

Research on Local Government’s Land Finance Problem

【作者】 葛孚义

【导师】 刘昆;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 财政学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 改革开放以来,伴随着经济的发展和城镇化的快速推进,地方政府的土地财政规模出现不断壮大的情形。目前,地方政府每年出售土地的收入就占到了地方预算内财政收入的一半左右,地方财政严重依赖土地出让金的现象引起了公众和学界越来越多的关注。那么,地方政府土地财政模式的形成机理是怎样的?制度根源何在?在何种程度上,以何种方式影响中国的经济社会发展?本文在深入分析我国土地财政的现状和影响,并借鉴关于土地财政的研究现状的基础上,运用文献研究法、实证分析法、规范分析法等方法分析土地财政带来的多种问题及其形成机理。试图通过对土地财政形成机理(包括土地财政产生的最根本原因、原始驱动力、诱因、形成条件、辅助因素、加剧的原因等)的更加深入分析,寻找出地方政府引入土地财政的初衷、扩大土地财政收入的动机与动力,以及由于各方面的因素(如以土地作为抵押的贷款未偿清、城市建设的需要等)所导致的土地财政困境。最后,在前文分析的基础上,提出对产生土地财政的动机与动力的破解之策。

【Abstract】 Since reform and opening, along with the economic development andurbanization. Local government revenue in the sale of the land accounted for abouthalf of the fiscal revenue of the local budget each year, and local finance reliesheavily on land transfer phenomenon caused more and more attention of the publicand academia. Then, what is the formation mechanism of the financial land model?Where is its system root? How is it to affect economic and social development?The paper analysis deeply on the status and impact of the financial land inChina, and draw on the basis of the land financial research, through in-depth study ofthe formation mechanism of the land finance try to make clear the reason which itwould be awkward to disclose for local government on the initial introduction ofland finances, and find out the motivation to expand the land revenue after tasted thesweetness, even understand the frustration of last unable to stop due to variousfactors resulting in the sale of land. Finally, in this basis, the paper propos thesolutions on the motivation and driving force of the produce of land finance.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期

