

Study on Mechanical Properties of the Concrete Filled Circular Frp-steel Composite Tube Column

【作者】 曹兴

【导师】 李国芬; 魏洋;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 道路与铁道工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 FRP-钢复合管混凝土是通过钢管外侧纵、横向复合纤维材料形成复合管,内部填充混凝土得到的一种新的组合结构,从而使钢管内的核心混凝土处于FRP和钢管的双重约束之下,以提高钢管混凝土的承载力。本文在目前已有的研究基础上进行补充性的研究。首先,提出了FRP-钢复合管混凝土结构的施工工艺;随后,研究了圆形FRP-钢复合管混凝土短柱在单调轴压荷载下的力学性能,并应用大型有限元软件ABAQUS对FRP-钢复合管混凝土轴压构件进行数值模拟,将试验与模拟相比较;最后,将试验研究结果应用到工程实际。通过以上研究,可以得出以下主要结论:(1)FRP-钢复合管混凝土结构的施工工艺,包括钢管加工→浇筑混凝土→钢管外壁打磨→粘贴纤维→涂刷纤维复合材料专用涂料。(2)圆形FRP-钢复合管混凝土短柱承受单调轴压荷载时,无论是CFRP还是BFRP,或者是两者的混杂,随着层数的增加,极限承载力均有不同程度的增加;相同层数的纤维时,CFRP承载力提高明显优于BFRP。结合相关试验数据,推导了圆FRP-钢复合管混凝土柱的承载力简化计算公式,计算与试验吻合较好。通过有限元软件对FRP-钢复合管混凝土轴压短柱进行数值模拟,模拟曲线和试验曲线吻合良好。(3)根据研究成果将FRP-钢复合管混凝土结构应用于实际桥墩,对FRP-钢复合管混凝土桥墩的设计、施工进行了较为深入的研究,提出了FRP-钢复合管混凝土桥墩施工技术要点和关键工艺。

【Abstract】 The concrete filled FRP-steel composite tube is a new composite structure thatpasted longitudinal and transverse composite fiber material in steel tube lateral toform a composite tube, and filled concrete internally, so that the core concrete insidethe steel tube is under the double constraint of FRP and steel tube, it can improve thebearing capacity of concrete filled steel tube.In this paper, there are complementary studies on the basis of existing research.First of all,the construction process of the concrete filled FRP-steel composite tubestructure were proposed;Then, the mechanical properties of the concrete filledcircular FRP-steel composite tube stub columns were studied under axiallycompressed monotonous,and the large finite element software ABAQUS was used tosimulate the axially compressed concrete filled FRP-steel composite tube component,and comparing the result of test and simulation; Finally, the test results were used toengineering practice.Through the above research, the following main conclusionscan be drawn:(1) The construction process of the concrete filled FRP-steel composite tubestructure including processing steel tube→pouring concrete→polishing steel tubeouter→pasting FRP→brushing the special coating of fiber composite material.(2) When the concrete filled circular FRP-steel composite tube stub columnsunder monotonic axially compressed load, whether it is CFRP or BFRP,or bothmixed,the ultimate bearing capacity increased in varying degrees as the layers ofFRP layers increased;the improved effect of CFRP was better than BFRP under thesame number of FRP layers. With the experimental data, the simplify calculationformula of the bearing capacity of the concrete filled circular FRP-steel compositetube columns was derived, it showed good agreement with experiment andcalculation. By the finite element software to simulate the axially compressedconcrete filled FRP-steel composite tube stub columns also showed the simulatedcurves and the experimental curves were in good agreement.(3) The concrete filled FRP-steel composite tube structure was applied to theactual pier according to the research results; the design and construction of theconcrete filled FRP-steel composite tube pier were more in-depth studied and theconstruction techniques and critical process were also proposed.


