

Research on the Eco-ethical Issues in the Eco-city Construction in Nanjing

【作者】 尤慧

【导师】 曹顺仙;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 伦理学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 建设生态城市是城市可持续发展的必由之路。从目前南京生态城市的建设实践来看,更多的是采用技术手段解决生态城市建设中的环境问题,侧重于强调技术层面的专业性,鲜有哲学、伦理学之反思与引导。用生态伦理的理念和原则指导南京的生态城市建设,将促使传统城市建设政策的目标和城市建设价值观念,向更加符合生态伦理价值取向的方向转变,增强南京生态城市建设的生态道德属性。针对目前南京生态城市建设中所存在的生态问题进行分析,就会发现在南京建设生态城市过程中存在着重经济利益轻生态利益;重社会公正轻环境正义;重环保宣传轻环保行为;重生态硬件建设轻生态伦理文化建设等生态伦理问题。通过把握南京生态城市建设中生态伦理问题的特征,从而探究南京生态城市建设中生态伦理问题的成因。通过加强生态伦理教育,树立生态城市建设的生态价值观;兼顾社会公正和环境正义,确立生态城市建设的新型正义观;加强环境问责制的落实和督查;提升生态城市的生态德性以期解决南京生态城市建设中的生态伦理问题。总结生态伦理导向下南京生态城市建设的特征,进行南京生态城市研究工作的展望,并指出继续研究的方向。当然,能够用高度综合性的哲学智慧去冷静的思考南京生态城市建设过程中的问题,重新确定价值选择,为南京的生态城市建设提供可靠的道德基础和生态伦理支持,这是偏重于对南京生态城市发展的某一问题或局部问题的微观层次上的研究内容的重大提升,同时,也能够从一定程度上,改变传统城市建设中对环境、生态和自然的认识不够深刻的局限性。

【Abstract】 Build an ecological city is the only way to sustainable urban development. From the practice of eco-city construction in Nanjing, is the use of technical means to solve environmental problems in the construction of ecological city, focusing on the emphasis on the technical level of professionalism, fresh philosophy, ethics of reflection and guidance. Concepts and principles of ecological ethics to guide the construct-ion of ecological city of Nanjing, will promote the traditional values and policy objectives of urban construction, the shift towards more ecologically ethical value orientation, and enhance the ecologicaland moral attributes of the eco-city construction in Nanjing.Analysis of the ecological problems that exist in the eco-city construction in Nanjing, you willfind the process of eco-city construction in Nanjing, the existence of light ecological interests focuson economic interests; emphasis on social justice light of environmental justice; emphasis on environ-mental protection publicity light environmentally friendly behavior; emphasis on ethical culture of eco-light hardware construction, ecological construction and other ecological ethics. Through the graspof the characteristics of eco-ethical issues in the eco-city construction in Nanjing, this explores the causesof eco-ethical issues in the eco-city construction in Nanjing.Strengthen ecological and ethical education, and establish the ecological values of the eco-city construction; balance between social justice and environmental justice, and establish a new concept of justice inthe eco-city construction; to strengthen the implementation of environmental accountability and supervision; to enhance theecological virtues of the eco-city in order to solve eco-ethical issues in the eco-city construction in Nanjing. Summary of the characteristics of eco-ethics-oriented eco-city construction in Nanjing, Nanjing eco-city outlook, and pointed out the direction for further research.Of course, the ability to use highly comprehensive philosophical wisdom to cool thinking Nanjingeco-city in the process of building, re-determine the value of choice, and provide reliable moral basis andecological ethics support the eco-city construction in Nanjing, which is the emphasis on the Nanjing major upgrade of the research on the eco-city development of a micro-level or local, to a certain extent, changing the traditional urban construction lack a deep understanding of environmental, ecological and natural limitations.

【关键词】 生态城市生态伦理价值道德
【Key words】 Eco-cityecological ethicsvaluemoral
  • 【分类号】B82-058
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】340

