

Standardized Design and Flexible Response of Custom Chest

【作者】 张培蕊

【导师】 许柏鸣;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 家具设计与工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济的快速增长和居住环境的改善,人们的生活方式和理念正在逐步发生变化,以人为本的设计理念深入人心,客户对于衣柜产品的需求也呈现出多样化、个性化的特点,而传统的成品衣柜和手工打制衣柜已无法满足人们对于衣柜产品的需求,定制衣柜作为一种适应现代生活和消费,适应现代设计和生产方式的产品应运而生,得到了前所未有的丰富和发展,并深受消费者的青睐。与此同时,定制衣柜的产品个性化和批量化生产之间的矛盾成为制约行业发展的关键问题。为解决这一问题,本文以板式趟门衣柜为研究对象,从标准化、模块化设计的角度探索定制衣柜实现批量化生产的方法,并通过终端弹性化响应来满足消费者的个性化需求。本课题首先对定制衣柜行业进行分析研究,其次,从客户对于定制衣柜的功能需求出发,从人因和物因两个角度综合研究定制衣柜的基本功能需求。对各种存储物品的种类、存储方式和尺寸进行了详细的论述,并对定制衣柜的功能进行分区研究,提出定制衣柜的设计要根据使用对象的不同和室内空间的特点进行因人而异、因地制宜的设计。再次,在此基础上,通过对标准化、模块化以及衣柜组成和结构的研究,提出“框柜+功能模块”的标准化设计思路,总结出定制衣柜的功能模块库。根据衣柜结构特点,将框柜分为标准柜、可调节柜和非标准柜三种类型,并通过分析得出相应的尺寸,形成定制衣柜标准化设计平台,使其实现批量化生产。在弹性化响应方面,通过框柜和功能模块的组合配置设计实现产品的个性化,框柜的选择以标准柜为主,可调节柜为辅,最后选择非标准柜,同时总结出根据客户类型和室内空间的不同弹性化响应的解决方法。最后,通过具体案例的分析和应用论证了定制衣柜标准化设计与弹性化响应方法的正确性和可行性。

【Abstract】 With the rapid economic development and the improvement of housing environment,people’s way and idea of life has been changing,and people-oriented concept is prominent intheir thinking. Consumer demand presents the character of diversity and personality. However,The traditional finished closet and artisanal wardrobe already can’t meet modern consumerdemand. As one kind product adapting modern life and expense, modern design and mode ofproduction, the custom chest has been enriched and developed unprecedented, and also favoredby consumers. Meanwhile, it is the opposition between production personalization and massproduction of the custom closet that is the key problem to develop the industry. To solve thisproblem, the plate closet with sliding doors is taken as the research object in this article whichtries to discovery the method to realize mass production from the view of standardization andmodularization, and satisfy personalized consumer demand through terminal flexible response.Firstly,this article conducts the custom chest industry to analysis and research. Secondly,based on customer’s demand on custom closet, it studies the basic functional requirements ofthe custom closet from human factor and substance factor. Furthermore, types, storage meansand dimension of various storage items are discussed in detail. Furthermore, it has a research oncustom chest’s functional area, and puts forward that the custom chest should be designed inlight of local conditions, and varies from person to person according to the use object and thecharacteristics of the interior space. Thirdly, on that basis, through the study of standardization,modular and composition and structure of the wardrobe, it proposes the "box ark+functionmodule" standardized design idea and sums up the custom wardrobe functional module library.According to the structure features of chest, the box ark can be classified into three types whichare standard ark, adjusting ark and non-standard ark. Through analysis, it concludes thecorresponding size which can form standardized design platform of the custom chest to realizemass production. Fourthly, for the flexible response, product personalization will be realizethrough the combination configuration design of the box ark and function module. Standard arkis the priority selection, adjusting ark is the second one, finally the non-standard ark. At thesame time, it sums up flexible response solutions due to the different customer type and interiorspace. At last, the paper demonstrates validity and feasibility of the standardization design andflexible response methods for the custom chest through analysis and application of the specificcase.

  • 【分类号】TS664.03
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】226

