不凝气体、回收油品、固体残渣产物的特性,并研究了固体残渣作为一般吸附材料的处理工艺。实验结果表明:含聚油泥微波热处理过程可以分为五个阶段,即:快速升温阶段、微波干化阶段、烃类物质微波蒸发阶段、微波热解阶段和微波焚烧阶段。在整个过程中,热解阶段所耗时间太长,耗能较高。采用油泥微波热解残渣作为微波吸收剂的方法,能够明显地加速含聚油泥微波热处理过程,缩短整个处理时间,尤其是微波热解时间。然而,对微波热处理过程特征没有影响。当添加量为原料的3%左右时,能够有效缩短微波热解过程时间近80%,缩短整个微波热处理过程时间近60%。从而能够达到微波热处理高效节能的目的。不凝气体的产率会随吸收剂的增加而增大,当吸收剂添加量为原料的5%时,不凝气的产率为油泥中油含量的20%。主要有氢气、一氧化碳、甲烷、乙烯、丙烯,等有机小分子气体,可燃性很高。油品回收率随吸收剂的增加呈先增大后减小趋势,当吸收剂添加量达到3.0%左右时,油品的回收率最高,可达80%左右。油品中柴油和汽油含量接近80%,并且主要都是由烷烃和烯烃组成,品质良好。固体残渣的产率则随吸收剂的增加变化不大,一般都在原油泥的10%以内,说明油泥经微波技术处理后,有很好的减量效果。残渣中残油含量、重金属离子溶出量均满足国家排放标准要求。经过硝酸进一步酸洗处理后,其比表面积均大于150m2/g,可以作为吸附材料使用。

【Abstract】 Oily sludge containing PAC with a large number of toxic hazardous components like organic compounds and heavy metals is generated during the crude oil secondary exploitation. Therefore, it is important for oily sludge to be treated with the aims of resources, harmless and volume reduction, and it is helpful to recover oil from oily sludge in order to solve energy shortage and environment pollution.The process of microwave heat treatment and its product characteristics were studied by microwave radiation. Then, the solid residues produced during microwave heat treatment were used as the microwave absorbent to accelerate the processes of microwave pyrolysis. Finally, non-condensable gases, recycling oil, solid residues were qualitatively analyzed, and the process by which active adsorbent was produced by using the solid residues as raw materials was also studied.The results showed that microwave heat treatment process can be divided into five stages:rapidly-increasing temperature, microwave drying, hydrocarbon microwave evaporation, microwave pyrolysis and microwave burning. The whole microwave heat treatment process took a long time with high energy consumption.The addition of solid residues as microwave absorbent could markedly accelerate the microwave pyrolysis processes, resulting in decreasing the time for microwave treatment of oily sludge, and had no effect on the characteristics of the microwave heat treatment process. When 3% of solid residues were mixed with oily sludge, the time of microwave pyrolysis process was decreased by 80%, and the whole time for microwave heating treatment of oily sludge was decreased by 60%. Under these conditions, the volume of recovery oil after microwave treatment processes was up to maximum.Non-condensable gases, which have high flammability, mainly contain hydrogen, carbon monoxide, methane, ethylene, propylene and other small organic gases. Recovery oil was composed of 39.23% gasoline,39.83% diesel and 20.94% heavy oil, and mainly contained alkanes and olefin. This meant recovery oil has good quality. Besides, the production of solid residues usually in less than 10% of the oily sludge indicated that microwave treatment is a good way for the volume reduction of oily sludge.After solid residues were treated with 5% of nitrate, the surface area of solid residues was increased to above 150 m2/g.


