

The Reaserch of Power Cable Fault Location System

【作者】 许如怡

【导师】 赵刚; 沈泓;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 电气工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国科学技术稳步向前发展,尤其是电能技术的突飞猛进,为了适应输送和分配大功率电能的需要,电力电缆线路应运而生。电力电缆线路以其可靠性强、安全性高、输电通道小、抗干扰强等优点逐步取代架空线路。然而,和架空线路一样,电缆线路在运行过程中也会因为受各种外界及内在原因出现故障,因此怎样准确而快速地对电力电缆故障的具体位置、故障种类、事故原因进行判断分析,是电力电缆运行中不可缺少的一个重要环节。本论文详细介绍了电力电缆故障探测技术的基本原理和应用,从电力电缆故障的成因和分类着手,阐述了电缆线路中电压、电流行波原理,并在此基础上介绍了一种基于行波测距理论的故障测距技术,为了便于优化故障探测系统的设计,还引入了小波分析理论,旨在电缆故障探测过程中起到信号消噪和奇异性检测作用。此外,本文还对电力电缆故障探测声磁联合定点技术进行了分析,在此基础上设计了一套电缆故障定点仪的硬件模块,方便技术人员快速、准确、直观地定位到故障点。最后,通过故障实际案例分析,介绍了低压脉冲法、脉冲电流法以及二次脉冲法在实际故障检测中的应用情况,为今后合理选择探测方法及仪器提供了实践的参考依据。

【Abstract】 With a steady development of China’s science and technology, especially power technology is advancing by leaps, In order to adapt the needs of high power electrical energy transmission and distribution, power cable line came into being. Power cable line, with its high reliability, security, small transmission channel, strong anti-jamming and other advantages gradually replacing overhead lines. However, as with overhead lines, faults will be also occur in the cable running due to various external and internal causes. So, how to accurately and quickly determine the location of power cable fault, fault types, accident causes is an important aspect in power cable running.This paper details the basic principle and application of power cable fault detecting technology. Starting from the cause and classification of power cable fault, describe the cable line voltage, current traveling wave theory and a technique of fault location based on the basis of this theory, In order to optimize the design of fault detection system, I will introduce a wavelet analysis theory, which plays a role in the signal denoising and singularity detection in fault detection,In addition, this paper also analysis the "Sound magnetic joint fixed-point technology". And on this basis, a set of hardware modules of cable fault pointing instrument has been designed, which provides a fast, accurate and intuitive way to find the point of fault to the technicians. At last, by fault actual case studies, I introduces the applications of "Low-voltage pulse reflection" method,"Pulse current method" as well as "Secondary pulse method " in actual fault detection, which provide a practical reference for reasonable selecting detection methods and instruments.


