

Alchemists in Tales of Marvels in Wei,Jin,North and South Dynasty

【作者】 郑培娟

【导师】 徐国荣;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 中国古代文学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 小说从一开始就受到方术文化的深刻影响,方士是最早的小说创作者。魏晋南北朝时期,志怪小说初次以蓬勃的面貌出现在我们面前,方士是其兴盛的一个重要因素。其一,方士是这一时期小说的主要创作者。其二,方士积极地活跃在社会之上,与当时的社会产生了广泛的互动,成为志怪的素材,影响了志怪的想象和构思。志怪中的方士大致有五种:俗巫、民间术士、道教方士、佛教方士、名士方士。俗巫以降神宣教为职事,其神异表现如沟通鬼神、驱邪除魅、预测吉凶、修习幻术等皆以此为基础。民间术士首先有以占卜预测能力知名之士,他们充当了民间故事中的智者;还有掌握其他方术的方士,如禁制变化、符箓厌劾、蹈水不濡、神妙医术等。道教方士以救世扶危为使命,追求修仙长生,特好夸耀幻术。佛教方士的神通十分重视咒术,有以咒术疗疾、求雨、驱使鬼神、预测未来、显示神异幻术等,此外有神行、解体还形等神通。佛教作为外来宗教的斗争品格较为突出,在此时期与道教、各地本土巫风处在不断地斗法与融合中。名士类方士不注重具体实用方术的掌握,而是趋向博物,志慕隐逸。不同类型方士又各有特点,论文选取了建立威信、生命观、对异物的解释和驱邪观、法术神通四个方面对其进行了对比。

【Abstract】 Fiction was deeply influenced by Alchemy culture at first. Alchemists were the early novel creators. During Wei, Jin, Northern and Southern Dynasties, supernatural tales began to flourish. Alchemist was an important factor in the flourishing. Firstly, alchemists were the main novel authors in this period. Secondly, alchemists were active in society life and interactive with the social. They became materials of supernatural tales, impacted imagination and ideas of supernatural tales.There were five types of alchemists in supernatural tales:necromancer, private sorcerer, Taoist sorcerer, Buddhist sorcerer, personage alchemist. Necromancers were engaged in spirit possession, whose miraculous behaviors, such as communication between the deity and Gods, exorcizing evil spirits, forecast, magic, was based on that. Some of private sorcerers were famous of forecast, and the others mastered metamorphosis, magic figure, avoided soaking during crossing river, wonderful leechcraft, etc. Taoist sorcerers deemed that salvation was their mission. They sought longevity and immortality and boasted their magic fancily. Theurgy of Buddhism sorcerers overemphasized incantation. They used incantation to treat diseases, pray for rain, impel ghosts, forecast future, show magic, etc. In addition, they could run as fast as Gods, dismember themselves and revert their shape. As an adventitious religion, Buddhism bore especially outstanding martial character and constantly competed and fused with Taoism and local witch cultureduring this period. Personage alchemist preferred natural science and recluse to practical alchemy.Alchemists of different types had their own characteristics. They were compared at four aspects:how to establish the prestige, life view, Interpretation of foreign matter and warding off evils, magic theurgy.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期

