

【作者】 曾丽

【导师】 刘志成;

【作者基本信息】 四川师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 《三遂平妖传》是我国的第一部章回体神魔小说,对神魔小说的兴起产生了深远的影响,在我国文学史上有重要的地位。小说主要讲述了北宋仁宗时胡永儿、王则夫妇领导的农民起义,后被文彦博镇压的故事。文章语言流畅而自然,是典型明代的口语。本文着重对《三遂平妖传》中“在”的语法现象进行深入研究和发掘,有重要的意义和价值。本文以罗贯中的二十回本的《三遂平妖传》为研究的对象。文中的“在”字按词性可以分为动词、副词、介词、助词这四类。依据词性的不同,我们把各词类进行分类描写分析。采用历时描写和共时描写相结合,数理统计与语法分析相结合,从词的演变上来探讨“在”字的用法。本文按照“在”的词性,分七章进行探讨。第一章主要是绪论,介绍其作者和版本及研究现状。第二章主要写动词“在”,按照其语义进行分类,通过历史演变、运用三个平面理论分析“在”的用法。第三章主要写副词“在”。着重从句法、语义、语用三个平面上进行分析。第四章主要写介词“在”。按照马贝加的观点把介词“在”分为处所介词、时间介词、范围介词等。并把处所介词分为起始处、所在处、终到处,并对其进行分析,采用历史演变和三个平面分析研究。第五章主要写助词,虽然作品中没有,但我们还是联系现代方言来写助词的用法。找出它的一些规律,为研究方言打下基础。第六章写与“在”有关的问题。分析了词素“在”构成的合成词,如“在意”、“自在”、“在下”、“在于”等,按其词性进行归类。还分析了与“在”字句相关的句式,如存现句、“把”字句和“被”字句。第七章是本文的结论部分,总结“在”的语法特点、历史演变以及在《三遂平妖传》中总的使用情况。

【Abstract】 "San Sui Ping Yao Zhuan " is the first Chapters Ghost Stories in China,which had a profound influence on the development of Ghost Stories.It has an important role in literary history. The novel mainly tells us a story. During the North Song, Hu Yonger and Wang Ze led the peasant uprising and later, they were suppressed Wen Yanbo. The language of the article was fluent and natural .It is the Ming Dynasty spoken,which is very typical. This paper focuses on the "in" word.We study and explore it in depth because it is valuable for the study of Chinese grammar.The object of this paper is the twenty- Luo Guanzhong’s "San Sui Ping Yao Zhuan".In this paper, the word"in" can be divided into verbs, adverbs, prepositions, auxiliary.According to the different parts of speech, they are classified, described and analyzed by us.Our approach are synchronic description and diachronic description,mathematical statistics and usage, chinese grammar and history evolution .According to part of speech,the articles is divided into seven chapters by us.The first chapter is an introduction. It describes the author, version and Research.The second chapter is written verb. According to its semantics, we carry out classification. Our analysis is historical evolution, syntax, semantic and pragmatic.The third chapter is written by an adverb. Our approach is syntactic, semantic and pragmatic analysis.The fourth chapter is written preposition. According to Ma Beijia point of view,the preposition is divided into the premises prepositions prepositions, prepositions of time, the scope of prepositions. The premises prepositions are divided into the beginning of the premises, where the department, and finally everywhere. We analyze them in this chapter. The fifth chapter is written particle. Although there is no work, but we write. We contact to the modern dialect and write auxiliary usage. Through the study of dialects, we can find some rules and we lay the basis of dialect.In the sixth chapter, we mainly write -related issues. Analysis of compound words, such as "care, ""comfortable, ""lies " and so on. By part of speech, they are classified. In addition, we analyzed the sentence, such as "in " words, existential, "ba" and "bei"sentences.The seventh chapter is the conclusion of this article. We conclude the "in " the grammatical features, historical evolution and the total usage in the "San Sui Ping Yao Zhuan".

【关键词】 《三遂平妖传》句法语义语用
【Key words】 "San Sui Ping Yao Zhuan"zaisyntaxsemanticspragmatics

