

The Research of Intelligent Processing System of Landscape Archi Tecture Diseases and Insect Pest Treatment

【作者】 胡凯

【导师】 徐幼林;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 检测技术与自动化装置, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 传统的风景园林病虫害的防治主要存在调查手段单一、记录和存储方式落后、监控技术落后、历史数据缺乏、诊断过程局限等缺点,很大程度的降低了工作人员的工作效率,无形之中又为病虫害的防治工作增加了难度。本文主要研究风景园林病虫害防治物联网智能处理系统,以便携式智能处理系统设计理念为重要的核心,以提高风景园林景区病虫害的防治能力为目标,将智能控制技术、无线传输技术与互联网技术有机结合,解决园林病虫害的防治问题。本文分析了风景园林景区的植物生长环境的数据,针对园林病虫害发生的环境数据的变化,选择相关的传感器,在电路设计上为第三方传感设备预留接口以提高系统的可扩展性,采用触摸屏来完成对测试数据的显示以及对系统的控制。在供电系统上设计多模式供电的模式以适应不同的风景园林景区的工作环境,来解决部分景区的设备的供电困难的问题;本文分析现有的无线与有线的数据传输方式,并结合风景园林景区的实际情况对数据传输方式进行选型,实现一个无线监控网络;并及时将采集到的数据和图像上传至服务器或上位机进行分析与备份,为以后病虫害的防治工作提供可靠的数据源。在数据传输过程中,采用本文系统制定通讯协议来实现上位机、SIM300、触摸屏和MCU之间的通讯功能,节省了系统开发的周期。本文分析目前现有的风景园林病虫害防治的基本措施,针对具体景区环境数据超出文本系统所设置的范围时,做出相应的智能应对措施。经过调试和试验表明,本文设计的风景园林病虫害防治物联网智能处理系统具有传输延时短、数据可靠性高、系统扩展性好等优点,符合本文设计的初衷。

【Abstract】 The traditional treatments of the landscape architecture diseases and insect pest had the shortcoming such as single survey instruments, lag in record and storage, and lag in-monitoring technology, lack of historical data, and limitation in diagnostic process. All ofthe shortcoming, cut the working efficiency to a great extent, and make the treatment ofdiseases and insect pest increasing difficulty.This paper studied intelligent processing system of landscape architecture diseases andinsect pest treatment. The design philosophy of portable intelligent processing system ba-sed on the Internet of Things is the important core of the system, aiming at improvingthe treatment of the landscape architecture diseases and insect pests.Combined the intellig-ent control technology, the wireless transmission technology and the Internet, Ultimately sol-ved the problem of diseases and insect pests treatment.The plant growth environment in the landscape architecture area was analyzed, selecte-d relevant sensors for the changing environment of landscape architecture diseases and i-nsect pests. In the circuit design, reserved interface for the third-party sensing devices, ai-ming at improve the system expandability. Adopted the touch screen to display the testdata and control the system. In the power supply system, adopted multi-mode power sup-ply to adapt to the different work environment of the scenic, and solve the supply proble-ms of the equipment in part of the landscape.The existing wired and wireless transmission equipment was analyzed, and selected thedata transmission mode selection according to the actual situation of the landscape architect-ture.Uploaded the collected data and images to the server for analysis and backup, to providereliable data source for future pest and disease prevention and control work. In the data tra-nsfer process, the communication prot-ocol was developed to realize the communicationbetween the SIM300, touch screen and the MCU, saving development cycle. And madecorresponding intelligent response treatment measure for the situation that the scenic environment data beyond the range settedAs shown in the experiment, the intelligent processing system of landscape architect-ure diseases and insect pests treatment based on Internet of Things had the advantage ofshort propagation delay, high data reliability, higher system expansion, consistenting withthe original design

  • 【分类号】S436.8;S126
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】395

